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Firefox and TrueCrypt

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Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-10 03:24
Firefox and TrueCrypt

I have a question with using TrueCrypt and Firefox Portable together that some people may find useful.

Question 1
Now that the excellent software TCExplorer is available, i was wondering if there is a way for my FF profile to be kept within the TC container, and if i was working on a non Admin computer, whether FF could read of a different profile (maybe through the use of a batch script)? This is so that I may keep all my bookmarks and passwords in the container, but still be able to use a Portable version of Firefox. ps. I don't want another copy of FF to be used.
Otherwise if this is not possible, would it be better to edit the FF ini to point to two profiles, and make 2 shortcuts in my Pstart?

Question 2
If this is not possible, is it possible to write a batch script to check one location for a profile (ie. the TC Container), and if this is not available, then look for a second location (not in a TC Container) to use as the default Firefox profile?

Question 3
Thought not related to Firefox, can someone please help me out with a batch script to launch Pstart after the Traveler TC container Mounts or still start if the TC does not Mount? I'm not too familiar with Batch Scripts, but all I want to do is launch the batch script from the Autorun.ini file, and still have the TC variable in the autorun.

Thanks in advance.

Jim Cook
Last seen: 17 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-18 03:32
Regarding your post on eyeBeam

Hi twnty3svn:

I wanted to reply to your post on making eyebeam portable, but a comment can no longer be added to that thread.
After trying time and time again to follow your advice/directions to make my copy of eyebeam portable also, I've failed every time.
Would you please send me it to me?


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Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-10 03:24
I've got exams at the

I've got exams at the moment, but I'll send the launcher to you when i'm done.

Last seen: 17 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-06-17 21:57

You could copy the launcher instead, and have one launcher per profile. They're only about 150KB each and make great paperweights.

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