when the emulaters come out in the game section of the hosted apps at portableapps.com,anyone think that they could package pj64. its an emulater for n64 and it is really cool! works idealy with any c.p.u. 800+ghz. (pentium 4 or higher)
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when the emulaters come out in the game section of the hosted apps at portableapps.com,anyone think that they could package pj64. its an emulater for n64 and it is really cool! works idealy with any c.p.u. 800+ghz. (pentium 4 or higher)
Well I designed a launcher for Project64 but I will only release the launcher. As the app is not open-source only freeware
The launcher can be found here
This is only a launcher and please read the readme file. and ohh yeah just copy the contents of your project64 folder (Not the folder please) to app/Project64. The folder in the launcher is premade
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
well i dont necesaraly mean pj64 alone. if someone can find an n64 emulater like pj64 that was open source, (and i know that they exist) then they could package it or have someone else do it.
Hmm I'll take a look around the net and see what I can find
Edit: Ok I found 2 that are promising that are in the same league as Project64 called 1964 and daedalus. Both open-source. I'll package them and will release them on friday. Hope you can wait till then
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
I hope you mean 800Mhz not GHz, because i know of no computer with THAT power!
Linux: Because rebooting is for adding hardware
i did mean 800 meghz. and i have 1964 and deadalus!!!! funny! thanks for taking the time to package them!!
Sorry I can't post the app (due to some thick air John and I are trying to clearup.) Give me your email and I'll send the launcher. The launcher will not include a splash screen so that it is left neutral.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
well my e-mail is krg225@yahoo.com, but when you send me the launcher, it will have the app and everything?
Well fi you already have 1964 then I'll just post the launcher but if you want me to include the app I will just say the word
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
"the word" (chuckles at not verry funny joke)
!) !) :!:
it would be good if you could include the app.
Yeah really I'll send it tomorrow when I am at a high speed computer. Stuck on old dialup after coming back home from college
Edit: Email sent as this is now tomorrow where I'm at.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
you also send this app to me? (1964 and launcher?) I've been trying to get it all week. Thanks in advance.
The link is dead.
:My Website (Still under development):
iLike Macs, iPwn, However you put it... Apple is better ^_^
"Claiming that your operating system is the best in the world because more people use it is like saying McDonalds makes the best food in the world..."
Yeah I know thats because of the fact that it belonged to an old site layout I was using originally
"I don't fear Computers. I fear the lack of them" Isaac Asimov
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Great project.
I have made a launcher for 1964 v0.9.9 and the only problem that I get is that the launcher fails to set the paths if the emulator was closed without stopping the ROM.
Even works on Windows 2000.
Could you send my the launchers for P64 and 1964? If you used NSIS to write them could you send the source too?
sweet job tho, I've actually been trying to do this myself
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
the p64 launcher is in the first post and so far, i dont believe that there is a 1964 launcher unfortunately.
i did find that P64 and 1964 already launch from the PAM fairly well but the launcher is more convienient because you wont have to configure it every time.