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a "memory cannot be read" and a "memory cannot be written" problem

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Last seen: 18 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-03-15 19:23
a "memory cannot be read" and a "memory cannot be written" problem

Hi everyone !

First of all, since English is not my native language and I am French, I apologize in advance for all the mistakes in my sentences. That said, let's get back to business. I'm a great fan of John's work andI extensively use "PortableFirefox" and "PortableThunderbird" (PTB hereafter). Everything was going with PFB until 30 minutes ago when it crashed repeatedly. Why ? Well, let me explain. Yesterday, I had the following organization : three email accounts, lets call them A, B, and C. Both B and C were "local accounts", i.e they were linked with the "local folder", and A was superior level account in the sense that it was not linked with the "local folder" (I hope I am clear). Today, well in the morning, I deciced to make all the three accounts linked with the "local folder" so I would have only one folder in the left side panel, precisely called "local folder". I have to mention that I deal with a huge ammount of mails everyday, in terms of reception and storage (for instance, I have a subfolder containing more than 3000 mails). Then I went to the "preferences" page and selected the following action for all my three accounts : "check emails at startup". Then I closed it to eat and after coming back I launched it, and here is the message I got :
L'instruction à "0x008f85bc" emploie l'adresse mémoire "0x00000000". La mémoire ne peut pas être "read". Cliquez sur OK pour terminer le programme. Cliquez sur Annuler pour déboguer le programme.
I clic on the "OK" button and the program shuts itself down. To overcome the problem, I open the "pref.js" file and I manually replace the action "check emails at startup" for my three accounts by "do not check emails at startup", and in doing so, everything got back to normal. I ticked the boxes specifying to check the emails at startup to make sure that selecting this option was the real source of the problem, and I was right, it gave me the same error message. I do not know if this is a serious issue, but I hope someone will take some time to check it further. Anyway, thanks a lot for doing these portables applications, I use them everyday.


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 37 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

Can you try that profile with a local copy of TB? If it fails there, too, it's either some profile corruption or a bug in TB.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 18 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-03-15 19:23
Hi ! First of all, the title

Hi !

First of all, the title of my thread was refering to a second error message with the "written component". I forgot to tell that this second message appeared after several closings and openings of PTB. Then, I did the manual modification in the "pref.js" file and to test the error, I did the procedure all over again which yielded the same result, except for the "written" message. Though I have to confess that I did not do as many closings and openings as in the first time. That said, I loaded this profile into the version 1.0.7 of PTB and that produced the same effect (I'm sorry, I forgot to tell that my current version of PTB is 1.5 RC1 with Enigmail integrated). When you write a "local copy", does it mean a non portable version of TB ? If the answer is "yes", then, sure, I will try it. But then how to determine wether it is a corruption or a bug ?


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 37 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

Load up a local copy of TB 1.5 and drop your profile in there and see if the problem occurs. This will at least allow you to determine whether it is PTB that is the problem. If it has the same issue on the PC, it could then be (1) a corrupt profile, (2) a bug in TB, or (3) an issue on your PC. If it doesn't have the same issue, it's either a bug in PTB or a bug in TB that only manifests itself when run with the -profile switch.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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