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Portable PS viewer?

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Anonymous (not verified)
Portable PS viewer?

Anyone find or modify a program to view PostScript files? I have GhostView, but I notice it writes to the Registry. ;-(


Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2005-12-24 15:41

SciTE will do it just fine.

(Download single executable called Sc1)


JDShaffer (not verified)
Troubles with SciTE

Hi there, Justin. Thanks for the suggestion. I DL'd the standalone version, per your suggestion. However, it opens the file "source" and does not render the page as intended... I cannot seem to find a menu option anywhere to have it "read the source" and "render the type-set page." Any suggestions?

On the other hand, I might have been able to get GhostView to play nice as a portable app... Hmm...

Thank you,

Ryan McCue
Ryan McCue's picture
Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-06 21:27
What about

R McCue

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

JDShaffer (not verified)
Same Problem...

Well, thanks for your suggestion, RMCCUE... but same problem for me.. I can see the SOURCE for the PostScript file, but I can see the final rendered document.

Right now, I have a portably working version of GhostView (running atop GhostScript.) I managed to make it mobile by installing it directly to my USB drive and asking it NOT to associate any file types, etc. It seems to work as I printed about 300 pages of PS documents from a machine without GhostScript / GhostView installed. Smile Hurrah!

Cheers, and thanks to you both.


Last seen: 14 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-07-02 11:29
possible solution

Hi Jeffrey,

if you install Ghostscript direct, you will have a problem if your device will get assigned to another driveletter (e.g. on another computer) - because during the installation ghostscript writes some informations in the registry used by ghostview.

Fortunately there is also a gsview32.ini file in the directory of ghostview which you can modify.

One possible solution is described here:

Because I have never dealt with AutoIt (guess au3 is AutoIt) I tried to find another solution.
With help from: I find following solution for me:

1. copy an installed ghostscript / ghostview to your mobile device, I use following structur:

\progs\tools\gs - here all the ghostscript stuff (folders: fonts and gs8.XX)
\progs\tools\gs\gsview - here ghostview(-files)

2. create a batch-file (e.g. gsini.bat):

set GS_VERSION=8.54
echo [GSview-%GSVIEW_VERSION%]> "%~dp0gs\gsview\gsview32.ini"
echo Configured=1 >> "%~dp0gs\gsview\gsview32.ini"
echo Version=%GSVIEW_VERSION%>> "%~dp0gs\gsview\gsview32.ini"
echo GhostscriptDLL=%~dp0gs\gs%GS_VERSION%\bin\gsdll32.dll>> "%~dp0gs\gsview\gsview32.ini"
echo GhostscriptEXE=%~dp0gs\gs%GS_VERSION%\bin\gswin32c.exe>> "%~dp0gs\gsview\gsview32.ini"
echo GhostscriptInclude=%~dp0gs\gs%GS_VERSION%\lib;%~dp0gs\fonts;%~dp0gs\gs%GS_VERSION%\Resource>> "%~dp0gs\gsview\gsview32.ini"
echo GhostscriptOther=-dNOPLATFONTS -sFONTPATH="c:\psfonts">> "%~dp0gs\gsview\gsview32.ini"
echo. >> "%~dp0gs\gsview\gsview32.ini"

You need to adjust the first two lines to your versions.
Where ever is written "%~dp" the actual driveletter+path to the batch file is used, therefore you maybe have to adjust the following path for your needs. My gsini.bat is placed in \progs\tools.
e.g. if your gsini.bat is at x:\tools\gsini.bat than %~dpgs\gsview = x:\tools\gs\gsview

3. I have removed (saved first) the registry-entry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AFPL Ghostscript].

4. run gsini.bat -> the gsview32.ini will get modified.

5. run gsview

6. I don't know yet why but I first have to execute [options]-[easy configure] then the new setting will get used by gsview. (in german version: [Optionen]-[Konfiguration])

7. Every time your device gets assigned to another driveletter execute items nr. 4+5+6

This is my quick and dirty version you maybe find a better way to realize the use of ghostscript on a mobile device.


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