I recently installed PortableApps by way of installing the base program and then selecting a few applications to use. When I attempt to execute the menu I get the following error message:
"PortableAppsMen.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program. An error log is being created."
1. Where is the log located?
2. How can I correct this problem?
Thanks in advance,
As all of ya should know Microsoft is the Evil Empire, and Windows (a.k.a. Winblows or Windoze) is their greatest general, so please make a difference and install Linux or Free BSD on yer Windows comp.
using a pre-XP copy of Windows, if so you need the patch avalible on the suite page.
'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK
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