New version, this includes a number of visual enhancements by Deuce!
You can now grap the release at http://sourceforge.net/projects/profilesync
Any bugs would be well recieved As would any CONSTRUCTIVE critisism !
New: DesktopSnowOK (Jan 6, 2025), Platform 29.5.3 (Jun 27, 2024)
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New version, this includes a number of visual enhancements by Deuce!
You can now grap the release at http://sourceforge.net/projects/profilesync
Any bugs would be well recieved As would any CONSTRUCTIVE critisism !
Also John have you seen Sliver from the Moz forums as I said I would send him some beta builds?
PM him through mozillaZine.org. ... and thanks for the offer of help
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Ok will do. I am thinking of setting Profile Sync (as it is now called) up with its own Sourceforge account, what do you think?
I've been looking forward to this.
Only One Question would it be compatible with PFF U3 or just PFF?
Can't wait to see how she works!
Should be compatible with both. I should have a 1.0 release for you all today of tomorrow and John has the 0.9 release (I think I sent it to the right address). I'll post the new sourceforge link later.
*Edit* That should be 'I'll release the link within two business days'. I'm afraid we'll have to wait for the registration to go through.
See top for release notes!
Any plans to add PTB/TB?
I suppose you could go wild and add the capability for users to add/edit their own applications.?.?
Certainly, that is why Portable Firefox is in a dropdown box. It was going to do others in the first release but it had some bugs I am fixing at the moment.
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
One of the directorys comes up as..
C:\Documents and Settings\Steven\Desktop
in the setup..
First Off, Great job. Fianlly all my Foxes are clones of each other with a few simple clicks. Love It.
Now, To business...
I noticed this as well.
I also noticed that even though it stores the new paths in the settings.ini, it does not pull them from it the next time you sync.
-I am currently looking for a solution. Let us know if someone finds one before I do.
Not so familiar with NSIS yet, but shouldn't there be a way to change The 'Install' button on the last step to 'Syncronize!' or something more fitting?
Yes there is a way to change it.
I agree that you should change it. Looks good though!
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Yeah all problems noted. I thought that I had fixed that last one though (the not reading from the ini). I'll release a new version tonight. And I'll change the directory
You Released .92 as i was writing this os congrats on beeting me to it.
Also I don't like Ok box, it gets annoying, but thats my opinion, i can live with the ok box if other people like it.
Ok, after lots of investigative work i have found why it doesn ot remember the directories.
It would apear that All you options and stuff (in the inis) are read at Compile Time. After that they are no longer needed, infact if you delete them the program will still run perfectly remembering exactly the same stuff as when it was compiled.
It does write changes to the inis but it does not read from them after compiling.
To test I re-wrote the paths in the inis and re-compiled. The Boxes in the app had the new written paths. When I changed the paths in the app it wrote the changes. After a while of it not reading the inis i re-compiled (with out reseting the inis) and now the laucher has those paths whether the inis are there or not.
Like I have said earlier, im still learning NSIS. But I hope this information helps you find a solution.
To recap. Inis are only *read* from at compile time. They are however *written* every time the program is used
Thanks for the time you took to find it, sorry for then wasting it. I only got home to the code at 3PM so I was pleased with the quick fix
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
Whats the purpose of the Ok box? I don't get it.lol
Oops. If thats what I think it is then it shouldnt be there. I'll upload a new version later.
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
John, this topic (and my other one) is starting to look a mess, any ideas?
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
If the firefox you are syncing from is open while you sync some files dont get coppied. Instead of me listing the files.
I think It would be more appropriate to just detect whether any FireFox is running and warn the user of an incomplete sync.
For reference, should you want the user to know what does not get sync'd. Extensions and Signons
parent.lock (associated with AIRoboForm Extension)
chrome (only has quicknote(extension) files in it)
The Testbed I have been using for the tests is as follows:
OS: Win2k sp4
Portable Firefox: John's U3 Version (latest release on U3 site)
Local Firefox: Mozilla Firefox 1.5 (latest release on website)
Thanks for the heads up. I'll certainly add this to the next release but as I am currantly working on the next Portalog release it may not happen till next week.
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
The problem noted above is only when the source Firefox is open.
PFF-->Local with PFF Open, the files get skiped.
PFF-->Local With Local Copy Open, The files copy fine,but the changes take affect after a restart of the Local Copy.
Man are you pulling them through fast!
It can wait, but should be added before Final Release.
My Next test will hapen later today to test Portablility. ie. it can read from ini the computer and pull up the appropriate folders automatically.
I'll post results. Also feel free to add me to the sourceforge project so that i can report bugs there if you like.
Name: InvisoSniper
Sorted, you are added, if you need any extra rights give me a buzz on the sourceforge address, I access it nearly all day. As for the number of releases, well we try. I might even get a new Profile Sync release tomorrow
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
After many syncs and across multiple computers, i have found that Portable Sync does its job perfectly. (Even successfully remembers the computers and their pecific paths correctly)
Some Things I think could happen (Interface)
-Noted earlier in the thread, The final Button before the sync says "Install" Perhaps "Sync" Would Be more appropriate.
-Next Is When it finishes the button at the end should say "finished"
-As For the Drop down menu (other apps) it looks like the hard part is out of the way. All you should need to do is make new ini sub catagories under the Computer Name. To Reduce code do somm like this, !!DO NOT COPY!! Check this, because i dont know if it will actually work, just a suggestion to get you started!!
ReadINIStr $PortableLocation $EXEDIR\settings.ini $Compname PortableFirefox
;messagebox mb_ok $portablelocation
Replace This Static 'PortableFirefox' with something a little more dynamic like '$SelectedProgram' (which is already a var) And have it Defined by the drop down menu (which i guess was the intent). If my assumption is correct what is holding this bit back? Not to be rude, just trying to understand the code a bit. Lemme know what ur thinking.
Yeah its all done. See this thread as to why its not released https://portableapps.com/node/847#comment-3255
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
Do you think it would be worth me clearing all of the old release notes out from my top post as it looks a mess?
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
I'd say Only have the latest changes, but in the Code folder put the full release notes.
Well Im out of ideas (for the moment), and there arent any bugs in this version, that i can see.
Good job.
Right oh. I have discovered how to change the cache settings so the next one should be the last one before 1.0
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
I may be asking a bit much here, but...
What chance of there being versions for other platforms? eg A version for Mac, that takes your PFF (or PTB) profile and syncs it with the locally installed, Mac, version of FF (or TB)? It would be a great solution for those that work across multiple platforms (I use - XP, Mac OS X, and my portable platform...)
It would be nice. I'll look into it but no promises.
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
A warning: Some extensions mess with the application folder, so copying just the profile could mess things up royally...
May I suggest a "light copy" mode that copies only bookmarks, prefs.js, and the other "basics" for PFX, and the mail/settings for PTB?
BTW, can I join the sourceforge project without giving my name? I like my internet anonymity and I don't want to give SF my real name -- but I'd like to help out, and maybe make some stuff of my own on there.
~nm35 {blog} {projects} {standalone apps}
Sounds like a good idea. 1.0 will be out in about 5 minutes, I cant wait. Also we hit 100 downloads in two weeks nice one guys. Finally to join all I need is your SF name. You could always give them a false name. B. Gates is always a good one
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
Hmmm, seems a bit slow, any one got any news one the 1.0 build or are you just trying it all out?
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
Did you receive my email, Steve?
Deuce {The Core}
"Portable Software: Just the beginning..."
Portable Software: Just the beginning.
Yeh I havent had time to have a good look though. If you regiser at sourceforge then I will add you to the team.
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
New version see top.
@Deuce you get my mail?
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
Yup. I Will let you know I soon I am setup.
Deuce {The Core}
"Portable Software: Just the beginning..."
Portable Software: Just the beginning.
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
I am working on a new version of Profile Sync that turns the cache on going to the computer and off going away from it but I am having a little bit of trouble so it should be out next week.
@John H, any chance of seeing your code?
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog