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Just A question bout virtuall desktop like aston shell

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Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-16 01:36
Just A question bout virtuall desktop like aston shell

would it be possible to have a "virtual desktop" that could virtually reproduce a full GUI from the flash drive complete with backgrounds and themes and therefore no longer see the "host pc GUI" but a "portable pc GUI"
yes i know it has been discussed before but i would like to see a complete gui interface there are a few on the market that are comercially avail but none that are truly portable i want one that ALL data is stored on a usb flash/hdd (i have a 160gig usb hdd so size is not an issue) but not an os that requires boot/admin privalages.

website NOTE: COMMERCIAL PRODUCT i wish to know if thre is a portable software program simalir thx.

sergentsiler's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-28 11:37

NOT remote acsess? if so, use BartPE, i dont know if we have made it portable yet. but it should work considering you want a portable operating system that can create a Graphical User Interface.



Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-16 01:36
what is bartpe a complete os

what is bartpe a complete os or just a shell interface i just want a shellinterface i can load the portable apps menu into the start menu

the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

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the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

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Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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im pretty shure...

its a complete os but not shure.

- - - - -
bill gates may have bought it for $50, but the guy that sold it to him, im guessing killed himself when he found out how much windows had made bill gates. 's kinda funny!



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i checked out the link you put on....

that stuff looks like you would need administrator rights to use it. it also looks like it may need to be installed on the computer so it may not be possible to make it portable. if we make it like calmera II but with this interface instead. i have already tested calmera II on xp and it works. it kinda projects an emulated taskbar over where the real one is and it works fully. if we can replace the calmera II taskbar with aston, it may work.



Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-16 01:36
note aston is NOT opensource

note aston is NOT opensource i just put the link there because it is a good example of the software i wish to find with some modificatioins.
the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

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the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-16 01:36
dont want an os just a shell

dont want an os just a shell that would run as an application in windows to "cover" the host pc's interface and load a shell with the portable apps menu as the start menu and all data being saved to the removable device and then when u click "shutdown" it simply saves all sesion information to the flash and "hibernates" the shell and ejects the drive.
thus the illusion of a Remote Descktop Connection being used or similar.
the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

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the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

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the post before your last. i explained it a little more. just because i posted 3 seconds before you.



Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-16 01:36
yes admin rights are needed

yes admin rights are needed with this software but don't wish this paticular software to be portable more a suggestion to extend the portable apps menu to being able to be a complete shell idea.
a shell being a added option not required for the menu to work.
the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

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the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

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Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-28 11:37
i was under the impression...

that you wanted to emulate a false desktop that would look the way you want to but work the way the real desktop would work. + if we install it with the method i sugessted, it should work without admin rights, the only thing is that we would have to compile our own basic seondary registry for ashton to use. it would be a standard with 1 hdd i floppy 1 cd/dvd reader and one cd/dvd writer in the interface. the standardized second registry would also have to redirect the commands given to the bios through windows to controll the hardware. if we can do that, IT SHOULD BE PORTABLE! YAY! i could really use something like this.



Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-16 01:36
so are u saing we could make

so are u saing we could make a shell that would be portable and intergrate the portable apps menu insted of the start menu which could save our work and exit so when we reloaded it our work would be "recovered" ?

the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

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the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

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Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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it would (when launched from the PAM) project a virtual desktop that would interact like the real desktop but with a chosen visual interface. basicly, the aston shell would temporaraly replace the desktop virtualy and could be turned on or off. it would be like opening an interactive picture that filled the whole screen and could be givin the same commands as the screen. (Ex: (everything after this overlays the previous) HARDWARE>BIOS>WINDOWS>WINDOWS DESKTOP>ASTON VIRTUAL DESKTOP>COMPUTER SCREEN. and the same in reverse

and if we create he second registry, it should be able to be recovered.



Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-16 01:36
cool the one issue i could

cool the one issue i could find is the load/unload process as you could not use aston shell as it is not opensource so...
you may need to code somthing similar from scratch...
or make a deal with aston as i know they give licences out for educational pourposes for free.
the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

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the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

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Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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but i cant code for my life, ill see if i can spark a deal thogh. it might take me a while because my only internet acsess is through the school right now and i cant email or anything, but ill see what i can do.



Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-16 01:36
should get the makers of the

should get the makers of the portable apps menu to do somthing to make there menu into an complete descktop shell they could become the most popular software ever a portable "os interface" a live windows that u can take anywhere you go.
perfict idea
the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

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the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

sergentsiler's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-28 11:37
maybe not...

make PAM into a desktop thing but integrate something like aston ino the menu.



Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-16 01:36
use aston as the themes

use aston as the themes service like explorer has a descktop theme that windows uses
the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

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the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

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Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-28 11:37
post it...

post it here: it is a good idea



Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-04 10:47
Do a google search for

Do a google search for BBLean. This is a clone of the Black Box linux x-window manager that can be used as a portable replacement for the windows desktop. I have only played with it briefly, but it looks like something that will work well, if you put the time into it.

Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
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looked at a few variants of

looked at a few variants of this program however none that i could find were portable or would accept the %root% or $root$ to find the drive letter also none would be able to integrate the portable apps menu i looked if i am wrong please show/tell me how to do this.

the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

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the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-04 10:47
I don't know how to set/find

I don't know how to set/find environment variables within BBLean; but I just started it from it's subdirectory under Portable Apps on my external drive, used it and my already running programs (Firefox, WinSQL, Palm Desktop (not portable), xplorer2 lite, and PAM) for a while and exited back to the WinXP shell without disturbing five programs I was running in AltDesk at the same time. I couldn't find any entries in the registry that I could attribute to BBLean. As I said, I'm just learning this now myself.

Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-16 01:36
it dosent allow a for

it dosent allow a for relitive paths and reads the registry for some of it's information for programs and menus i would like no menu with it but the portable apps menu rather than the defult.
the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

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the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-04 10:47
I've been known to be thick

I've been known to be thick sometimes; I don't understand what you are missing. By reading the registry, BBLean knows what is in the machine and passes it up to the start menu. PAM (or any other portable launcher) supplies the access to the external drive's apps and data. Since you can define your own wallpaper in BBLean and will know from the style in no uncertain terms you are not in your daddy's windows anymore, what else are you trying to accomplish?

Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-16 01:36
1.I want a clone of windows

1.I want a clone of windows explorer.
2.must be able to save all data to external flash/hdd
3. must cover host systems OS
4.must be able to "hibernate" that is save all data in use by virtual system for Imadiate removal without data loss i.e. a tool that the owner of the host pc cant see
5. be able for its own alt tab interface
6. NOT Virtual PC 2007 or equivalent.
7. NOT able to see host systems Programs By Defult
8. integrate portable apps menu to replave "start" menu
the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

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the day bill gates Bought the Windows operating system The developer thought it was only worth $50 for the exclusive license and all materials relating to it.
Bill gates

Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-04 10:47
Good luck! I don't think

Good luck! I don't think there is a solution out there without rebooting a separate copy of windows from an external drive. Numbers 6,7, & 8 are where I see a problem.

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