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Can I upgrade?

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Can I upgrade?

I keep getting prompted to update my copy of FF. Can i? or will this effect the functionality of PFF?

Ryan McCue
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R McCue

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PFF upgrade

Hi cademichaels,

you can and should update your PFF to V1.5.0.1.
It will not (really) effect the functionality of your PFF. The only possible little drawback could be - if you used the former (UPX-/JAR-)compressed version of PFF - that PFF will download the full (uncompressed) upgrade (~8MB?) and because of the uncompressed files will take a few more seconds to start when connected via USB1.

Cya Ryushi

Bruce Pascoe
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Joined: 2006-01-15 16:14

Portable Firefox 1.5 is not UPX'd. The "small" upgrade *should* work from PFF 1.5 to, but for some odd reason, it doesn't. It still downloads the full package.

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