Is there anything significant in the Pidgin release what would warrant this being worked on and released by the Portable Apps team? Is there anything I can do to help?
Thanks for your great work,
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Looks to me like it hasn't been released.
The website says "Hopefully this week" and we all know how hopefully usually goes.
For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.
"Because they stand on a wall and say, 'Nothing is going to hurt you tonight. Not on my watch.'" (A Few Good Men)
Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.(Albert Einstein)
Yeah... Sorry about that... I didn't dig far enough when Portable GAIM chimed in this AM with an 'updated version' information dialog, I just took that to mean that 2.0 had been finally released. Still 2.0.0b6 has been released since January and no Portable GAIM update.
Why not get the source and convert it so that it is portable? You always wait for John to do all the fun work
List of changes made to last version
Mayhem, Chaos and Anarchy !!!
My job here is complete !
Mayhem, Chaos and Anarchy !!!
My job here is complete !
...but I just had to speak my mind on this topic (as I read about it earlier today elsewhere):
The (non-GAIM) name "Pidgin" is *lame*...
"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine
I think it's a good name. I certainly know I wouldn't have thought of it.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I don`t like the new name but nvm I like the programm. Can`t await V2.0. Hopefully the connection / status bugs get fixed.
If you were ambivalent about it or didn't care, I could understand.
But, why do you think of it as a 'good' name?...
Plz elaborate. Thx.
"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine
but Pidgin is a good name 'cause of it's meaning.
"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." -- Confucius
"Sometimes I worry about being a success in a mediocre world." -- Lily Tomlin
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: baby ain't mine." -- Adam Holguin
Sorry, but I think there's something I don't get here...
Why do you say it is lame so enphatically?
And where's the would be pun? I missed it. Really.
Pidgin: n. A simplified form of speech that is usually a mixture of two or more languages, has a rudimentary grammar and vocabulary, is used for communication between groups speaking different languages, and is not spoken as a first or native language.
Also called *contact language*.
unless, you happen to be a hunter and were thinking along the lines of shooting birds, as in --
game pigeon ??? (yuk!)
except for chics, of course!
I was looking for a relation between "pidgin" and "gaim". I never thought they would have actually chosen "pidgin" for it's meaning. After all, a pidgin is by definition, rudimentary...
Personally, I feel that Gaim (Pidgin) is fairly rudimentary, but functional and easy to use. The Pidgin team probably also know this so there's quite a good chance the new name is something of an in joke. Also "communication between groups speaking different languages", in other words different communication networks. *shrugs* maybe I'm reading too much into this.
Frankly, I don't care WHAT they call it, as long as it works as good as *GAIM* and is a PortableApp! At least I don't have to install those bloated individual messenger programs on my system!
After Pidgin is released, will they still be hosting downloads of previous version of "Pidgin" with the name Gaim? Or are they not allowed? If they are will be allowed to keep it's version as well as have Pidgin when it comes? I know it sounds rediculous to have two of the same program, but some people are more comfortable using "Gaim". Like, would still host it as one of the past versions, John?
I felt so different without a signature.
Just like you forgot about "Phoenix" and "Firebird" (now "Firefox").
Gaim is gone as the name since they were being threatened trademark infringement with "AIM" by AOL.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
I made a thinstalled one. Google [keywords removed by moderator JTH. Directing people to illegal software is not permitted here.]
So Pigin 2.0.0 is finally released. Is anyone working on the portable version?????
I am a newb. be gental.
Looked earlier and didn't see this thread, I am curious if someone is exerting energy on this pursuit also.
Version 2.0.1 was just released today and it fixes over 100 bugs in Pidgin so there is a different when compared to the old GAIM.
So like people have said, is there anyone working on this? And if so, does anyone think John will use it in PortableApps? Or does John do it himself and then puts it in PortableApps?
I love Pidgin and would like to see this if possible.
Man, now I have to thinstall it again!
John's made all the portable apps on this site himself so far, and yes, I read in another forum he will be working on the release of Pidgin, he said he's spent so long on the 2.0 beta, that he will obviously make a portable version of the 2.0 final. Now, this is like the third request for Pidgin, don't worry, I'm fairly sure it's coming, correct me if I'm wrong John.
I felt so different without a signature.
Just a update for everyone.
Version 2.0.2 has been released for a while now and also fixed over 100 bugs. Version 2.1.0 is due in 3-5 days and it should be fixing anywhere from 100-200 bugs.
“Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
As well.
It's kinda scary when my desktop is messier than my room...