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Portable Thunderbird won't load calendar ext.

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Anonymous (not verified)
Portable Thunderbird won't load calendar ext.

I have successfully loaded Portable Thunderbird and Poratble Firefox. Thunderbird won't install the Poratable Calendar extension. I get the message "Can't install Calendar: invalid install program". I tried different links, and the only way I could get the calendar to install was in Portable Firefox. I'd rather have it in PTB. Any ideas?


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 18 min 7 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Right one

Be sure you're downloading the right one for your copy of TB you're using. If you're using PTB 1.5, let TB update itself to 1.5 and then use this one. If you're using PTB 1.0.7, use this one. You'll need to right-click and save those to your PC and then open them in TB from within the Extensions window.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

gohopdrummer01 (not verified)
file seems dysfunctional

Thanks for replying. Still no luck. I ran the update as you suggested. I also used the proper calendar link for PTB 1.5. From PTB1.5, I ran TOOLS > EXTENSION > INSTALL (filename), but I continue to get the mssg "file is not a valid install program." Does the calendar file link call up the right file? Is there a bug in PTB1.5 perhaps?

gohopdrummer01 (not verified)
"Stable Build" Link is Broken

There appears to be a problem with the link. It failed to work after many attempts. However, when I tried the Experimental link, it worked first time.

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