There isn't an EraserPortable forum yet, so this'll have to go here. There are a couple pretty serious bugs in the newly released Eraser launcher. Copy and paste from my other post -
Lines 227 and 239 in the cleanup section have the MoveKey values reversed. Please fix because line 227 is the main HKCU\Heidi key so all user settings are not restored after exiting the portable version.
I don't mean to sound ungrateful of course. The last few weeks you've been doing some amazing work. So many useful releases. I can't thank you enough!!
EDIT - hmmm, something is not working right in the cleanup section at all. The HKCR\.ers and HKCR\Eraser.Document keys are not being deleted after restoration; I'm left with the backup keys intact. I'm not sure, but I've run across this when dealing with the HKCR hive in my NSIS launchers as well. I started making changes directly to HKLM\Software\Classes and this phenomenon went away. Can anyone else confirm this?
I replaced your HKCRs with HKLM\Software\Classes... and it is removing the backup keys correctly now.
Other bugs -
This key should NOT be deleted
It holds the context menu for the Recycle Bin. Deleting it removes every right-click option from it, including 'Empty Recycle Bin'. You should replace it with -
There are also a few other keys you might consider adding -
HKLM\Software\Classes\Eraser Scheduler
I've rushed out a revision 2 that should fix all of these issues. The recycle bin one being serious enough to rush out the fix... though it shouldn't ever result in it actually being deleted (since it backs up and restores) I'm taking no chances.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
The right click menu for my Recycle Bin is gone. I'm trying out the portable Eraser prerelese2 right now to flush the free space on my D: drive. Is this a known issue or did using the prerelese1 version hose me (and the registry)?
If the latter...does anyone have a .reg file that will restore the right click menu for the recycle bin?
EDIT: Close call!
Looks like the Recycle Bin Right click menu is restored when you close out Eraser or at least was after I closed it out from the run above. Now the Recycle Bin menu works fine when Eraser is running or not. Weird error that seems to be gone. 
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Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
That was the bug. It was while Eraser Portable was running. It's fixed in the new release. And I posted a link to a .reg fix on the slim chance someone's PC crashed while it was running.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Checked it all out and everything looks good. The reg key restore/delete is working correctly now with the change to HKLM\Software\Classes\ as well. No more bugs, great job John!
I wonder if the HKCR vs HKLM\Soft\Clss is some sort of bug in NSIS, or the registry functions or what? Cause manual registry editing works as it should with the HKCR symbolic link (as expected). Using NSIS is the first time I've run into that problem, and it still occurs up to v2.29.