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System Informer (Replacement of Process Hacker)

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Last seen: 6 days 18 hours ago
Joined: 2011-09-16 10:11
System Informer (Replacement of Process Hacker)

Hi, Is it possible pack the App: System Informer?

I was using Process Hacker (with all the false positive and so...), and some months ago I received the last update of process hacker (v 3, not the 2.39 - latest "stable" and ported to PAF) notifying the replace of the app to a "new one" - or at least, with a new name: System Informer.
System Informer has not giving me any false positive (not at Microsoft Windows Defender), but not sure if others AV - their heuristics engines - still could got it as a harmful app - just like Kaspersky (the main reason to use Sysinternal's Process Explorer).


Wisewiz's picture
Last seen: 8 months 2 days ago
Joined: 2023-06-23 17:32
System Informer

I'd be very happy to see a portable version of System Informer. It's even more valuable than Process Hacker was, and it's very useful for some very simple mods: of apps' icons, for instance.

To those who have none, even a little knowledge of computing seems like wizardry.

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