I have a Rundisk branded UR25 1gb drive. They are made somewhere in asia, the website being http://www.irundisk.com/english/.
I'm having issues trying to boot DSL off of it. I have tried it on 3 computers where it will not boot as USB-ZIP or USB-HDD. It does however appear as a drive in the boot selector.
It has a Boot option in the manager program, but that turns it into a usb HDD and gives it a recycle bin and other things. It probably also doesnt allow you to use it on restricted user PC's.
Another person in the family has a free company personalized 256mb drive. It boots DSL straight away off it with no hassle at all.
Any idea why it will not boot or how i can make it boot?
edit: Would removing all formatting in linux then formatting as FAT again do it?
Perhaps the computer cannot boot from USB. Is it the same machine the other person uses?
Yes it is the same computer i tested them on. I tried it with a newer one as well and got the same results.
Using FAT is a good idea for this.
The drive is already formatted as FAT and always has been. I said "format as FAT again" as in reformat.
I have no idea then.
I have a Rundisk UR25 1gb and one problem...I cannot format it.
I use some softwares and they say you have damage sectors.
Can somebody tell me how to fix this problem with the damage sectors....
...but try to format it on GParted or PartedMagic boot CD. After formating the pendrive you should tag it with the boot flag for being able to boot from there. Oh! How did you install DSL into it? That may help us to figure out the problem.
The Blogger of Portimão