Here is a link to a Portable NSIS that I made with the help of Deuce (he eliminated that window size registry entry!!)(Thanks Deuce!!) You should also check out some of the other cool projects we have going on at PortaSoft
EDIT* (New link)
Probably teams up very nicely with PSPad NSIS Integration
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects]
I am about to get PortableNSIS just because I have the syntax highlighting.
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Yep, it should work great with PSPad or SciTE, whichever you prefer.
The advantage PSPad has over SciTE is that you can compile NSIS scripts directly from PSPad. If you take a look at this screenshot, you'll notice, in the Log window, a script is being compiled. I published the steps to set that up here.
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects]
I use Notepad2, which is based on SciTE.
» PortaSoft
SciTE is just as lexible and fully capable of calling compilers in any of the languages you set up. In fact - it's already pre-configured to work with NSIS. If you wanted to make it portable you would need to hope that relative paths work and edit the lines at the bottom of "".
Coolness of Cool, Downloading Now...
I can Finally Compile a script on the go at my Colleges locked down dumb terminals.
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