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Sumatra PDF: Crashing-rendering engine? can't open files from menu

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Last seen: 17 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-24 08:49
Sumatra PDF: Crashing-rendering engine? can't open files from menu

I have just tried this new app to our PortableApps portfolio.

I found that it couldn't open a file from the main menu. Once i had 'made it a default application for pdf' and opened a from windows explorer it was ok. However, it seems to have a limit with larger files, it crashed on one 27 pages and the rendering engine didn't seem to work.

Any ideas?

Last seen: 1 year 1 week ago
Joined: 2007-01-30 20:26
I'm not sure what you mean...

I routinely open 300+ page pdfs with this without any trouble and no speed lags. You might try switching rendering engines, it uses MuPDF by default but is packaged with another called poppler and xpdf. One or the other of these always works for me, though I tend to lean towards MuPDF. When you say that it can't open a file from the main menu what do you mean? If Sumatra is open, you can drag a PDF onto it, use the File->Open ('Ctrl-O'), or call it from the command line.
Please give a little more detail.

Since this is portable, I am not sure you would want it to be the default app for pdf. Just a thought.

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-07-28 04:41
i use the normal version

i use the normal version (which is portable anyway), and i confirm that it crashes here (after page 27 too, if i start @ page 1).
If i use xpdf engine instead, it doesnt crash

Last seen: 1 year 1 week ago
Joined: 2007-01-30 20:26
I will try at home and see if I can duplicate these problems...

I will try these at home and see if I can duplicate it.

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Last seen: 1 year 1 week ago
Joined: 2007-01-30 20:26
Tried it last night on several test documents...

I tried to duplicate the problems. I used both SumatraPDF and SumatraPDF Portable( version); I think there is another version floating around but I haven't tried it. With both of these, I was able to open 5 short (20 pages or less), 6 medium length(35-200 page), 4 long (201-600 page), and one extra long (1285 page) documents, and could not get any of them to hang up when rendering. I was able to get them to hang up in 0.3 and 0.4 but not in 0.5. So I am not sure about the rendering engine issue. I went all the way through from front to back with both engines in most but the 1285 page doc (stopped at about page 500).
As for the main menu issue, I had some real problem getting it to open by right-clicking on a pdf and choosing open with. It just flat out didn't want to do it. I was able to direct to the SumatraPDFPortable.exe and it did, and then it allowed that one to be linked as an open with item in the right-click menu. I had to set the 'make default application for pdf' to be able to use the regular SumatraPDF from a right-click menu. Though it did not make it the default, just one of several. The only way I was able to make it the default was using properties and setting all PDFs to open with it.
Most of these problems seem more to do with Sumatra itself and not with the Portable launcher, so I would recommend letting Kryzstof know about it on his sight. I intend to as well.

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Last seen: 17 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-24 08:49
well thanks

for having a look. It seems there is a problem there then. Back to acrobat! I got on quite well with Foxit but found it crashed occasionally. I get over the acrobat slow speed by using ver 5 which i find excellent once the splash screen is unchecked in options. I sometimes have as many as 15-20 docs open so i like to rely on the app.

I'll give up portable pdf for a while.

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