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Jack Haller, Advisor and Father of Our Founder, Has Passed Away

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on September 4, 2023 - 12:00pm

It is with great sadness that I announce that our financial advisor and business liaison officer, my father, Jack Haller has passed away. I am thankful for his life and thankful that he is no longer suffering. I was lucky enough to get to spend a few extra months with him this year to get to know him and his life before me even better, even against the heartbreaking backdrop of ALS progression. He passed peacefully surrounded by family. I wanted to thank you all for your thoughts, support, and kindness this year. Please remember to tell the ones you love what they mean to you every chance you get.

John T Haller
Founder and Lead Developer


Peppernrino's picture

I'm sorry to hear that, John. Cheers to your old man. Glad he's resting peacefully now.

John, sorry to read about your father's death.
Best wishes to you and yours,

First posted here some 15 years ago. Checked the site today after some while looking for some special portable solution and ... didn't get any further ...

Verry sorry to hear John T Haller passed away. Only had few discussions with him but they always resulted in solutions that helped. It seems he cared a lot for this project which I very much appreciated. He will be missed.


John T. Haller's picture

Thank you for the condolences. Jack Haller was my father. He helped with financial advising for the site and consulting on business. I'm John T Haller the founder and I'm still here.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

John, I'm really really sorry to hear that, you have my deepest condolences on Jack's passing...I hope you're doing okay, please know that a lot of us are thinking of you and your family, and please make sure you take time for yourself.


Sorry, but I've just noticed it right now.
Words may not express our deep feelings, but I fully understand such a situation, the life's journey, and I deeply sympathize.

My sincerest condolences

“All these years that I had spent in the service of mankind brought me nothing but insults and humiliation.”
― Nikola Tesla ―

“I'm such an open book, but you shall read between the lines.”
― Neo Buddha ―

Hi again John,

I'm glad you posted a photo of your dad on this page.

Every time someone adds a new post to this page, I receive a notification, which results in me visiting this page again.

I then see your dad's face, and his warm smile causes me to smile in return.

The world needs more smiles. Even in passing, your dad is making the world a better place.

I'm sorry for your loss, John. This is the loss to the community too. I'm sure he had a wonderful time of his life.

TheDarkGiganotosaur's picture

I just saw the notice and am really sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences and may your father rest in peace.

The Dark Giganotosaur, the ghastly dinosaur (currently in human form)
"Portable and stealth apps are all that matters to me!"
Windows 10 x64 (NEVER USED) | Knoppix 8.1+ x64 | Linux Mint 20.3 Xfce x64

Wisewiz's picture

So sorry to see that notice this afternoon. Sincere sympathy and best wishes to you and your family.

To those who have none, even a little knowledge of computing seems like wizardry.

This is not a good time for any of us, thank you for sharing and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Wishing you peace, comfort, courage, and lots of love at this time of sorrow.

I saw the notice and I am very sorry about your loss.

Thank you for this reminder, "Please remember to tell the ones you love what they mean to you every chance you get."

…the more moments like these affect my heart. There are no words of comfort for these times, but know that many people have your family on their minds and I hurt that a good life of sacrifice is over.

Ken Herbert's picture

Please take care of yourself.

If you need some extra time you are welcome to delegate some updates my way since I'm barely working right now.

horusofoz's picture

May memories of good times shared, and appreciation of the legacy he has left, bring you some measure of peace in this difficult time. Advocate

demansanaallan's picture

A day like such is always solemn to us because we know there are but few left with us who loves us by his selfless acts. Even left us with another him, his children. Although we are sad you cannot but leave us behind, we are also going to renew ourselves with strength, knowing that we are also going to be as glorious as you are now able to do more and happily you can live the way you always live here and now therewith forever, for your good is such treasures unto where your heart always is. Happy New Life!!!

Son of the Ancient One

LepasLokan's picture

My condolences to you and your family, John. Although when I read it first I thought it was you, but the photo looks different. Hope you and your family stay strong and patience in these times.

He left a great project behind him.
You had the fortune to have a joint, father and son, project.
A beautiful one, one to be proud.

My Condolences.

May the hope of 2nd coming of our Savior Jesus warm your hearts with the certainty of your father's resurrection to live an endless life among his beloveds ones, "and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain" (Rev 21:4).

RaphaelRB - Brazil

I've just seen this announcement right now...
Sincerest condolences dear John.
Your father looks great on the picture you've selected.