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Toucan - Questions for the Community

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Steve Lamerton
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Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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Toucan - Questions for the Community

As I am sure that many of you have guessed I am working hard on the next version of Toucan, however there are some decisions that need to be made so I thought I'd ask you all for your opinions on a few points.


Firstly I am overhauling the language system in Toucan as the one in 1.1 wasn't really fit for purpose, which is why there are no language packs avalible. There are three options as to how it could work,

  1. Modified GIMP Portable, in this method the installer would be quite similar to the one in GIMP, except that rather than choosing to install translations, you would pick the language you wanted. This is my preferred version.

    Pros - Easy for the user, only one language needs to be kept on drive
    Cons - Increased installer complexity, cannot update languages separately from main program

  2. Choose in Toucan, with this method there would be a drop down box on the settings tab allowing the user to select the correct language.

    Pros - Integration into app reduces installer complexity, little extra app code needed
    Cons - Not as easy to use, all languages need to be kept on drive

  3. Language packs, you would choose the correct language pack which would come with an installer.

    Pros - Not extra app or install code needed, only one language on the drive, can be updated separately of main app
    Cons - Not easy to use


This is another quandary for me. As you may know currently the Job system doesn't save the password for Secure jobs (or for Backup with Password in 1.2) and requires you the enter it into the program or on the command line separately. However entering passwords onto the command line isn't always a good idea. So, do I leave the job file password free, or add it in and make it the users responsibility to look after it?

The Command Line

Also coming in 1.2 is a complete rewrite of the command line (if I can get it to work, there are some major issues at the moment) so what syntax would you like to see? Currently you input the job name and a password (if required) but would you prefer to enter all of the details?

Phoning Home

As you know there have been some claims that Toucan phones home, now I have not put any code in there that would phone home, indeed the best reasons that it could be happening seem to me to be a false positive, however, I need to know how many people are getting this issue, where they are getting it and what firewall they are using, I'll then send a special debug version to a few chosen tester with a variety of firewalls so we can track this down and see what it really is.

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Phoning Home

I'm using AVM FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7141 as DSL router. The built in protect function (FRITZ!DSL Protect) of the FRITZ!Box software suite alerts internet access every time Toucan starts encrypting or decrypting.


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Toucan still connects to the Internet

I am using Comodo Firewall, XP Home SP3.

As soon as i add some files to the backup directory on the right side of the file viewer in Toucan my firewall warns me about an outgoing connection from Toucan.

I, of course block the request, but then the program freezes an i can't use it anymore.

The Destination IP is [IP address removed by moderator JTH]

Any suggestions?


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 11 hours 24 min ago
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Your IP

I think you posted your own IP there, so I removed it to be safe. Comodo does a horrible job of interpreting some loopback connections (a PC connecting to itself via a TCPIP loopback when one app communicates with another). I'm pretty sure that Toucan itself doesn't do this, is it possible you have something else installed, possibly as part of the file system that does?

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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 11 hours 24 min ago
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XP Firewall = Nothing

XP SP2 Firewall doesn't pop up any warning or anything when opening or encrypting/decrypting.

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Toucan attempting to connect to the internet

My understanding is that Windows XP firewall only protects against inbound traffic, not outbound.

I'm using Zone Alarm and I get a notification every time I hit the "Go" button to encrypt or decrypt a file. It attempts to connect to which is, I believe, a DNS server. I don't know what address it's trying to look up.

I know I could set ZA to reject the request, but that probably wouldn't be a real 'fix'.

I tried Toucan on a different computer with Comodo Firewall and Comodo didn't catch the traffic. So, it either got by Comodo (I just started using it and don't know if it's set up correctly) or something fishy is up with ZA. I don't know how ZA could send out an alert if something wasn't triggering it one way or another, however.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 11 hours 24 min ago
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XP detects and asks to unblock outgoing but not incoming. I reset it and it bugged me when I fired up things like iTunes, etc.

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I disagree.


BuddhaChu's picture
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My analysis

I don't use Toucan, but installed to see if it really does "phone home".

Per the other thread, one user said it tried to access the DNS server when encrypting a file and another user had an issue with their firewall detecting access on port 53 (DNS).

While running cports I encrypted a file and got zero hits on any app. I then ran burp.exe encrypting a file from the commandline and again got zero hits.

Installed Wireshark and started it capturing in promiscuous mode on the network interface and it detected zero traffic inbound or outbound (except some browser election traffic so I know it work working OK). I couldn't get wireshark to capture on (not sure if that's even possible) since I wanted to see if a program was trying to communicate with something on the localhost interface. netstat -na didn't show anything either (a persistent connection at least).

Those people getting hits on their application firewalls should run burp.exe and encrypt a file from the commandline and see if that triggers a hit.

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Kevin Porter
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Everything sounds good.

Everything sounds good. I've never had any problems with Toucan "phoning home". My Symantec Client Firewall blocks everything that happens on my computer, and I mean everything. If an app tries to load another app, it tells me and asks what to do. Same with internet, so, I'm not quite sure about it if you say there is no code that phones home.

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Francis Cardinal Spell

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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 11 hours 24 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
False Positives

Many software and some hardware firewalls have problems with false positives on mundane things. I know Zone Alarm always had one of these with some random API calls in Windows that did loopback stuff... they never went online at all, but Zone Alarm would alert for no good reason.

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Ryan McCue
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I made a simple C++ program, which simply wrote "Hello, World!" to the command line and ZA detected both outgoing and incoming connections from it.
Needless to say, I don't use ZA anymore.
Ryan McCue.
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Ryan McCue
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Languages - 2. The language files don't appear to be very big, so why not include them?

Command Line:
Stuff like -b for backup, -s for sync, -o M or -m for mirror, -j for Job, otherwise specify other details, etc.
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
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False Positive? (and suggestion)

I'm not sure why ZA is doing what it's doing, but I'll concede that it may indeed be a false positive. Although I get the notification, I don't see any traffic leaving the computer. Also, I don't get any notification on a second computer with Comodo. So... I s'pose things are okay. This might be the motivator I need to change the firewall on Computer-One.

On the subject of upgrade suggestions... Would it be possible to allow Drag-and-Drop for the various fields. It sure would make things faster and easier... ;>)

Steve Lamerton
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Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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just one last thing, could you download a raw copy of burp from here and encrypt a file with the parameters

burp -eo -kpassword filetoencrypt

if that still has the issue I suspect that it is due to something like the question as the end of this page (I'll email the burp team to check if it does).

As for the drag and drop idea I love it! And it turns out that it doesn't require much code either Smile


Author of Toucan

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The website you noted looked encouraging as to a possible explanation, but running Burp from the command line as suggested did NOT give me the ZA warning. After encrypting the file I used Toucan to decrypt it and got the warning again. Hmmm...

I'm glad you'll be able to include Drag-and-Drop.

Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
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ccrypt.exe - Zonealarm

Every time i encrypt an file, Zonealarm gives a warning, that ccrypt.exe tries to connect to "".
By the way: is a homepage called " FECTOOL - Project Web Hosting - Open Source Software"...

Steve Lamerton
Steve Lamerton's picture
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-10 15:22

question at the end of this should answer your question.

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