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try to resolve portable issues by smartphone

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try to resolve portable issues by smartphone

hi all,
as we have only to do or note apps (no calendar) and i would meanwhile favourize a smartphone, asking here for help/advise.
i'm looking for a cheap/(used) outdoor smartphone with windows or blackberry, no apple or android.
i think windows or windows phone would be the solution.
i think one can now use windows 11 on any phone?
million thanx for any help!

Ken Herbert
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Windows Mobile 10 was

Windows Mobile 10 was discontinued almost 5 years ago. There is no Windows 11 for mobile. The only way to run Windows 11 on a phone is with a high-end Android device running Android 13+, then running Windows 11 in a VM.

Blackberry stopped releasing devices with Blackberry OS almost 10 years ago. Up until 2018 they were releasing devices running Android, but there have been no new Blackberry devices since then.

So anything you get in the Windows Mobile or Blackberry OS range is going to be 5+ years old, no longer receiving security updates, and no longer supported by anyone.

Last seen: 7 hours 10 min ago
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hi john/ken,

hi john/ken,
some tec sites said the restrictions for win11 falled and installed/tested it.
some problems were reported like, i think cam problems or other features not working.
one idea would be old powerful lumia to go for win11.
but better would be, i think, one of the modular phones you can change and upgrade parts.
but have no overview over this market (manufacturer?) and if outdoor also there.
no idea if some tec side gave already an overview on this firms.
other idea would be a feature phone but firefoxos or how this new nokia os, is of reasons not in the run!
thanx for first ideas!
p.s.: i think the answer to this new post could bring the solution close.
please, answer as quote between the lines for better overview and not missing a topic!
million thanx!

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Last seen: 8 hours 15 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
windows -s

on tablets , one can use windows in S mode
this has some restrictions, but might work in some cases

as the technical parameters for running w11 are predefined, including which processors must be used, the whole thing would otherwise run in some VM only

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 7 hours 10 min ago
Joined: 2013-07-15 09:27
smartphone, not tablet! / small linux on smartphone?

tablet not needed/wanted.
does anybody tried win11 on lumia 950xl or so?
win11 hardware restriction fallen.

small linux would be better, i think.
is any long provided small linux working good on smartphons?
any expirience with that?!
million thanx!

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Last seen: 8 hours 15 min ago
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so if you have smartphone, Android, then you have already a portable linux in your pocket

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 7 hours 10 min ago
Joined: 2013-07-15 09:27
i have none of it.

i have none of it.
i think of linux but android is from google, is disgraced.
and anyway i think of not having a issue with no more updates after a time.
if you use some linux you can use it how long you want, updates comeing
and no one says it's 2 or 5 years, buy a new one.
if no power user you can use it 10 years.
i don't need millions of apps.
at the moment haveing a problem on windows with some and don't come foreward.
here is no traffic and no chance to talk to someone, nor pm or something.
and how many users (can) find my thread list in my profile?
so just waiting and hoping.

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Last seen: 8 hours 15 min ago
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linux updates

I th8ink you have some not so correct infos abt linux

same as any other system, linux needs to receive regular updates to keep it safe. This depends also on the particular distro, they have different time steps in which the kernel and what ever else is updated. Also here you have some versions which are marked as LTS for long time support, but this means often some 5 years or so. Then you have to have new install if you want be on the safe side.
But if slightly less concerned abt safety or not using anythging on internet, you can use things without any update virtually for ever.
My windows 3.1 laptop works perfect, so my w98 or ubuntu linux 15year old or my Android2.3
It just depends on what exactly you want use it for.

And BTW: Android is in fact open and based on linux, it just compiled for the mobile processors

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 7 hours 10 min ago
Joined: 2013-07-15 09:27
only time management and mail

need only:
.time management, so calendar or pim
.integrated kanban, or extra kanban app
.tea timer
.some whatsapp if possible.
.and maybe mail
hope some linux for phones can manage my needs.
i'm very against android.
no idea if some cheap linux phones like cheap nokia are there.
firefoxOS would be a no go as of it's origin, sadly not from europe.
i think it's somewhere from asia.
no idea if some europe tech site researched on linux phones.
they are on some topics far behind, no idea why. however.
p.s.: yeah, i knew have to install new version each x years but oposite to
possible linux other phone producers you need to get a new device.

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Last seen: 8 hours 15 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
linux phone

then get linux on your phone, linux version for phones is called android

you can not run desktop versions on a phone, as this need to be compilated for the processors build in such phone and not for processors build into some desktop system.
There are other alternative operating systems for phones, e.g. LineageOS, also a free variant, linux for phone

your concerns about things like firefoxOS are strange. Such things are made by community worldwide. Many people contribute to it, add parts of it.
To have something made in Europe, well then you will have to do it all by yourself. You talk abt windows, is this made in Europe?
Then you want have Linux. Is this some product of Europe?

And you have also not quite the idea of updates on devices which simply use hardware which is it self not supported any more.
Phones need to have software compatible with the hardware. You can have someone to compile some kind of operating system for it, but when it comes to the programs on it, you will also have problem to keep them alive as they will not be produced for older hardware. So your idea that you might install new version of operating system on old hardware is not correct. Simply because the current versions will not be able to run on the old hardware. It is the same as if you would ask to install current Ubuntu Linux on a computer with a 16bit processor.

Try to install LineageOS on some older phone first. If you manage all, then you can learn how to get some apps for it.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 7 hours 10 min ago
Joined: 2013-07-15 09:27
i see you are very

i see you are very expirienced.
thanx for your good input.
i will keep it in mind but need to resolve first some portable apps issues which i don't get any help here.
as i'm not allowed to say which threads or apps i mean i can only hope a pro finds my 'track' profile/account.
p.s.: i thought firefoxos was from hongkong, read somewhere?
i think you use a dev app which i have issues but cannot say here more.

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Last seen: 8 hours 15 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
infos in net

here you can find many details to firefoxOS and also see that it is ancient thing and dropped long time ago
(so far as updating linux for ever...)

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 7 hours 10 min ago
Joined: 2013-07-15 09:27
ok, have to think of new

ok, have to think of new nokia phones maybe.
maybe they could make it, as still close to nokia and checked by them as i heard.
if the few features are there.
have to check what system, oh, sure android as microsoft seems to go android.
i had to point bill the advantages they have as they couldn't make it clear.
the use as a pc feauture only for the flag ship was dumb.

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Last seen: 8 hours 15 min ago
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just info

Microsoft has nothing to with mobile phones or even nokia since abt 2016. All this was sold to some small companies producing very low cost feature phones and some very low cost android phones.
I myself have and use a feature phone called Nokia800, but this has nothing to do with Nokia, it uses operating system called KaiOS and is made by some company associated to foxconn.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 7 hours 10 min ago
Joined: 2013-07-15 09:27
microsoft with android now?

think have to think of android if microsoft takes it now.
i think i stumbled newly about it.
they seem to try it.
have to take a look.
maybe could resolve it only not sure how about opensource apps on android.
if android no more in hands of google but opensource, so not so bad, i think.

these apps should be enough:
pim or calender
alarm clock
maybe mail.

p.s.: i got something wrong. i meant kaios but said the other community os.

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Last seen: 8 hours 15 min ago
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microsoft has nothing to do with all that, they left the mobile phone business years ago

Kaios is oprating system for feature phones, not for smartphones.

There are other android distros around, LineageOS is just one of them. As well as alternative app depositories

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 7 hours 10 min ago
Joined: 2013-07-15 09:27
get near

roger, they seem to make a last shot with a foldable.
is there anything cheap with full keyboard and touchscreen?
blackberry could try to rescue with android if smart enough.
a feature phone would be also option if not untustable system,
touchsreen and hopefully full keyboard would be great.

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Last seen: 8 hours 15 min ago
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blackbarry closed the business 2022

but you can still buy such devices in some webshops and also secondhand are enough around

world get used to normal smartphones, either android or apple and average users are happy with that. Such product are designed for main stream average users, nobody can build such things for small group of potential customers

If I thnink I need some old devices, I keep them in some kind of operational state, thought old phones are of less value as they can not communicate on any current network.

But I keep for example a laptop with w3.1

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 7 hours 10 min ago
Joined: 2013-07-15 09:27
whatsapp no more on most phones / how on pc?

i gave up the option for whatsapp on phone because to many canceled.
the worst is i have no idea of it and seem no chance for portable app here.
hope further for a portable app.
i proposed it a while ago.

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Last seen: 7 hours 10 min ago
Joined: 2013-07-15 09:27
yeah, they disconnect some

yeah, they disconnect some old stanards, i think 2g for example.
but i think you mean one can no more use whatsapp etc no more.
sadly my tec sites didn't push it, i could grab one of the last.
now it's a bit problem, because if you want reset or have to put it new on
an used blackberry you have problem, app store down.
i will take a look if maybe last new is somewhere trustable.
don't know what you get for 50€/$.
maybe a blackberry or quite old used iphone.
i heard one got a few years old iphone for 50 or 70.
i should also check how true apples data privacy is as some experts said
it's not so great as they marketing it.
i think swiss, german, austrian or swedish folks shoud set something up.
i heard there is already so much automation they can produce in germany soon or already do.
where are you all hiden champions?!

the communication is truly a problem. i don't know if we get here somewhen a portable whatsapp, discord or signal or multi messanger.
whatsapp would be great help but didn't found out if or how withouzt a phone.
online sms seem to be dead or not reciving.

p.s.: please answer with other button so we can write broader. thanx!

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Last seen: 7 hours 10 min ago
Joined: 2013-07-15 09:27
as read that google makes the

as read that google makes the most of the work on android, allthough it's linked to other company, have to check how much do they have it in their hands and if they can make some bullshit or unwanted behaviour of android.
it's interesting, i should read some about android.

i help were i can. maybe you can help me too. threads in account/track.
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Last seen: 7 hours 10 min ago
Joined: 2013-07-15 09:27
cheap smartphones and motorolla smartphones.

hi all, hi ottosykora,
are there android smartphones in price range of the actual nokia featurephones?
is this real motorola smartphones or only a brand used by others?

i help were i can. maybe you can help me too. threads in account/track.
if you don't want to help don't post crap!

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