I wanted a menu with categories for my millions of apps and a simple interface for WOS (Web on a stick) - This is based on the excellent work done by John and Netdroid9
This menu filters apps into categories based on their folder names in particular the 4 character code you append to their names.
Audio Menu - Apps within folders appended with _aud
Video Menu - Apps within folders appended with _ani
Games Menu - Apps within folders appended with _gam
Graphics menu - Apps within folders appended with _gra
Office menu - Apps within folders appended with _off
Internet menu - Apps within folders appended with _int
Tools Menu - Apps within folders appended with _tls
Web Design menu Apps within folders appended with _wbd
For example
################################# PortableApps | OpenOfficePortable_off AudacityPortable_aud CommonFiles Eject_tls PortableAppsMenu #################################
I understand this breaks the PAF installers for PAM though I can live with that.
The Web Design menu quick links are for WOS when it is installed in the Driveroot:/WOS and enable launching of WOS, localhost in IE and FF, PHPMyAdmin and the www folder
My eject script is included and marked to execute on close.
Download can only be available for a couple days - If worthy can someone pls mirror?
Screenshot here
And a screenshot of the WOS menu - Should've really changed those icons...
Source included though please excuse my coding as I new nothing about Borland Delphi 3 weeks ago and am merly an amature web designer.
Mirror for testing
Thanks m8
Sweet, nice.
It's kinda scary when my desktop is messier than my room...
This is amazing! How does the theming work?
"You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it."
Malcolm X
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
I'm sorry please read the post at the top of the general forum. It is demanding no more things like Mr. Bunny.
Release Team Member
Sorry, don't generally see stickied topics like that. Fixed it :sad:.
"You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it."
Malcolm X
R.I.P Bunny.
We will miss you.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
Identical to Netdroids (as it is his engine) except you have a few more images and icons to skin
From what I understand
the images are stored in an array for each theme and depending on which is selected the interface is refreshed with the new images and icons.
Well, I really have never seen his.
"You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it."
Malcolm X
R.I.P Bunny.
We will miss you.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
Sorry - I haven't really got the grasp of the theme code myself but in terms of use you make a copy of the default theme located in the PortableAppsMenu\Data\Theme there is an ini file with plenty of options to tinker the menu and then create your own background, images and icons. In the Options menu you can then switch themes.
I really like this program, but there are a few things missing ...
1. A Button to show all Apps would be nice
2. Maybe it would be nicer if the categories are read out of a INI-File or something like that ... and than you could set the categories by right-click in the Menu... Would be much easier then renaming all Apps ....
3. Update to r12
4. Maybe a Xampp-Menu instead a WOS-Menu... Or both and you can choose which one you would like to have ...
Yes I was going to look at how Netdroid uses the pafdata files to hide apps, could also be used to set the category instead of naming the folders, which would be much better - though beyond my time and ability to develop at this stage.
I posted this as an example of features I like and am hoping the keen devs might include these features in their menus (*Bump* Netdroid9 & John) as my development cycle is very slow. I'll put a pointer in Netdoids thread as a feature request.
A button to show all apps should be fairly easy I'll include that when I get a chance.
Definitely possible, the only problem is loading apps from the DB (which requires some rewriting but is conceptually simple). I like your implementation of categories UI-wise (at least from what I've seen).
As a suggestion, you might want to take a look around the Tango Icon Gallery? From my understanding, it's where the default icon theme comes from, so it'd fit in pretty well.
They are better than my attempts - I'm creatively challenged if it were not already obvious!!
Feel free to take any ideas and implement in R13+, my project will always be a stop gap for my personal use and most likely lag behind the real developments.
A mirror? Sure.
Here ya go.
Great organization feature. Since netdroid is still pumping his engine, perhaps you could work together with him to eliminate split versions of the same engine this far into the game
not a fan of the image choices or the default theme, but the functionality is great!
And, in support of someone else's post, a button to show all apps would be great
LOL - Yes the theme is an acquired taste that's why we can skin em
and I agree on one great working menu.
I just found, that the Autorun-Feature seems to not work correct with the renamed folders .....
Or at least it doesn't work with mirandaportable
MfG Overlord
YES me too - Post that bug on Netdroids thread as it is a feature he wrote and may have been corrected in R12 he released recently
That prevents easy movement of an app from one tab to another.
I suggest either using the pafdata files in each folder, or a main config file, though separate data files, as per netdroid's mod, allow for faster data file manipulation.
I suggest using the main config file to assign names to tab numbers [for example, 7 tabs, named tab1-tab7, with name properties corresponding to "office" "security" "games" etc]. Then, a right click menu option of
that modifies the paf data file, and then refreshes the menu, so as to show the change. a main option to not refresh on change would also be a good idea, if you plan on making a lot of changes and don't want to see the menu refreshing every time you do.
One tab icon should be the default one, which shows all apps, while the other icons only show apps whose pafdata tab # values correspond to the tab-in-question's tab number value [like 5 for media software]
A good idea would be to also make the positions of the tab icons/buttons theme dependant for greater customizability, like most of the other features that netdroid has programmed in.
Actually, if you don't mind, I'm going to repost this suggestion on Tewan's forum for netdroid's mod, in case he's working on, or planning to work on an organizational structure.
Please do as I wont be doing any of that soon. It sounds like a great idea and the way I would like to see it go.