Hello and Welcome to Oh...So, That's How You Say It!, the post where you will learn how to properly say all of those words you learned on the internet but never actually talked to another human being about, properly!
I decided this was a good idea because a couple weeks ago I was on the Nvu site, and realized it was pronounced "N-View" not, N-V-U. So, I felt rather stupid, and think many people will benefit from this if we all contribute with the proper pronunciation.
So, here's how it works, type the word, for example, Nvu, and then, how to correctly say it, so "N-View". So that, would look like this Nvu-"N'View".
Feel free to use accented letters etc to help you add in proper pronunciation. If you're sure you're pronunciation is correct, I will add it to the list, I'll start us off.
List of Those Word You Learned on the Computer/Internet but Never Actually Knew How To Say Properly
- .BMP-Bimp
- Cache-Cash
- .gif-Jif
- GNU-Ga-noo
- .jpeg-Jay-Peg
- KompoZer-Com-Poe-Zer
- Linux-Lin-ix
- Nvu-N-view
- .PNG-Ping
KompoZer portable = comp-o-zer portable. but dont pause at the dashes.
(TM)sergentsilerlogo:<(TM(sergentsiler) http://www.sergentsiler.freespaces.com/
GNU- "Ga-noo"
"There is a tendency for the world to say to America, 'the big problems of the world are yours, you go and sort them out,' and then to worry when America wants to sort them out.
Tony Blair
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
Linux - Lin-ix
Old pronunciation: Ly-nux
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Actually it's more pronounced as Lee-nux
"I don't fear Computers. I fear the lack of them" Isaac Asimov
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
its like "line-ux".
and why the hell did "Have Some Patients" do all of thoes edits! now it looks like i was a retard and posted the same thing he did! (starts to "cry" like baby)
nevermind, it seems i am a retard and forgot to read the a$$ end of his post.
(TM)sergentsilerlogo:<(TM(sergentsiler) http://www.sergentsiler.freespaces.com/
A while back, I used to say Ly-Nux. I like your pronunciation the best, your pronunciation key seems the most accurate.
I felt so different without a signature.
thanks! i tend to be good at this kinda stuff.
(TM)sergentsilerlogo:<(TM(sergentsiler) http://www.sergentsiler.freespaces.com/
Oops. Unfortunately that was a reply to Ryan.
But your KompoZer one was good, thanks.
I felt so different without a signature.
you were talking about my "line-ux". no worries thogh. ryans was good to.
(TM)sergentsilerlogo:<(TM(sergentsiler) http://www.sergentsiler.freespaces.com/
Yes Lee-nux is the proper way trust me I develop Ubuntummc and I should know from experience
"I don't fear Computers. I fear the lack of them" Isaac Asimov
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
I'll see if we get anymore suggestions on it, that's why I made this thread, everybody has their own idea of how to say things they learn on the internet.
I felt so different without a signature.
I'm pretty sure it's "Ly-nix". It could very well be like "either". It just depends on the location. (Zach, you're in Canada, right? That could be the Canadian way of pronouncing it.) Maybe Ly-nix is the midwestern way of pronouncing it.
"There is a tendency for the world to say to America, 'the big problems of the world are yours, you go and sort them out,' and then to worry when America wants to sort them out.
Tony Blair
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
No Porterkm it's not the Canadian way it's the way Linus Torvalds pronounced it as since he is the father of linux
"I don't fear Computers. I fear the lack of them" Isaac Asimov
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Oh...... How could so many pronunciations be "correct"?
"There is a tendency for the world to say to America, 'the big problems of the world are yours, you go and sort them out,' and then to worry when America wants to sort them out.
Tony Blair
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
I don't know but I read an interview about linus torvalds and he said thats the way it's pronounced and he provided a pronounciation key too
"I don't fear Computers. I fear the lack of them" Isaac Asimov
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Thats how Linus says Linux and I go by that.
Direct Link to WAV file here: http://www.paul.sladen.org/pronunciation/torvalds-says-linux.wav
Linux: Because rebooting is for adding hardware
Linux: Because rebooting is for adding hardware
Oh, thanks.
"You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it."
Malcolm X
R.I.P Bunny.
We will miss you.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
I almost started referring to PA as Porta-Apps, but then that reminded me too much of this, so I stopped.
Text signatures are so last week
0.00.0)> (>0.0)>
Please Make TiLP Portable
scrool over the link and i ws really creeped out.
(TM)sergentsilerlogo:<(TM(sergentsiler) http://www.sergentsiler.freespaces.com/
Best pronunciation key so far in my opinion, because it doesn't incorparate and x to make it more confusing.
I felt so different without a signature.
Steve Lamerton
My Blog
"line-uks" then?
(TM)sergentsilerlogo:<(TM(sergentsiler) http://www.sergentsiler.freespaces.com/
Has No Patience
Please Make TiLP Portable
bolth good, bolth sound the same. (types this after repeating both pronunciations.)
(TM)sergentsilerlogo:<(TM(sergentsiler) http://www.sergentsiler.freespaces.com/
Signature, aha, chuckle.
But no...
Wow, that signature totally got old.
Time for an upgrade...
Please Make TiLP Portable
What Now, Mr. Patience?!
Please Make TiLP Portable
How on earth did you do that?
Wow, that signature totally got old.
I use Code Page 437.
Please Make TiLP Portable
Wow, that signature totally got old.
You get...
100 ₧
whos signiture?
(TM)sergentsilerlogo:<(TM(sergentsiler) http://www.sergentsiler.freespaces.com/
The person I replied to...
Wow, that signature totally got old.
linux= lie-nu-ks, no pauses
MS-DOS= M-S--DOS, DOS kinda like daaas but with more of an o kinda sound.
(TM)sergentsilerlogo:<(TM(sergentsiler) http://www.sergentsiler.freespaces.com/
The file recovery app made by the maker of CCleaner, is actually pronounced as Recover, but with a hint of Bostonian accent, which makes it sound more like "RecovAH"
PAM > U3
Please Make TiLP Portable
Here's the official Linux pronunciation: ˈlɪnʊks (IPA)
In English:
ˈ - Primary stress (placed before the stressed syllable)
l - As in left, bell
ɪ - As in sit
n - As in no, tin
ʊ - As in put, wood
k - As in cat, kill, skin, queen, thick
s - As in see, city, pass
(Thanks to Wikipedia
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK
My Blog
(TM)sergentsilerlogo:<(TM(sergentsiler) http://www.sergentsiler.freespaces.com/
Read the pronunciation key, its Lihnucks.
Linux: Because rebooting is for adding hardware
Linux: Because rebooting is for adding hardware
Agreeing with Zach, it is Lee-nucks. (See nekiruhs's link). Patrick, I believe the pronunciation key should be changed. Maybe have it with two different pronunciations (official and Linus Torvalds's).
"You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it."
Malcolm X
R.I.P Bunny.
We will miss you.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
There are two correct pronunciations for the 'i':
Short 'i' (like in "icky", "spin")
Long 'i' (like in "Linus", "spine")
what happened to bunny?!?
(TM)sergentsilerlogo:<(TM(sergentsiler) http://www.sergentsiler.freespaces.com/
Read the sticked post atop the General Discussion forum.
It's kinda scary when my desktop is messier than my room...
1) "Linux"
This OS was named in honor of its Finnish developer, Linus Torvalds.
As an aside, in Finland the firstname is usually pronounced "Lee-noose".
But for the rest of us, depending on what part of the world/country (USA) you're from, the firstname "Linus" is usually pronounced
Ergo, the above pronunciations supplied for the "Linux" OS...
2) Giga(whatever) - (Gigabyte, gigaflops, gigawatts, gigahertz, et al)
(as opposed to "gigga")
Historically this prefix (prior to the technology boom) was always pronounced with a 'soft g' sound ("J").
Witness the fact of many such pre-technology-boom words with the soft g pronunciation (spelled phonetically below):
Jiant, Jigantic, Jigawatts (think of the "Back To The Future" movies), etc.
"I don't hate cats...as long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine