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[Fixed] Chrome Portable 125.x Print Preview + Save as PDF fail on Win 10 22H2

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[Fixed] Chrome Portable 125.x Print Preview + Save as PDF fail on Win 10 22H2

i have updated chrome 125.0.6422.61 (64bit and 32) portable under w10 64bit and w11 64bit
and i have a problem ,only with this update , save as pdf doesn't work
error print preview failed

might someone give a test?


Last seen: 10 hours 27 min ago
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To Chrome or Not To Chrome, That, is the Question

Looks like it's related to Chome, not the Portablization Process.
To be sure → Within a sandbox try running this .exe ↓↓
X:\***\PortableApps\GoogleChromePortable\App\Chrome-bin\ Chrome.exe
If related to Chromium/Chrome itself, then you should report the bug to the originalc developers!

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― Nikola Tesla ―

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Last seen: 9 months 1 day ago
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well ,let's wait an updated by google

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 5 hours 47 min ago
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Confirmed, Unable to Print Preview

I can confirm this issue on both the 32-bit and 64-bit stable channel portable builds. I am able to print preview on an installed 64-bit build on the same machine. You can add --disable-print-preview to the command line starting to get around this but this won't allow you to use the built in Save as PDF as it bypasses the whole thing in Chrome.

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do you mean in the GoogleChromePortable.ini under AdditionalParameters= ?
have I to add AdditionalParameters=--disable-print-preview ?
but weird on some systems , the installation version works
I have searched about recent issues but i haven't found any issues reported to google

Last seen: 9 months 1 day ago
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hi John

hi John
google has released 125.0.6422.77 and even the portable version
but ithey should fix the bug ,but seems to be still buggy
but is still present?
thanks John

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 5 hours 47 min ago
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It's still present. It's likely that Chrome is now expecting something locally like another registry key. I'll have to look into it.

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Yeah, I've got the same

Yeah, I've got the same problem. I hope Google updates chrome soon.

Last seen: 1 month 4 weeks ago
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[Bug] Chrome Portable 125.0.6422.61 Print Preview Failed

So, how do I invoke portable Chrome with this startup option?


Last seen: 1 month 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2014-01-16 20:03
Fix via Batchfile

I have print preview working by starting Portable Chrome via this bat file.

d:\PortableApp\Portableapps\GoogleChromePortable\GoogleChromePortable.exe --disable-features=PrintCompositorLPAC

Your Portable App directory may be different...

Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
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however still with the

however still with the portable version update is not working..
Google Chrome Portable 125.0.6422.113 Stable
maybe it is a problem due to the portable version
in the normal version works previews

Last seen: 9 months 1 day ago
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yes , I agree , i have tried the normal version and it works
i guess it's related to the portable version too
and I think John is digging to fix it

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 5 hours 47 min ago
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The workaround for right now is to create a GoogleChromePortable.ini file within the same directory as GoogleChromePortable.exe and put the following in it:


If you're using an existing INI for parameters, you can just adjust that setting within.

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Will you make it official in the next version?

But the greater issue is it sounds like hey decided to gradually block any attempt to portabilize Chrome (comment #35):

I continue to recommend that we do not support running Chrome outside of the normal installation directory, and other things might continue to break if you choose to do so going forward.

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Chrome outside of the normal installation directory...

Just wanted to comment on that response from Chrome dev.
Software should help people with what they need/want to do, not restrict people within unnecessary boundaries.
Such restrictions as in comment #35 are an assault on freedom...

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 5 hours 47 min ago
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Fixed in 126.0.6478.57

This is fixed in today's release. The launcher will automatically add --disable-features=PrintCompositorLPAC to the command line parameters if not already present. I added code to handle combining with other --disable-features= switches if you're using them in AdditionalParameters or passed via the command line to the launcher.

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Thanks, but how to test if they gave real fix?

This fixes the symptom but not the problem, because I don't think any of us knows what is the downside of disabling this.
I've ran a text search for both PrintCompositorLPAC and disable-features in the portableapps' folder and sub-folders and found nothing, so how did you actually do it?

Is there a way to run without it to see if maybe they just fixed it on their side?

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 5 hours 47 min ago
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It's built into the launcher itself. Chrome Portable's launcher source is available from the app's homepage unlike Firefox where it's included. You can run it with the v125 launcher to test if it's fixed. Or run directly in local mode.

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Where to find it?

GoogleChromePortable64\App\Chrome-bin\chrome.exe does fail to print, but I ran it through Sandboxie which could have affected the test.

In the bottom of there's a source link to the general Launcher, which was updated before the new Chrome was released.

Meanwhile, how to find previous versions in general? I've tried in SourceForge but it wasn't updated in over a decade.

Will you consider adding a custom command line parameter like --avoid-disable-print-preview?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 5 hours 47 min ago
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Check Other\Source

In your copy, check the Other\Source directory. It has a file called ReadmeAndSource.txt with a link that points here:

It doesn't use the PA.c Launcher. It uses a custom launcher like Firefox, etc. I'd inadvertently left the box checked to show PA.c Launcher in the source links. I've updated it and fixed the link.

I'm not planning to add a command line switch but that could change. It will likely change when I update Google Chrome Portable to use PA.c Launcher now that things like password saving no longer work.

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hi John

hi John
first thank you so much
but i have through it was a chrome issue and not a the portable version issue
thanks again

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 5 hours 47 min ago
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Base App, Portable Workaround

The base app has an issue where it won't work outside of expected install directories with specific permissions. This affects more than just portable users. The current workaround is to disable the print compositor's sandbox which is what the portable version now does. You're welcome Smile

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Other browsers have the same problem

Other browsers have the same problem
Opera 111.0.5168.55
most Chromium browsers
Surprised that can happen.
still using chrome 124.0.6367.208

Last seen: 3 weeks 11 hours ago
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The pressure worked, Google fixed it!

I'm glad to announce after 100+ comments, Google has admitted it "has exposed issues for some users" and that "this has been educational".

Before you release the next version ("after 132.0.6834.0"), please remove the manual "--disable-features=PrintCompositorLPAC" and see if it indeed works without it, as Google has released a commit to "Disable PrintCompositorLPAC feature by default".

See Google's comment.

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 5 hours 47 min ago
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It should hit Dev first and I'll update the launcher as it goes along channels.

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John T. Haller
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Last seen: 5 hours 47 min ago
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Included in Beta 132 and Dev 133

This update removing the disable LPAC command line is included in the Beta 132 and Dev 133 releases of Google Chrome Portable. It'll be included in the next major stable release.

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Confirmed in the just released stable v132

The disable command line indeed no longer appears in chrome://version, while print preview works (albeit quite slow to load).

Interesting enough, the following output is false while it's true in Firefox, which suggests to me they still disable it, just doing it secretly backstage:
console.log('Is PrintCompositorLPAC enabled:', !navigator.userAgentData || navigator.userAgentData.brands.some(brand => brand.brand === 'Chrome' && brand.version.includes('PrintCompositorLPAC')));

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