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Application Manager Portable (project thread)

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Application Manager Portable (project thread)

Application Manager Portable (AMP) (planning stage)

A Microsoft Word document about AMP is available for download here. A project has been created, and the website is under development.

Current developers include:

  • Deuce
  • rmccue
  • simeon
  • thibeaz
  • InsideLine
  • Have Some Patience

If you're interested in helping out, please email me.

Rick Smith // Paladin225

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 2 hours 39 min ago
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Please, no duplicate topics

As this is basically exactly the same thing as the last topic you started, it makes far more sense to continue that than to start another new topic. Please post further updates to that.

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Not a duplicate topic

The last topic I started was a suggestion/request; this topic is an actual "project thread," which will have download links and such (when there's something to download :)) later on. It strikes me that this makes more sense--keeping discussion about a possibility separate from an actual project page.

Would you like me to edit the other topic and replace it with the contents of this one, so you can delete this one?

Rick Smith // Paladin225

Rick Smith // Paladin225

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-05-02 19:30 project

I'm going to apply for a project for this. The name needs to be finalized, so if anybody has a better name, speak now or forever hold your peace... Smile

Anybody who wants to be a developer on this project should email me; once the project is up, I'll add your account to the developer list.

Rick Smith // Paladin225

Rick Smith // Paladin225

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
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Is this a go? Cause you said in another thred that the person who created PortaInstall, (who I assume is MIISIM), is one of the develepors for Application Manager Portable. Which I assume is this project? If so, I would love to help in whatever way possible, not really good with programming yet, nor graphics, but I'm learning more into both, but I will still love to help with whatever I can. Even if it's documentation. You can e-mail me at mono(_)purpura(@)hotmail(.)com.-Remove all brackets from e-mail. So if I assume correctly, please let me know, I would love to help.

I felt so different without a signature.

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
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Sure thing.

This is a go; I'm actually registering the project right now.

We have MIISIM, rmccue, and thibeaz on the project so far. Create yourself a SourceForge account and email me at and I'll add you to the project once it's approved.

Don't worry, I'm new at programming and graphics myself--my experience mostly lies with web programming/coding. I'm figuring this out as I go along.

If you know anybody else interested in this, just tell them to email me at the address I mentioned above.

Rick Smith // Paladin225

Rick Smith // Paladin225

ZachHudock's picture
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An idea for the language

An idea for the language could be AutoIt or AutoHotKey. Both have GUI builders, are capable of renaming, moving, deleting and changing folders/files, can connect to the web to download files. In fact, PortaInstall was written in AutoIt. I'd love to help, but don't know that i'd have time. I finish school on wednesday and start my summer internship the following monday

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

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I've had a few suggestions for that...

I was thinking of going with NSIS, if only because it looks great--it is, after all, designed for installing stuff--but I'll look into AutoIt.

Rick Smith // Paladin225

Rick Smith // Paladin225

Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago
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dont use nsis or autoit

dont use nsis or autoit there are not as powerful as delpi (which PAM was coded in) or VC++

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We don't need the advanced capabilities of VC++ or Delphi.

NSIS is fine--all we need is downloading/extracting capabilities, and INI-parsing (or XML-parsing) functionality. Saves us a lot of extra coding, and we get a nice professional-looking interface on top of it!

Rick Smith // Paladin225

Rick Smith // Paladin225

Simeon's picture
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I don't know anyone of us who can do VC++ or Delphi (no offence). But I know a couple who can do good/very good NSIS.

“Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts” - Richard P. Feynman

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Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
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My point exactly


Rick Smith // Paladin225

Rick Smith // Paladin225

John Bentley
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I might be able to use VC++

I might be able to use VC++ but I couldn't use the Win32 API so we would be writing a CLI program. Smile

cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'

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Rick Smith // Paladin225

Rick Smith // Paladin225

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I really like the system you've outlined in the planning document. This looks like a success in the making.

"Don't look now, but there's one too many persons in this room and I think it's you" - Groucho Marx

"Don't look now, but there's one too many persons in this room and I think it's you" - Groucho Marx

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I hope whoever reviews this project at feels the same way! Smile

Rick Smith // Paladin225

Rick Smith // Paladin225

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
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Project accepted...

That was quick!

Rick Smith // Paladin225

Rick Smith // Paladin225

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
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Gees guys, way to put 31 e-mails in my inbox orvernight. Blum

I felt so different without a signature.

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
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Sorry about that...

Guess this is a popular project! Blum

You're part of the developer mailing list. Those emails all have the same sender and the phrase [AMP-devel] in the subject, so you can filter them into another folder or tag them or label them or whatever your email service does. Et voila.

It's a good idea to join the conversation, though, since we're going to be deciding how everything works--L&F (branding, website, etc) and the actual code itself.

Rick Smith // Paladin225

Rick Smith // Paladin225

John Bentley
John Bentley's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-24 13:26
HSP beat me... I only had

HSP beat me... I only had ~20.

cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'

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