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Any licensing issues with Shareware apps?

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Last seen: 17 years 5 months ago
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Any licensing issues with Shareware apps?

I'm nearing completion on both my U3 and PortableApps versions.
Are there any licensing issues with any of the tools used? For example, do I contaminate my shareware license by using any of these open-source tools? I'm using NSIS to build a simple launcher, compressing with UPX and 7-Zip/SFX, and and have hacked the resulting .paf.exe with ResourceHack, inserting my own info.
Any problems here?

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
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Depends on the license

I think the biggest problem is the UPX.
Mozilla for example don't let you alter the code and that's what UPX does.
Redistribution could be another problem

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Last seen: 17 years 5 months ago
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I am the copyright owner of

I am the copyright owner of the program that I'm wrapping, so I will allow myself to UPX it. I'm mainly interested in things like:

If I use NSIS to make a launcher, with a script based on the SudokuPortable launcher, which contains the GNU license..... does that mean I have to worry about copyright issues? i.e. does John Haller now have the right to demand that I give my app away as GNU?
Likewise, I have concerns about 7-Zip, and NSIS proper.

Again, I'm talking about taking my shareware app (ClipMate) and using the typical PortableApps approach to make it installable/launchable within the PortableApps framework. I don't want to release the thing, and then have someone say I can't sell it, or that I'm required to give away my source code.
I DO NOT MIND making my installer scripts available, if that satisfies the requirement.

Thanks for any insight.

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ZachHudock's picture
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If you would like the app to

If you would like the app to be hosted, or be able to put a link in these forums to where your app is, ONLY your launcher could be put up, and ONLY the launcher source code would have to be available, if it's just for personal use, you can do basically whatever you want

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 22 min ago
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Launchers, Installers and Format... Oh My

If you modify one of my launchers, which are released under the GPL, you can freely distribute that modified version but you must follow the GPL. So, you'd have to keep the GPL license with it (text file) in a discoverable place, release the source of your modified launcher under the same GPL license and either include it in your package or make an offer in the package and make it available from your website. You'd have to maintain my copyright notices and GPL notices in the launcher and you couldn't claim copyright on it or ownership of it. As the launcher would not be linked to your app (as in DLL calls, etc) this would not mean your app would have to be released under the GPL. That only applies when things are linked together. An acknowledgment that you're using code from would be appreciated, of course.

On the other stuff, drop me a note to the contact address here at this site. There's some new opportunities for commercial and shareware apps coming up here that you'll be interested in.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 17 years 5 months ago
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Got It

Thanks John,
So it looks like I'll be ok if I include the typical "other" directory with the NSIS script in it and a license file. I'll certainly cite your work/site, and I'll be promoting it in my newsletters and docs as a way to make a dumb USB stick more useful. I really don't see the point of using a USB stick without a launcher!!

I'll contact you on the other stuff - thanks.

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I'd like to, but....

You saw the mess over in the beta forum.
I think I did what you said, and people (who bothered to download it) jumped all over me for including the GPL in the readme in the launcher directory, as the launcher was based on some of the other launchers (sudoku, etc..).

Is there a legal way to use the launcher this way, or do I need to delete it and write my own?

BTW, I had mentioned PortableApps, PortableApps.Com or "John T. Haller" about 2 dozen times in my help documentation. I'd really like to be able to continue using/promoting PortableApps, but not unless there's a clear way to do so. As it stands, if I have to write my own launcher, I'll be going to market as U3-only.

I did drop you an e-mail a few weeks back in response to your invitation to contact you about shareware-related stuff. I haven't heard.

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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 22 min ago
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Bit Overloaded

I'm a bit overloaded with email as many commercial software firms are expressing interest and asking questions. I wasn't quite prepared for the onslaught.

You can use the open source launchers here as long as you re-release the code under the same license and don't remove copyright, package it with an open source installer of compatible license, etc. The reason people jumped on you as that it made it seem like your product was open source. More correctly, you have a commercial product with some open source pieces. As such, it can't be self-promoted here in the forums. That was the other issue.

The Installer will soon be available as well so that your app can be in Format and work with the Platform or on its own.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 17 years 5 months ago
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What exactly did I do wrong?

"The reason people jumped on you as that it made it seem like your product was open source. "

Did I say something misleading in the license or omit something? I think everyone just had fun picking on me, and didn't actually look at it.

I'm happy to make adjustments - that's why I opened it up to beta testing. And the anti-capitalist backlash was not unexpected. I just need to know what I need to do to move forward. Ripping out PortableApps support is going to be a setback for both of us.

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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 22 min ago
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Read my response

Read my response to your other thread about missing the forum guidelines. They very clearly spell out that the forums are for open source apps only at the moment. I think you'd only read the Beta Forum Guidelines, which caused the issue. Posting your app within the forums, thus, made it seem like you had an open source app, since that's all that's allowed right now. Hence the backlash.

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To make myself clear, I had thought I had. I am sorry if I came out differently, but I was not jumping all over you, I did download it, look into it, and gave you the feedback you requested. But, I was trying to make you understand the problem I saw up front with the GPL there, and the way it made it look like the whole thing was GPL.

Again, People will not read this, they will normally just see the GPL name, say oh it Open Source, then go to your site see otherwise, and you might not like some of the response you get in your email.

This has happened to me, this is why I brought it up. I got around this by using what I told you in that post. Instructions to download the prog, and placing it in the right folder.If that is something you are not willing to do, that is quite alright, it's your software, to each his own.

Also I was just pointing out the rules on self-promoting, as this site has them, as John said.

Please do not take this as any harsh criticism or backlash, I was bringing my experience and knowledge in. I am sorry, if I made the situation turn worse.

Deuce {The Core}{Dev Blog}
Portable Software: Just the beginning.

Portable Software: Just the beginning.

Last seen: 17 years 5 months ago
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Should I change the readme?

Should I change the wording of the readme? People have to look at the file to get any indication that there is open source involved anywhere. It's not like the filename says "this is open-source.txt". I can re-word as needed, to avoid confusion. Suggestions welcome!
I'd post a link to the file so that people could see what I have, but, well, you know....

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Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
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I will look into the file...

and give you my recommendations.

Do you have an email I can contact you at?

Deuce {The Core}{Dev Blog}
Portable Software: Just the beginning.

Portable Software: Just the beginning.

Last seen: 17 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-03-27 12:08
I did, but John deleted

I did, but John deleted it.

I'm "support at"
Use the domain name of my website (which I cannot mention here), listed on line 7 of the file in question.

For the subject, include the name of my product (again, cannot mention) and PortableApps. THANKS!
In return, you'll get a you-know-what key for the you-know-what for being helpful and having a look.

Yes, I'm going overboard now!

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Last seen: 14 years 4 days ago
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Don't read the posts above.
ZGitRDun8705 and John T. Haller didn't read that you don't want to distribute your launchers.
As long as you don't distribute them, you can do to them whatever you want to and you don't have to publish your sources.

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 22 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
He Is Releasing

Re-read his post... he's trying to make his own shareware app portable and then sell the portable version of it. He said he didn't want to distribute them and then have someone tell him he can't sell it or has to release the source to his own app under the GPL.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 14 years 4 days ago
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Sorry, it seems that yesterday I was too tired to understand it.
Please, excuse me.

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov

Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago
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Did you look at my portable Application Template?

I coosed a 2-clause BSD license which (please correct me if I misunderstood the license I chose) I choosed to allow the creation of commercial (shareware) launchers even without the need to distribute the source. I just want then to be mentioned in the credits or documentation.

So there won't be any problem there.

But on the other hand: when you write an application you could already design it portable, i.e. write nothing into the registry, save settings in the applications directory etc. Then there would be no need for a launcher...

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