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OK to Delete App\Firefox folder?

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Last seen: 5 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2009-08-20 18:15
OK to Delete App\Firefox folder?

A while back I noticed the ESR App\Firefox folder is empty (rightly so) and the not-ESR is still fully populated.

While I never cared about the App\Firefox folder and its now 205 files worth 423 MB since backing up my live D:\PORTABLES\FirefoxPortable folder from a desktop Win10 500 GB M.2 SSD goes swiftly to my Ethernet gigabit LAN NAS (nothing Wi-Fi). But I recently began using iDrive and even though I have Quantum Fiber 200 mbps up, I'd like to eliminate the overhead of backing up that directory from the NAS to the cloud.

The support/firefox_portable page instructs to edit Other\Source\FirefoxPortable.ini (then to be user-copied to root) to set "AlwaysUse32Bit=true," presumably false by default, to force 32 bit. In looking back as far as to a not-ESR v102 and in the current Other\Source\FirefoxPortable.ini, AlwaysUse32Bit= no longer exists.

That undated support page also says "The 32-bit version of Firefox in the Firefox directory cannot currently be removed but will in a future release." I'm thinking a future was and is. Or not.

• In that one might never need to force 32 bit, can the App\Firefox folder be deleted? Yes, no?

And just out of curiosity, can one still edit in a AlwaysUse32Bit=true given an App\Firefox folder exists?

If any of that was reported or documented somewhere, sometime, I failed to find it. Apologies in advance.


John T. Haller
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Last seen: 2 hours 16 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Yes, but

Yes you can delete it. It's not officially supported by me at present. Setting AlwaysUse32Bit=true when it doesn't exist won't work, of course, and isn't supported or tested for.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 5 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2009-08-20 18:15
I'm gonna do it. Maybe...


I'm going rename the folder (a time honored CYA procedure) to FirefoxX for a while.

If no issues, I'll delete for the duration of a browsable internet or my life, whichever comes first. Smile


Last seen: 5 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2009-08-20 18:15
No problems encountered

FYI update:

A week after I renamed the folder, I moved it out of it's path to an archive (essentially deleting it).

No issues as of this posting and I'm not expecting any.


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