I discovered this site:
which was tested on the sandisk u3
When you uninstall u3 and use the reinstall program, it grabs an ISO file and "burns" it as another partition so windows recognizes it as a CDROM.
This is the .iso it downloads:
You can download that iso and use isobuster and extract the files, and this is what you get:
you can create a new ISO file thats under 6 megs, and edit autorun.inf to boot something else (like portableapps menu). I haven't tried it yet since I believe PortableAppsMenu looks for a specific folder layout, and this would mess it up because the fake CDROM drive is a different drive than the thumbdrive.
Is there a way to edit the portableappsmenu to load apps from another drive?
EDIT: NM, I found this method:
I did that when the Suite was released and the problem is that the
"Eject device" function doesn't work on U3 drives .
Liberta AutoStart does have a "U3 compatible" eject function.
I autorun PortableAppsMenu from my USB stick without the need for U3's partition and Launcher. All I have is an autorun.inf file on the USB's root that says:
Don't you have the same file?
You might find this link useful: http://lifehacker.com/software/portable-applications/hack-attack-quickla...