PortableApps Menu Mod r15
Why the *FINAL*? Simply put, as I stated would happen in the r12 thread, other obligations have caught up with me. I apologize for not being able to implement categories and other requested features in time. I wish to thank Tewan for hosting the mods, and everyone for their suggestions. I had fun implementing them :).
Thanks, I'll check it out.
It's kinda scary when my desktop is messier than my room...
Mirror R13
Very nice, but I have a couple queries/suggestions, 1st is the problem of figuring out just what path to use for an executable in a custom button, I ended up using the full path without the drive (starting with "\PortableApps\Applic\App\App.Exe" as everything else seemed to be handled differently depending on how the menu got started (The working directory may not be consistent so a relative path didn't seem to work properly). To this end I'd like to suggest the possibility of a few macros for the PathToApp entry.
Which could be implemented be replacing line 2776 with
It might be nice to be able to provide cmd line parameters to the app run (ie: explorer.exe P:) but that can be handled by a script run from the menu. (and it would be a lot more difficult to add to the current program as you'd need either another string storage linked to the imgarrCustomImages, or you'd have to add a parser for the Hint property.
The other thing I noticed was that the Theme menu doesn't always show the actual theme, when i changed from my theme to the custom button demo, it would still show as my theme selected. When you first start the theme indicates correctly, but changing to another them other than the first or second (it seems) ends up with an incorrectly checked menu item.
* user (noun) usually offensive : a person affected with idiocy, often used as an explicative after hanging up the phone.
* programmer (noun) : a predominantly nocturnal creature fueled by either Caffeine or Sugar (Or Both).
Argh! You're right, I messed up. I like your idea of using macros, I'd have just done it the cop-out way and used a relative path (breaking my own example theme in the process :P). I hope you don't mind if I copy'n'paste your code ;).
That menu issue is weird 0.o. It looks like I'm getting the wrong menu item altogether in the menu arguments, and it's been somehow syncing up with the value parameter, which is why it still works. As for fixing it, I've been calling SetupMenus (which checks everything properly) whenever I change a theme/locale, so the glitchy code is redundant anyway.
Copy and Paste away, that's why I posted it. (I see it's already done)
I use an older version of Delphi, 6 Enterprise which with the Jedi stuff dropped on does what I need, but as a result I haven't got a couple of the shiny new components needed to compile this thing (Until I have no choice I'm not forking out big bucks to upgrade my version)
On the other hand, what version are you using, is it the Turbo Explorer version? If so I have an unused laptop I could toss that on.
* user (noun) usually offensive : a person affected with idiocy, often used as an explicative after hanging up the phone.
* programmer (noun) : a predominantly nocturnal creature fueled by either Caffeine or Sugar (Or Both).
I use Turbo Delphi 2006 ;).
I can still not change the programm list and the up and down arrows ( place and size ). Is there a possibility to do that in the next version because I dont want to arrange my themes and topics around those fixed arrows.
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
The app list can be moved with 'OffsetX' and 'OffsetY', and the size can be changed with 'ListSize'. They're all supposed to go under 'AppButtons'
Make sure you're using the latest theme.ini, too.
Also, ListSize isn't in the theme.ini file 0.o. Stick ListSize=20 under AppButtons in the theme.ini file and fiddle with it to change the size. I have to point out that it can't go under 20 or it won't have an effect (because I'm too lazy to get rid of the default app buttons and besides which, it hasn't been tested fully yet).
thanks for the fast response. this with the apps list ihave understand. With that lists I had seen in old verion.
but my importent thing are the list buttons for up and down the list. when i can change this button, This would be miraculous.
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Sorry for my lousy English!!!
You mean changing the location of the up and down buttons individually? That shouldn't be too hard, I'll take a look.
thats exactly what i mean. please have a look. i have many ideas for themes.
greetz and thanks
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Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
I've implemented it. You can't change the font stuff, but that's because they don't use a font (from what I can tell), so it's no big loss.
Very Nice Indeed it comes very comes close to being the number 1 menu on my list currently it's number 2 and number 1 is portable dev's c++ version of pam which can be dragged around which I like because on my laptop the corner the original pam uses is blotched out on my laptop because of an accident that happened to it a while ago
"I don't fear Computers. I fear the lack of them" Isaac Asimov
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
The menu's location is the domain of the theme.ini file, the easiest way to change it is to either set SwitchSides to 1 in your theme's ini file or change it's OffsetX and OffsetY properties. These properties are under the '[frmMenu]' heading ;).
but isnt it possible like in c c++ or d
to unbind the positioning.
so u can move it around and maybe let it dock to another side?
maybe simply by imlementing an Percent of edge input box like in
Kooldock Kubuntu there u need the x offsets in percents and can move it all around
so the menu must know the window size of the Desktop the u can say
left from screen 30 % like this
and this with an button for top left right and bottom
do not know if this possible.
It's definitely possible to unbind it and move it around, but OffsetX and OffsetY achieve the same purpose in a more consistent manner. Percentages are a good idea though, I'll have a look tommorrow.
EDIT: They're implemented for the frmMenu section, but implementing them for AppButtons would be needlessly complex (another constant to update all the time, or worse, a new variable to update on initialization :().
c[x. y is wallpaper swap always checked? even if i disable it, when PAM is launched it get's checked agnz. it's even checked when i don't hav a wallpaper
Firefox or Firefox?
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
Enable Wallpaper Swap means that if it finds a wallpaper, it'll change the backdrop. I'm leaving it enabled when there isn't a wallpaper because I tried disabling it and found it really glitchy.
As for it staying checked, that's a glitch on my behalf :(. *Fixes*
edited the language files cause 2 minor bugs in it.
i send the corrected ones to netroid.
R14 Repack
This build seems to mess up the themes and makes it difficult to use and see. I get the background pic inside the menu. Must go back to R13 since that one works ok.
He managed to get the custom buttons example theme.ini in the default directory, copying the theme.ini from R13's default directory seemed to fix the default theme for me (but then I don't use the default theme)
* user (noun) usually offensive : a person affected with idiocy, often used as an explicative after hanging up the phone.
* programmer (noun) : a predominantly nocturnal creature fueled by either Caffeine or Sugar (Or Both).
Thanks. That fixed it for me as well!
Oops 0.0! Teaches me not to double-check whenever I copy'n'paste stuff :P.
Out of curiosity, where were the bugs?
Hi there are two mini faults no bugs in it
cause of the new uninstall text 
wrong version numbers in german.
and you have some doubled words in youre english one
D'oh! Thanks for pointing that out :).
I did the french.locale file
It's the français-fra.locale file.
It's here: http://whibo.4shared.com
Sorry to hear that production will cease but I do hope that you'll get your chance to catch up on your things
"I don't fear Computers. I fear the lack of them" Isaac Asimov
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Here I just finished making the modifications to allow the menu to be dragged around the screen, and your quitting on me?
Downloaded and installed Turbo Delphi just for that purpose, the only thing I haven't put in is saving the changed offsets to PortableAppsMenu.ini, mostly because that opens a new can of worms in that when the offsets were loaded I'd have to check that we still fit within the current screen, and if it didn't fit, do I move it just move enough to fit, or drop back to the theme defaults.
And if a new theme is loaded do we use the moved location as a start or do the same check (keep location if fits otherwise move, right now it uses the theme default always)
I was going to paste the mods required here, but if your done I may have to take it over, not that I have that much more time available.
* user (noun) usually offensive : a person affected with idiocy, often used as an explicative after hanging up the phone.
* programmer (noun) : a predominantly nocturnal creature fueled by either Caffeine or Sugar (Or Both).
Post it please. I've been waiting for it for some while
"I don't fear Computers. I fear the lack of them" Isaac Asimov
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
I've modified John's installer for this, I didn't use his wizard image as I thought it would make people unclear as to whether it was officially supported, so I used the only one I have, mine. It should work fine, and it's much easier than .rar.
Download PortableApps Menu Mod r15 Easy Install
Disclaimer: Please be aware this version of the PortableApps Menu is a modification of the original version by PortableApps.com and is not officially supported.
You can have Tewan mirror it if you'd like
It's kinda scary when my desktop is messier than my room...
Yeah, I also would say you should use the Mirror from Tewan if netdroid9 doesn't have any problems with this ....
You could just start a new Project and let the R15 be downloadable because it's the last version from netdroid9 ....
i need help.
i want to made an installer for my themes. i have the install.nsi the wizard.bmp and the folders but he dont compile this.
he say:
Error in macro MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_INIT on macroline 5
Error in macro MUI_GUIINIT on macroline 2
Error in macro MUI_FUNCTION_GUIINIT on macroline 4
Error in macro MUI_INSERT on macroline 11
Error in macro MUI_LANGUAGEFILE_BEGIN on macroline 4
!include: error in script: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Contrib\Modern UI\Language files\English.nsh" on line 9
Error in macro MUI_LANGUAGE on macroline 5
Error in script "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\lager.KANITZ\Desktop\PortableAppsInstaller\Installer.nsi" on line 91 -- aborting creation process
i need the missing files. can you please help me?
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Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
Right now I'm modifying John's install for your themes, and making you an example installer. I will post it and all the needed plugins for you to compile when I'm done, should take less than an hour to make sure it's all right.
Then I will highlight all the parts you need to change for each new theme, is that okay?
It's kinda scary when my desktop is messier than my room...
that would be wonderfull. thanks for the effort. I in your guilt
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Sorry for my lousy English!!!
What is the exact location where themes for the PortableApps Menu Mod need to be install to?
Or is it like
It's kinda scary when my desktop is messier than my room...
the location are:
X:\PortableApps\PortableAppsMenu\Data\Theme\(ThemeNamed Folder)
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Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
Just realized that. So, I'm not sure what I'm going to do, I can make you an installer, but when the drive it plugged it, it will only search for the PortableApps Menu Mod theme setup, not the original PortableApps Menu theme setup, I could try adding in both locations, making the mod the dafault, if it's too hard, I'll just post the installer for the Mod, and then made a revision for the original. If that okay?
It's kinda scary when my desktop is messier than my room...
yeah thats fine.
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Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
Thx for the releases man.
maybe you can go on in future time
well done job
P.S Mirror will be up later
You have managed to capture every feature that just about everyone has suggested in these releases [cept for organization, but that's a tough and time consuming cookie]. Congrats on a great mod!
Now then, back to business. I know you guys out there have been theming this mod like crazy. Now that 13/14/15 is out, theming is just about all-powerful. Share your awesomeness, share your themes!
Here's the source to the installer, I've just posted it to take a look and make sure it's all good, and that you don't see any obvious mistakes.
It's kinda scary when my desktop is messier than my room...
i cant see any error in your file.
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
Now I'll bold the parts you need to change for each theme, and create different scripts for the Original PAM, and installing a "Bundle" of themes.
I'll then post the example, tell you where to get the plug-ins, and zip up the setup you need when compiling.
It's kinda scary when my desktop is messier than my room...
This may be a little noobish, but my icons don't show for my apps. EX: The Firefox Logo doesn't show up beside the name Firefox Portable. I have all my apps installed in The root folder which is G:\ on my computer. I have NO idea what I did wrong. Can someone help?
The Apps must be installed in G:\PortableApps. So, for example, FirefoxPortable.exe would be in G:\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable
There are 10 kind of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those with friends.
which theme are u using ??
I did it
It's the français-fra.locale file.
YOU CAN MODIFY IT AND INCLUDE IT TO THE NEXT PORTABLEAPPS MENU MOD OR/AND UPDATE THE PORTABLEAPPS MENU MOD R15 WITH THIS FILE. It's because I do the french.locale file for each PortableApps Menu Mod and it's never include in. It's........cheap for all my work.
cant get into the files directory to download anything ?
if i could i would repack the mirror version of R15 with youre locale :|
Mirror All Language Files included
Mirror R15 Multilang
Xrxca is continuing the mod [draggable version], so just post it in his thread and ask him to package it
Here are my queries:
1. What does the Appbuttons-listsize setting do? I tried changing it to different values but nothing changed with my menu. I have over 20 apps but all of them are still displayed when this setting is changed to 5
2. What is prebuilt database, from which apps can be displayed?
Your answers to the above is appreciated.
I don't have answers to your questions, but r15 is outdated and development by the author of r15 has ceased. Search for r21 instead, it is a continuation of this menu, by another author.
I don't believe in signatures
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I have repacked it and it's here: http://www.mediafire.com/?f2bcghxyx9t
Continuation of this menu. Current new features are that it is drag-able.
"You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it."
Malcolm X
R.I.P Bunny.
We will miss you.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
I don't seem to get the wallpaper swap to work i have put a wallpaper file that i have made to a bmp file in:
Any suggestions?
*FIXED* Never Mind i got it to work, i saved the image file again into a bmp file since i sav that my first bmp file was only 39kb instead of my second try it shows 3mb.*
Small but noisy bug. When i start apps from that menu - WorkingDirectory is root of my flashdrive. Fix please.
netdroid has discontinued upkeep of this project. However, XrXca picked it up where netdroid left off, and his latest version can be found at https://portableapps.com/node/7878
In fact, version r21b fixes just the problem that you mentioned. Next time, please do a better job of... viewing the thread list, the r21b topic was only an inch away from the r15 topic...