Is there any way currently to have more than 20 items on the menu in PAM? I've just run up against this limit. I added my 21st app to my drive, and it wouldn't show up in PAM until I got rid of something else (in this case, by renaming the .exe's on a couple of OpenOffice bits I never use).
You can scroll up and down. Only 20 will show at a time, but you can scroll up and down the list of apps using:
1. The up and down arrow buttons on the menu with your mouse
2. The up and down arrow keys on your keyboard
3. The mousewheel (my preferred option)
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Ah. Just found the well hidden down arrow on the menu.
Thanks for the response!
Why not add a scrollbar, like the Windows Vista Start menu has? I know that, at least for me, if I don't see a scrollbar, I won't even think to try the mousewheel.
maggie n. The fattest thing known to man. A gigantic woman whose name is rendered invariably in lowercase; eats everything that isn't nailed down and even some things that are.
1. It's messy code-wise. This isn't a list that's easily scrollable. It's a series of buttons tied to 2 (and soon 3) arrays of stuff (icons, paths, etc). I'm working on some code I may implement in a later version if we can fix point 2.
2. It looks awful. It's the standard Windows theming, whatever it happens to be. So, it gets pretty messed up visually. It doesn't work well unless you're using a theme with all right angles (as opposed to the curvy ones in use now).
3. Most people have fewer than 20 apps.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
How about allowing the menu to scroll 360 deg? That is when at the top; scroll up to come up from the bottom and when at the bottom, scroll down through the top ..., that would halve the travel - I've got RSI of the index finger ...
I had previously suggested a scroll bar or a change in the color of the up and down arrows for exactly the same reason.
The color/image of the scroll buttons is being changed in the next release to better highlight them. And it will be themable.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Awww c'mon John, stop dropping hints about features in the next release.
Your really an awful tease.
Just let us be surprised,
mutters under his breath... or let us have the thing already:evil:
For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.
"Because they stand on a wall and say, 'Nothing is going to hurt you tonight. Not on my watch.'" (A Few Good Men)
Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.(Albert Einstein)
Also, there may or may not be theme switcher included
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
LOL Ryan,
Gonna have to start calling you "John the awful TEASE Jr."
For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.
"Because they stand on a wall and say, 'Nothing is going to hurt you tonight. Not on my watch.'" (A Few Good Men)
Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.(Albert Einstein)
Just... nice.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Thank you for considering the idea!