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Buy a Flash Drive with PAM already installed?

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nocr's picture
Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2007-05-04 11:47
Buy a Flash Drive with PAM already installed?

I bought a new flash drive recently (Corsair Flash Voyager GT) and when I plugged it in, I was surprised to see that it came with TrueCrypt.
Which is nice, I mean, but I wasn't expecting them to bundle freeware with their drives.

Maybe this could be an opportunity for John, having his PA Suite bundled with brand new flash drives. I'm sure there are some competitors of SanDisk who would appreciate having an alternative to U3 to put on their drives.

But there might be some problems though. He would have to contact the makers of the software he made portable, and ask their permission. Maybe give them a percentage of profits that he gets or something.

I don't know if this is viable, but it sounds like a pretty interesting Idea.

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-20 19:26

I'm fairly sure I've heard him already talking about it in another thread.

I felt so different without a signature.

Espreon's picture
Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2006-09-29 18:23
If John does not seek profit from this then

There would be no need to seek permission.

As all of ya should know Microsoft is the Evil Empire, and Windows (a.k.a. Winblows or Windoze) is their greatest general, so please make a difference and install Linux or Free BSD on yer Windows comp.

nocr's picture
Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2007-05-04 11:47
That is true.

But I think this might be a good opportunity to earn some money for his work on PAM.

but who knows, maybe he would be better off distributing it for free. This way, he'd get more recognition, as companies would surely go for it, since it won't cost them anything.

Text signatures are so last week
0.00.0)> (>0.0)>

Please Make TiLP Portable

Espreon's picture
Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2006-09-29 18:23
Yup, it will even appeal more to companies

if John offers paid support

As all of ya should know Microsoft is the Evil Empire, and Windows (a.k.a. Winblows or Windoze) is their greatest general, so please make a difference and install Linux or Free BSD on yer Windows comp.

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-20 19:26

Now more that I think about it, it's like Ubuntu, they'll give you it for free, they'll even give you free documentation and the forums, but if you wish, you can buy commercial support. Good idea Ryan!

I felt so different without a signature.

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