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Using Gmail with proxy

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Using Gmail with proxy

Hi. I cannot seem to access my GMAIL account with my proxy settings turned on, I can however with it off. The proxy is on my network so I can change its settings. Also, the proxy does NOT block GMail. Any ideas to why this is?

Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2006-01-09 22:05
Any other issues?

Is gmail the only mail you cannot get?

Are you using the Webmail extension?

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Life is about the journey not the destination!

The Kazoo Spartan

Last seen: 17 years 10 months ago
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Not really

I can access the other mails (hotmail). The Webmail extension is installed but I dont use that for GMail.

NetCare Technician

NetCare Technician

Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
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Not a techie

...but why are you not using the Webmail Extension with gmail?
Using Thunderbird with Webmail
You can use Thunderbird and Thunderbird Portable with many popular webmail providers by using the Webmail Extension. It allows you to connect to Hotmail, Yahoo, Lycos,, Gmail, Libero and AOL. Details on installing and configuring as well as a support forum are all linked to from their homepage. Just be sure to remember that, like most mail clients, Thunderbird is configured to download and remove your mail from the server by default. If you don't want that to happen, update your account settings after setting up your account (and before checking your email).

Also what TBP are you using? 1.5.10 or 2.0b?
I will try to research more if you need me to.

I use TBP behind a proxy at work with normal ISP email and have no issues.
Life is about the journey not the destination!
Live today like it is your last!

Home is the place where, when you have to go there, They have to take you in. - Robert Frost


Life is about the journey not the destination!

The Kazoo Spartan

John T. Haller
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Webmail Not Normally Required... Unless Blocked Like Now

Gmail provides real email servers for folks to use real email clients with (unlike the other webmail providers). *BUT* I'm guessing that in this instance, this is being blocked... even though Gmail's web interface is not. Lots of companies/schools block external connections to SMTP/POP/IMAP.

In short, try the webmail extension when you can't connect directly.

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Last seen: 18 years 2 days ago
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I was able to get

I was able to get Thunderbird working with Gmail by using the same settings I used setting up gmail in Office Outlook. However, yes, a lot of schools do block access to sites.

I also read that Thunderbird is able to access Hotmail! How can that be? Hotmail disabled the POP Service unless you are talking about the paid service?

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 2 hours 50 min ago
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Thunderbird can access Hotmail (and Yahoo, etc) using the Webmail extension.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 17 years 7 months ago
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re: TBP - ver 1.5.10

I use the settings given in 'settings-pop/smtp' in googlemail email address. That seems to work perfectly using settings & ports as stated. This is run at home with a broadband direct cable connection - i don't have a proxy whatever that is!

But i can't get the AVG to work - it used to leave a mark on each email saying it had been scanned with ver xxxx (whatever one has installed). Should i be setting AVG to certain ports or something.

How can one be sure an email is scanned for a virus? I understood that a virus can be embedded in an email. I did post a message a couple of days ago but can't find it now so i'm trying again.


Timothy Forster
Last seen: 14 years 2 months ago
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I too have these symptoms

I wouldn't call this a problem per se. I gat get my email just fine. BUt I am puzzled that TBP is the only aplication I use at school that doesn't require proxy settings to access the internet. Everything else here that accesses the 'net needs them, but TBP is configured to use a direct connection to the 'net and has no problem downloading my email from Gmail. I use TBP for U3 (v1.5.0.9)

Timothy Forster

Timothy Forster

Ryan McCue
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I'd say they've probably blocked port 80 except through the proxy, but they haven't blocked 21.
Ryan McCue
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Timothy Forster
Last seen: 14 years 2 months ago
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Could you please explain this?

Could you please explain your answer for those of us don't speak network. I use a plain-vanilla PC connected via DSL at home. Could you give a few more details? I understand (I think!) that you're saying TBP uses port 21, which supposedly isn't blocked but the IT here says is blocked. BTW, this really has him scratching his head. He can't figure out how TBP can get through when at times Internet Explorer (which he set up with the correct settings) has difficulty getting on, as we have paranoid schizophrenic security.

Timothy Forster

Timothy Forster

Ryan McCue
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Internet services, i.e. the internet and IE, FF, Opera etc, use port 80 to connect. Email services, i.e. SMTP, POP3, IMAP, TB, Outlook etc, use port 21 to connect.
The Proxy might only be active on port 80, but not port 21 which would let you get around.
Ryan McCue
Current Fav. Songs:

  • Ballroom Blitz - The Misfits
  • Manic Monday - Cyndi Lauper
  • I Don't Like Mondays - The Boomtown Rats

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

Last seen: 17 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-19 13:16

I use the proxy that is located at home (Yes, I use a proxy that sits at home on my computer). Ill try the webmail way.

NetCare Technician

NetCare Technician

Last seen: 17 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-25 18:50
For Email clients

You must first enable POP3 within Gmail... I am unclear as to if you have already done so.

Check out this link:




Last seen: 17 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-24 08:49
Could you please explain this...!

Having now got TBP ( working well with AVG i thought i'd just post a summary of my 'trials and tribulations'!. Quite a number of us seemed to have found problems with ports as i did. But i have a couple of queries i'd be grateful for help on.

My machine is just 'a plain vanilla pc, running win98se (with unoffical service pack 2.1a), NTL broadband connection cable type not adsn, portableapps used mainly for portablility with work pc although i can end up using quite a number of network pcs'. Basically i use portableapps for ease of upgrading as there is no impact on the registry as well as portability. I am going to upgrade to 2k next week - some of us like to stay behind as we get less problems!

TBP was set up with the walnut theme to match Firefox (nice) the settings used were
pop3 server name... port 995
use secure connection... check SSL
use secure authentication... uncheck
click OK
smtp server name... port 587
use secure connection... check TLS
click OK

Fine as per Mozilla website details. NO webmail extension seems necessary - so i don't know why folk keep referring to it.

Then i had a think - no email scanning. Googlemail like yahoo and other major providers say virus and spam protection takes place on the server. They don't say whose software. So is it necessary? I know folk who have dropped Norton, McAfee and turned to AVG as it's found viruses they have failed to. I know Netscape used McAfee so i thought i'd try and set my machine up for AVG. In the old days - 4 yr ago i used an email client got a virus and lost all emails and decided not to bother again - well they seem to have got more on top of viruses so with AVG and server scanning i'd be doubly protected.

One thing no-one has mentioned which is useful for those less IT knowledgeable amongst us is that for email scanning AVG is set up as a 'localhost server'. i.e. instead of going from googlemail server to my TBP - it goes from googlemail server, through a localhost server (where scanning takes place) on my pc and then to TBP. Different settings are required for the localhost between the two - quite logical really!

Tools>Account Settings>Server Settings
pop3 server name... port 995
smtp server name... port 465
For both MUST select NEVER for use secure connection

Launch AVG control centre
Email scanner>Properties>Servers tab
Highlight the POP3 line, click 'modify' (on right)
Type of login... Fixed Host
Host... port 995
Use APOP is disabled
Connection is... secure to dedicated port (TLS)
Activate this server... is enabled
Click OK

Highlight the SMTP line, click 'modify'
Type of login... Fixed Host
Host... port 465
Queue processing is Automatic
Connection is... Secure to regular port (STARTTLS)
Administrative server should be... 995/pop
Activate this server... is enabled
Click OK

Trust this clears up queries - easier to see laid out, it would have helped me save an entire evening trying to sort it. Here are a couple of questions for the knowledgeable:
a] bearing in mind the slower speed due to scanning is it worth it. Can one trust the providers when they say they do automatic virus scanning. Googlemail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Inbox 'DO' - but what about isp providers. When TBP says executables are prevented in 'view' mode is one safe from viruses - it would appear so, thus no need for email scanning if already done on server?
b] port setting 465 instead of 587 WHY - doesn't make sense to me! I found that in a post somewhere when 465 was just mentioned an alternative. It seems logical that 587 should work. Perhaps someone would be kind enough to post some links so i can learn a bit more about ports. I've never had a problem with a firewall - the one i use just has a pop window saying which server it's from, 'accept', 'decline', or 'make rule'.
c] perhaps someone could extend this to explain what 'proxies' to set up if required. All this is easy once you've done and got it working!
d] I have my TBP set to OFFLINE on startup. BUT if TBP is set to go ONLINE at startup the connection doesn't seem to be made - one gets a popup message saying "An error occured with POP3 Mailserver. Mail server responded." Is this a fault with TBP trying to access mail before the app has fully loaded?
e] What is the webmail extension supposed to do?


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