what is this code in PortableApps.comInstaller.nsi?
;7z Usage
!ifdef AdvancedExtract1To
!ifdef CustomCodeUses7zip
!if CustomCodeUses7zip = true <======= this
!define bolUses7Zip true
"CustomCodeUses7zip" is not variable. maybe !if ${CustomCodeUses7zip} == true
if it is possible Please define CustomCodeUsesInno for InnoExtract Usage
Those are compile-time directives, not run-time code or variables. They are coded correctly.
The only reason the 7z is a custom code option at present is for an installer that has to recompress stuff to 7z internally to fit under the 2GB file size limit. Is there something missing from the current Inno handling that you need added to the base installer?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Sometimes when extracting INNO file manually, it gives a message that there are double files
I want to add the following two parameters
-a -y
for example:
nsExec::Exec `"$INSTDIR\InnoExtractTemp\innounp.exe" -x -d"$INSTDIR\${DownloadInnoExtractTo}" "$DOWNLOADEDFILE" -a -y`
and also not works
when I set "RemoveAppDirectory=false" in installer.ini
I want to upgrade just one or two files (not all of them) inside App\Appname .
I'll add in -y to the next release as that should have been there already. Does -a just do a single copy if there are two in an installer?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
thank you
What about the duplicate files? Do you know how -a handles it? Just overwrite with the second occurrence, which is I think how 7-Zip's command line does it?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!