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New launcher - Qsel - Pstart replacement

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Last seen: 13 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-27 09:55
New launcher - Qsel - Pstart replacement

Hello everybody,

I would like to recommend Qsel as a launcher for portable programs on your USB-devices. It is of amazingly small size (download is only 63 kb), yet very powerful.

Personally, what convinced me to use it instead of Pstart are the category pages, of which the user can create an unlimited number - allowing for an easier and clearer accommodation of a large number of portable programs than Pstart, despite the latter's group feature. Now my programs are really grouped the way I want, easy to find and and with a good overview.

Otherwise, it is pretty self-intuitive to configure by drag&drop, supports icons and start parameters and can save its config files in any user-defined directory, thus keeping the root directory uncluttered.

The author is committed to write programs in the most effective way, objecting bloatware by principle. He is still actively developing the program, so new features can be expected. I have been using Qsel now for one month on a daily basis and can confirm its usability and stability. Version 1.5 came out today.

You can find this little gem here:


Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-13 16:52

My man, Horst Shaeffer (?sp), has been writing small proggies for years (in assembly language, I think...). One of his handiest has been "WBAT", which allows one to create a DOS menuing system for CDs and such. I've seen it used on quite a # of DOS-based bootable CDs.

...ironically, I myself was never able to figger out how to use Wbat, for it seemed way too complicated for a non-hacker like me. Oh well...

Nonetheless, I shall give this new version of Qsel a look-see.

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

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