I just found one small typo in the help file, I'll check for more, but I just wanted to note this, and if anyone notices any other things like this, they can post 'em here.
For help using Toucn please see:
- Sync
Don't hurt me, I'm just pointing them out.
P.S. What about setting the default width like one of two pixels shorter by default(to like 600), so the Help + Settings tab is flush with the edge like the Sync tab is, unless is displays differently on different screens.
they'll get fixed in the next release. As for the size, I'll see what I can do.
Author of Toucan
'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK
Just found a couple of other ones--maybe been reported, maybe not.
Typo on Sync page, under point #5. Currently reads: "...action is carried out so tht you can..."
On the Command Line page:
Links to Sync, Backup, and Secure don't work because the links are to a .htm files and should be a .html files.
Other than that, all else looks good.
I'll fix that.
Author of Toucan
'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK