Its already a portable app, , and a very nice one at that. I figured since you already are listing Putty for ssh, why not easy gui based file transfering through SSH. The added popularity and traffic might help them out.
afraid to say that it isn't portable for me
As far as I can tell the settings are stored in the registry, unless there is a way to force them into an INI file?
Steve Lamerton
My Blog
Hello Steve
Just for your information, and in case you ever need this, you can force WinSCP settings in an INI file.
in the Advanced Settings you should have a Storage tab in which you can select this option.
(sorry, i am using a localized version of Winscp and the terms above may be a bit different in the english version)
I never knew that
'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK
My Blog
Portable FileZilla already handles SCP/SFTP.
Ah...but filezilla is a piece of crap next to winscp...its not even the same level...