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Calling all Slingboxers! SlingPlayer "Just Works" as a portable app :-)

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Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-05 20:01
Calling all Slingboxers! SlingPlayer "Just Works" as a portable app :-)

(Disclaimer: This may or may not be old news, but I did a forum search and didn't find any mention at all of this.)

SlingPlayer works fine perfectly off a USB device, and thus in PortableApps. All you have to do is copy the "SlingPlayer" folder from (by default) "C:\Programs Files\Sling Media" to the device, or the "PortableApps" folder.

Here's what your Portable Apps Menu will look like...

Notice that by default there are two "Slingbox" icons present; the one that is fully colored is the real "SlingPlayer.exe" which you want to use. The half-grey one is actually "SPTuning.exe", the video tuning wizard. This occurs because the "Product Name" value which the Menu displays is "Slingbox" for both EXEs (in Windows Explorer, right-click either, choose "Properties" from the context menu, and then the "Version" tab to see this). If you delete SPTuning.exe, every time you switch computers or monitor settings you have to choose No for the tuning wizard, or check the nag box's "do not show again" option. I don't know how well that worked anyway Smile

Caveat: SlingPlayer does leave a couple registry entries behind on the host system (all thankfully confined in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sling Media). But that's a small price to pay, given that this program won't be open sourced and PAF-able anytime soon Wink



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Joined: 2006-11-18 10:26
Some enterprising coder

Some enterprising coder could build a launcher to clean up the host system after the player.

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Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago
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Apps that "Just Work"

There are a few handy programs that I have found that seem to work fine as portables.
Just install them on your PC then move the folder on over to your PortableApps folder:

Rename4u -
For me this one is simpler and more intuitive than 1-4a Rename

Across Lite (crossword puzzle software) -

Exifer (for editing EXIF data in jpgs)

DVD Shrink (I have not actually fully tested this one out - so I may be wrong here...)

Anyway - I'm new here and I love this site. I'm not sure if it's cool to mention the above info - these are all free programs - but I don't know if they are "open source".
If I have said anything I should not have here you can delete my post...
Also - I did not search the archives of this forum - so this stuff might be old news... sorry if it is.

There but for the grace of logic go I...

Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-05 20:01
AFAIK, theres nothing wrong...

...with mentioning/listing closed-source apps that "just work" as portables, as long as it doesn't require reverse-engineering to make it portable. As far as what they package here, it's only open-source software to avoid most chances for legal issues.

As long as you aren't redistributing closed-source files, it should be fine. This is why the other responder mentioned someone possibly writing a launcher to address any shortcomings; this would not modify the actual program files at all, and can also be distributed independently of the program itself.

Speaking of which, you should check to see if the programs you listed leave behind registry keys after being run as a portable--this is considered less desirable by the purists who value true modular functionality, and most of them would want to know this beforehand.



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