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Cross Platform Portable Firefox exists, what about Portable Thunderbird

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Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-10 12:25
Cross Platform Portable Firefox exists, what about Portable Thunderbird

Thank you John for all your hard work on creating Portable Apps. I use them throughout the week and look forward to the new Thunderbird 1.5 once it's adjusted for portability.

I've thought about asking for information on your Portable builds so I can make a PortableFirefox and PortableThunderbird for Mac OS X. I also use a Mac at home, and most of my family uses them.

But what I've really wanted a Cross Platform PortableFirefox & Thunderbird since I use Macs, Windows and Linux platforms - at home, work, family & friends.

Luckily, I just stumbled across this and thought it should be listed - PortableFirefox for Windows & Mac OS X. Seems them extended your work.

Have you considered partnering your work with others to create Cross Platform PortableFirefox & Thunderbird? (BTW, I understand that Open Office and others would be a bit much since most people want email & web anyway.)

Thanks Mark S.

tspencer (not verified)
Not ready for prime time

That cross-platform, portable firefox isn't ready for prime time IMHO. You have to manually edit the launcher script. I emailed the author a fix last month. I don't have a Mac to test it though, and the creator said it didn't work. *shrug* It really only needs someone w/ a small bit of bourne shell scripting knowledge. A Mac would help too Wink

My shooting-in-the-dark hack of START_OS_X_Firefox.command:

for DIR in ; do
if [[ -e /Volumes//Portable\ Firefox/compreg/compreg_mac.dat ]]; then
if [[ -z "" ]]; then
echo "Could not locate your USB drive. You'll have to manually edit this script" >&2
exit 1
echo Starting Firefox!
cp /Portable\ Firefox/compreg/compreg_mac.dat /Portable\ Firefox/profile/compreg.dat
sh /Portable\ Firefox/ -profile /Portable\ Firefox/profile
echo Done!
echo Finishing Firefox!
cp /Portable\ Firefox/compreg/compreg_win.dat /Portable\ Firefox/profile/compreg.dat
echo Done Syncing!




Travis Spencer

Batist Leman (not verified)
Firefox fow Lin&Win

Hi, I have tweaked firefox to be portable for Windows and Linux.

What you have to do is add all the linux stuff in the linux firefox dir, to your portableFirefox dir.
Now you can use the same commandline inputs for setting the profile stuff.


Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15
I want the Linux version

could you email it to me??

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