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Portable File Explore with "portable file types"

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Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2005-12-10 10:26
Portable File Explore with "portable file types"


I've been frequently checking since it was launched a while ago and I think it's a well rounded site with a great concept. I use my disk drive for everything. That said, there is something I'm missing, or everything else is missing.

Since I have all of these wonderfull portableapps, such as the OpenOffice portable version. I would like to open .doc, .xls or .whatever files in their specific portable applications. Instead of re-writing the entire registry, I would like to use a portable alternative to the Windows File Explorer. There are many such programs, TotalCommander XYExplorer, A43, etc. but I have yet to find one which can support "portable file associations". I would like to configure my portable Windows File Explorer alternative, so that when I double click a .doc file it automatically opens that file with the portable version of OpenOffice Writer located on the USB drive. I don't think this is anything revolutionary (at least it shouldn't be), I just need an explorer where I can configure file types such as:

.doc | open in | PortableDrive:\applications\openoffice\writer.exe %1
.xls | open in | PortableDrive:\applications\openoffice\calc.exe %1

Or something like that. It would be great to get some input/links on this, since I've been wanting this functionality for years now.

[Edit]Perhaps a good alternative to this, would be to create an AutoHotkey script which responds to Enter or Double-Clicks while in windows explorer. AutoHotkey could then intercept the command, check the file that is being opened and if it is a recognized file type it could open it in the portable application. This should be fairly easy, a simple ini file or something like that could be used to edit the "portable file associations", and locating the portable drive is not an issue since the AutoHotkey script would be running from it. This is something even I could code. Let me know if there's any interest for this.

Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-05-19 08:05
hav u tried C.A.F.E yets?

hav u tried C.A.F.E yets?

"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer

Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2005-12-10 10:26
I had never heard of it and

I had never heard of it and couldn't find it either. This is exactly what I mean, thank you so much! Although it took me a while to understand how it works, there are no help files yet, and I didn't find the description in the link you listed to be very clear.

That said, this is brilliant. I'm starting to get the hang of it, so far it seems very annoying that it tries to associate everything. IMHO the standard behaviour should be to override extensions which it has already associated, and simply open everything else in the default application. There should be an option to control this behaviour. Smart idea, allowing the users to monitor several explorers.

I'm definetly looking into this, pluss all the source is included. Sweetness!

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Joined: 2006-12-06 18:07
I'm working on the help file

I'm working on the help file now. For now it will just be Instructions.txt like it is already, but I'm putting in detail that is actually useful now. The update with this improved instructions file and a few small bug fixes should be posted by or on Sunday. This application is a modification by me of an existing application of the same name. The original is in french, with poor english translations, even less detailed information as to how things work, and several sections that had the framework coded but did not work.
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The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

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Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2006-12-06 18:07
Hi, I am the author of the

Hi, I am the author of the CAFE Mod that is in the Beta Testing forums. The topic in your edit is exactly what CAFE is. It incorporates a GUI for managing additional windows, managing file extensions and managing the applications. The help file is currently rather sad, I was more focused on fixing bugs in the original CAFE application, adding useful features, and reimplementing full language support. Feel free to test it out, use the HOTKEYS section of the help file, play around and figure things out. I'll post an updated help file with the next post I make (probably this weekend) it won't be Beta 4 yet, probably Beta 3c, I'm doing a feature freeze and just fixing bugs now.
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The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2005-12-10 10:26
Hey and good work! Is the

Hey and good work!

Is the original author no longer involved? I've been snooping through the french site, and found some good links. I'll probably get back to you, but in the meantime if I can contribute in any way, either through AutoHotkey code. For example, instead of clicking Shift+Win + Clicking on title bar, perhaps you could use something like this:

GetClass: Alternatively, build somekind of menu list and let the user select windows from there.
msgbox, Click ok to this messagebox, activate a window and then wait three seconds.
sleep, 3000
WinGetClass, SwitchClass, A
IniWrite, %SwitchClass%, WinClassSwitcher.ini, Settings, SwitchClass
GoSub, announceSettings

I had the code above for a small program I made which switches between all windows of a certain class at a given intervall.

Or in making an installer, or the documentation, translation or whatever. I'd be more than glad to give a hand. My email is erik .

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Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2006-12-06 18:07
I'm not sure about the

I'm not sure about the original author's involvement. My app is just a modification/bug fix/enhancement of his. I tried contacting him, but have not heard anything back yet. I'd love code suggestions. Currently I'm not adding features, just doing bug fixes, but more will be added later. What translations could you do?

P.S. the Shift+Win+Click can be anywhere on the window
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The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Last seen: 17 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-12 03:12
Portable file associations: XYplorer has them

"Portable file associations"... this is a feature (with exactly this name!) in XYplorer since 26-Aug-2006. And it works almost as you described it:

Hardcoded association:

Hardcoded association, groupwise:

Association relative to this XYplorer's path:

Association relative to the drive where this XYplorer is running from:



Bahamut's picture
Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-07 08:44

It's a good piece of software, but it isn't free (in either sense of the word). If you're willing to fork out the cash for it, it's probably the best for you.


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