I am not very good at writing long posts so I will keep this one short. It will consist of two parts, a confession (if you can call it that) and a status report.
The Confession
I'm 15 years old. Now this may not seem like a problem but some communities just don't like it so I thought I'd mention it before I become a bit of a 'feature' round here.
Status Report
Here we go on the status report
Program Name - Version - Features - Date
Profile Sync - 1.2 - Adds cache options - Next two weeks
PortaLog - 2.0 - Adds email facility - Next month or so (whenever nm35 can help)
Portable Firefox with Sync - 1.0 - Complete re-design - Next week
AutoGUI - 0.1 - First release - Next two weeks
MiniUp - 0.1 - First release - Next week
AutoGUI is a small utility for easily creating autorun scripts which I wrote for myself but I am going to release anyway.
MiniUp is a small backup utility that backs up a pen drive in 7zip format to a location of your choice.
Both AutoGUI and MiniUp registrations are currently going through SourceForge..
Steven Lamerton
P.S. Any views on any of what I have said would be most welcome!
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
Is MiniUp availible yet?
I am looking forward to using it when it is.
Life is about the journey not the destination!
The Kazoo Spartan
No some time next week though!
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
dont worry about your age
I too am a "young one"
Well now thats two confession in one thread
I`ll still call you Steve
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Make that three... I'm fourteen!
~nm35 {blog} {projects} {standalone apps}
Confession for me too as I am young.
Wow...lol, this is really ironic. My sister was reading over my shoulder yesterday and we were really wondering about that exact thing. You guys act very mature, and really seem to know what you're doing. On the other hand there were tiny inconsistentsies (sorry, I'm a psycology major :P) every now and then that seemed to point to something else. Just goes to show you really can't judge a book by it's cover (or it's age, lol :P). Anyway, I think you guys are really doing a great job. And now I don't feel quite so daunted by the thought of writing my own proggie.
And as for becoming a feature...well I think it's a little too late for that, lol.
I dropped a few hints here and there
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Thanks about the feature comment. What gave it away? The bad spelling.
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
Well it wasn't given away entirely, just little things that weren't adding up. One of them for Steve was, when he used the word 'argh'; I know, no one but a strnge person would latch onto that, and it was innocuos enough, but it still caught my attention. And then there was the broadband thing (or was that nm35?). That kind've threw up some flags. And for rmccue, it was the way that Jhon had addressed him one time. As for nm35, there were just a couple of wierdly phrased sentences, altho I must say he pulled off 'college student' for a little while, lol. Duece had already established that he was married with a child, and the evidence (blog etc.) seemed to elaborate to be a hoax (Do people actually put that much effort into those?). The only one so far that I'm still not sure of is Justin, but I still havn't read every post on the forum yet, so I may never figure it out on my own. I tend to give the benifit of the doubt. One thing that confused an acurate assesment was the fact that all three of you (four including Justin) used intelligent ID's. You know, not like haxxor, or ScRiPt KiDdIe RuLeS; not that there is anything wrong with those (I mean, look at my own :P), they just did not indicate an immature minset, thats all. Hind sight is 20/20, and at the time it was only suspicion. :D:P
Here is a hint to my age: In January of the year that I was born, Intel inroduced the 486 chip, which could run at 33 megahertz. In June of that year, Hitachi introduced a prototype of a 64-megabit memory chip. Lastly, the "silver dagger" algorithm was developed to aid in complex calculus calculations.
A challenge, huh? Well here goes.
I post it when I get back.
No the broadband was real. I was using a borrowed PC for that. ISP said 4 days but it came back the next day. And the great thing was that they phoned me a week after that and asked if they had managed to fix it yet
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
lol, that's great.
I am 28 Years old, Been at this for awhile. Computers I mean. I am mostly a desktop tech and hardware guru. Not much into programming, I do know C and Java, but haven't used it in years. Probably couldn't again.
You guys make me feel old though!!
I agree with Ashes that there were minor things that gave away a young age, But I never thought below 23. You guys do act mature and I commend you for it.
Now, you guys just give an old man a break once in a while. I grew up with Commodore 64, so I am still stuck in the good old days of DOS!
God I miss DOS! Oh well, new languages, new worlds.
Deuce {The Core}
"Portable Software: Just the beginning..."
Portable Software: Just the beginning.
We don't think you're old Duece, and it takes all kinds, right? As for DOS, I do like working with it, but I'm afriad that only having access to a GUI (even the simpler ones around age 8 and all :P) kind've spoiled me. My artist genes overpowered my geek genes, so if I'm not 'breaking' things on the inside of my OS', I'm making them look 'pretty'. (Dad's all 'eye of the beholder'. He thinks my desktop is too dark.)
Having grown up with DOS I quite like it
But thats just me
And you wont be told how young I am
All I am going to say is that in the year I was born my school was 11 years old
And its not impossible
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
To be helping this much at a young age is very commendable indeed!
I thought I was the only one until now.
Makes you wonder.
Be funny if John said he was only young too!
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Heh, truth be told, at first I thought the 'inner ring' of programmers here were were seasoned IT guys, lol
We wish
Hey wait, almost everyone on the NSIS Dev Team is a 'young one'
I think it's cause NSIS is relitively easy
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Yeh I'd agree, but then again I do also know both VB.NET, C++ and a sprinkling of ASP.NET
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
Is C++ easy?
I have thought about starting to learn it.
If so, could you point me to a tutorial?
Which one is the easiest (VB.NET, C++ or ASP.NET)?
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
VB.NET is easiest, ASP.NET is practically the same. C++ is tough if you come from the .NET languages but from NSIS it ought to be alright.
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog
Well thanks everyone. I must say that I wasnt quite expecting that! I'm lost for words
Steve Lamerton
Developer Profile Sync & PortaLog