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Toucan 1.2 Pre-Release 6 (Testers Needed)

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Steve Lamerton
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Toucan 1.2 Pre-Release 6 (Testers Needed)

The final pre-release of the next version of Toucan is now up. This has a few new features that have been requested including:

  • Language Support - The pre-release comes with German translations built-in. Just select them on the settings page.
  • Rijndael Encryption - This new mode of encryption should keep data a lot safer by appending an extension to encrypted files. It is also usually faster than the blowfish algorithm that 1.1 used. IF YOU HAVE ENCRYPTED FILES FROM 1.1 YOU MUST USE THE BLOWFISH METHOD TO DECRYPT THEM.
  • Password protected backups - Simply input your password and you're away!
  • Command line updates - Although the syntax remains the same (although you need to input all passwords twice) you now get proper output to the command line.
  • Drag and Drop support - You can now drag files or folders into Toucan from Explorer
  • Lots of other little things - The insert portable variable dialog is nicer and faster, environment variables are supported (just wrap them in @ signs), log messages now get put in the progress box, the progress box is resizeable and many more little fixes

Please note that this version of Toucan has had a pretty major rewrite and therefore is not guaranteed to work, do not use it on important files. Please post comments/bugs below.

Pre-release 2

Should fix all of the bugs listed below. Make the exclusions non case sensitive and add the ability to add an entire path to the exclusions (i.e. C:\System32). It should also stop the backup window from freezing (although it will need more testing)

Pre-release 3

Fixes the recursion bug, removes the ability to use a whole path as an exclusion.

Pre-release 4

Should fix all of the other little bugs listed below, hopefully the last release before final.

Pre-Release 5 (October 31, 2007)

John T. Haller: I've uploaded (for Steve who just ran out) what should be the final Pre-Release of Toucan for the 1.2 release. This release fixes a couple of path bugs that were present, hides the command window, updates the included help files with the new theme and includes a new multilingual Installer that will let you choose from English, French and German on install and automatically set Toucan up to use that language.

Pre-Release 6 (November 1, 2007)
Fixes a bug in packaging that overwrote settings.

Download Toucan 1.2 Pre-Release 6
(may take a few minutes to hit all the download servers)

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1.2 PR1 Comments

A few comments...

  • All of the sync functions seem to be working as expected with the exception of mirror
    • When the mirror function is selected it copies everything from the source to the destination even if the destination already exists and is up to date. It's seems to be doing the Copy function instead.
    • When a sync has been done once and is then run again, any files in the destination directory that are set to read only fail to update [15:48:07: Error: Failed to copy the file 'H:\Sites\OPC\MyUninst.dll' to 'D:\StickBU\OPC\MyUninst.dll' (error 5: access is denied.)]
  • When doing any backup the backup reaches the end, says everything is OK, and then Toucan crashes:szAppName : Toucan.exe, szAppVer :, szModName : hungapp, szModVer :, offset : 00000000
  • When a backup is running several times during the backup the display will pause and then continue.

[PRE is not to be used for simple things like this, if anything it's a UL. It's only when required by structured code. Removed again. Side note: Too many people breaking page layouts with PRE, may have to ditch it from forums.]

Ryan McCue
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Correct me if I'm wrong Steve, but the mirror function is supposed to do that. Instead, just use Update.

And John, don't ditch the PRE tag, it's the only good way to put code on the forums. It's not that hard to fix user's mistakes Wink
Ryan McCue.
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"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

Steve Lamerton
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OK then,
  1. That is indeed what Mirror is supposed to do, as Ryan suggested update might be more appropriate. This is because only by copying all of the files from the Source to the Desination can we be sure that we have the right copy of the files. However I see you're point and will change it to two mode in Pr2 Mirror (Copy) and Mirror (Update).
  2. OK, I'll look into this, I think that there is an easy work around.
  3. Could you tell me your OS please. I thought I had fixed this bug.
  4. Yeah I know about this one, I has a couple more modifications that I'll make to Pr2 to try and improve it.


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

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OS Version: Windows XP Pro

OS Version: Windows XP Pro SP2

Sorry about the pre function. I wanted the text to be put in exactly as I had it. I'm not used to forums having HTML tags available to users.

Steve Lamerton
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I've got all of this fixed in pre-release 2, I'm just waiting for John to upload it.


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

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Update exclusion issues

Ok, I am no expert but here are 2 issues in the update function that should be easy to fix
1. Case Sensitivity. If I put in *.mp3 (by itself) then all files that end in .mp3 are excluded but anything ending with .MP3 or .Mp3 or .mP3 is copied
2. I am having a horrible time exluding an entire folder. I have my portable hardrive (which is the z:\ drive) and I want to NOT have a copy of my music folder but want everything else. ALL of the following entries under exclusion do NOT work.

If I am missing something obvious, I apologize. An example in the help file would help. Might case sensitivity be the same problem in both cases?

Thanx for the great app!

Steve Lamerton
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I can fix the case sensitivity issue n the first case pretty easily. As for the second try putting in music on its own, that should work.


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

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With the right case it worked

music did not work, but Music did. I thought I tried that before Smile

Thanx again!

Steve Lamerton
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2 is now out, you might also be interested in my latest blog post as it has some info about Toucan in it.


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

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a short comment :

Toucan 1.2 PR 2 sync function : Toucan PR2 copies files but not the subfolders.

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Steve Lamerton
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fix coming as soon as I can.


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

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I got PR2 installed and gave

I got PR2 installed and gave it a run.

None of the sync functions are recursing down through the folders like they did. I have a folder that contains four other folders. Each folder contains various files in them. The main folder contains 1 file. The file in the top level folder was the only one the sync updated.

I ran a backup of my stick using my saved prefs that do an incremental backup. It seemed to backup correctly.

A couple of suggestions:
1. How about a preview selection for the backup. This would let the user make sure there exclusions are working correctly before the real backup.
2. Under the Portable variables, put the built in variables in the list and set them so the user can't edit them. This would provide a quick reference to the built in ones instead of having to dig in the help for them.

Also, if you would like help on the documentation I'll be glad to help update it.

Steve Lamerton
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understood about the recursion, I'll get a fix out as soon as I can. As for the other items I'll get those into the next version if I can as I am kind of feature frozen for this release. As for the docs I've actually got quite a few updates myself and not put them up yet, however once I have finished if there is anything else you would like to add that would be great.


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

Steve Lamerton
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has not been sent to John, should fix the lack of recursion but it unfortunately drops the ability to input a path to exclude.


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

Steve Lamerton
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is now up.


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

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Sync fixed

PR3 fixed the sync.

One thing I have noticed is when I load my settings 'preview' is always checked. I looked at the jobs.ini file and the 'preview' setting is set to 0. The sync works, I just have to uncheck the box to avoid the preview.

Update: If 'Retain Attributes' is set to a 1 in the prefs then 'preview' is set to a 1 when the prefs are loaded. If 'Retain Attributes' is set to a 0 in the prefs then 'preview' is set to a 0 when the prefs are loaded.

Also, when Toucan starts a cmd window popups up and then goes away just before the PA splash screen.

Steve Lamerton
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looks like I got that bit of the code the wrong way round ! I'll fix that in the final., As for the cmd widow, that unfortunately has to be there.


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

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sync is fixed,but...

there´s still a problem with the backup/restore section.
First : the backup functions (copy/incremental etc) are ok, but restoring the data from the .zip archive works very inconstantly (first time o.k.,second time : the logscreen appears and freezes and there´s no way out but to cancel the operation).- maybe I´m a bit impatient, but why should it last parts of a second for the successful restoral but minutes for a second trial?
Second : dragging the paths into the directories is a fine solution, but putting in a new direction doesn´t clear the former one; so, if you don´t clear the direction before, you have a combined path. Maybe this could be fixed later.

Last : thanks for your good work, Toucan is a nice app.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

Steve Lamerton
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I'll have a look into the first problem, I have an idea as to what could be causing it. As for the second point, I'll fix that in the final release. And thanks for the thanks Smile


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

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it´s puzzling

..but maybe it was too late for me and Toucan 1.2PR3, yesterday. This morning sync and bkup/restore function work without any problem (Maybe there was an interference with winrar that´s installed on my PC - I opened the backup archive for checking the contents with it manually ).

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

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Works great.

I use this all the time to sync my school work between my school lappy's hdd and thumbdrive.
As all of ya should know Micro$oft is the Evil Empire, and Windows (a.k.a. Winblows or Windoze) is their greatest general, so please make a difference and install Linux or FreeBSD on yer Windows comp.

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Password protected backups

I think the file names in encrypted 7z-archives should be encrypted too. Please at least make this an option.

Steve Lamerton
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I'll make this default in the final release.


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

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Rijndael Encryption

AES encryption seems to work fine, though quite slow, but the file lists are not refreshed afterwards.

Immediate decryption of a previously encrypted file is impossible this way, since it has been renamed and the change shows up in neither lister.

Also, is there a point in Toucan not being able to encrypt already encrypted files a second time? Multiple encryption could allow for multiple layers of security. File names could reflect multiple encryption by multiple extensions.

Steve Lamerton
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I'll make sure it refreshes the files in the final release. As for multiple encryption, I don't know how well this works with the file name appending, I'll look into it.


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

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Thanks a lot

I just noticed, that files do not get renamed when using Blowfish/BURP.

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Another bug discovered - Sync when source dir has moved

While playing a few days ago I popped my stick in and started a sync from a network drive to my stick. While watching the progress window everything was being deleted from my stick. I had moved the network directory earlier in the day and forgot about updating the path info in Toucan. I think if the path doesn't exist then an error needs to be flagged instead of doing a delete.

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Bug: Spaces in job names in cmd line

If there is a space in the job name then the command line function doesn't like it. If the job name is continuous by using underscore or another character it works fine.

Also, one other thing I noticed when the new mirror function was added it broke the original settings. Not a big deal, but you may want to note that in the release notes.

Steve Lamerton
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should work if you wrap the name in quotes "", I'll check later, also good point on the mirror function, I'll put that in the notes (and perhaps add support so it treats it as Mirror (Copy))


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

Steve Lamerton
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Ah yes,

good catch, I'll get that fixed.


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

Steve Lamerton
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Right oh,

pre-release 4 is coming soon (maybe in the next few days), I've just been a bit busy recently as school restarted last week.


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

Steve Lamerton
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Pre-release 4

should now be up.

Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

wk's picture
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As far as I can see

"sync" and "secure" work without problems,
so do all backup functions except :
"restore" - because nothing can be restored
backing up with the %date% variable - the archive is named "%date%",
but not eg "18-09-2007".;)

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

Steve Lamerton
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I'll have a look at restore, and that's cos it should be @date@

EDIT I can't reproduce the restore bug, can you tell me what settings you were using?


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

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ok, "%date%"

was my mistake.
And for the second problem - the settings :
StepI full bkup of " FolderI" to an 7z archive(drive\FolderI to drive\FolderI.7z)
Step II changed directions and hit "restore", nothing happened ( because I didn´t delete FolderI before restoral)
StepIIIa delete FolderI, then restore - everything works
StepIIIb rename FolderI eg to FolderII,change directory, then restore - nothing happens (??)
Step IIIc set the path for restoral to drive\FolderX\ - FolderI is restored in FolderX but not every time.

so my conclusion is that you can´t overwrite an existing folder, you have to delete the folder before you can restore it or you have to restore it to another direction eg desktop
i don´t know wether this is a special issue on my machine or a general problem.
(Maybe there should be the possibility to overwrite an existing folder with some warning popup?)

Third - Toucan seems to backup only files within folders not the isolated file .

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

Steve Lamerton
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Right then,

I found the bug with restore, that should be easily fixable, as for backing up individual files, that is correct, you'll be able to do that in 2.0.


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

Steve Lamerton
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The final

release has been delayed a couple more days (maybe a week) as there are a couple more things that need to be sorted out and I am not to well at the moment.


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

Ryan McCue
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Get Well Soon

We all hope you get well soon Steve Smile
Ryan McCue.
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Feel better . ---- We've

Feel better :).

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Pre-release 4 - Sync


If I select a sync profile with the following options:
Preview is not checked. If "Preview" is checked and I load the profile, it stays checked.

There's no possibility to delete a sync profile.

Leaving "Retain attributes" unchecked with the Equalise function doesn't prevent Toucan from overwriting files if they have only the attributes as difference.

Steve Lamerton
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preview bug has been fixed in the final version (not out yet). The removal of jobs will be added in 1.2.1 and as for retain attributes, that does something different to what you are thinking, I think. At the moment it simply makes sure that the files attributes (timestamps, read-only etc) are the same in the destination file, rather than using them as a check.


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

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Pre-Release 4 - Copy

Please, could you explain the different copy functions? I'm a bit lost. The differences between Copy and Mirror(copy), Update and Mirror(update) are not obvious.

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Read the help file under Help+Settings tab or go to the file on your drive \PortableApps\Toucan\help.html

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Ohh.... I missed the help

Ohh.... I missed the help despite my search. Sorry.

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It does need to be updated

I am sure Steve will redo the help or at least update it with Toucan's new/updated features.

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Steve Lamerton
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help needs to be done/ has been updated a bit, can anyone find the post where someone asked to help out, I can't find it now.


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

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1.2 PR4 - Exclude dirs fails if path contains a - or a space

I am attempting to syncronise a network drive to my USB key.
I need to exclude certain subfolders, which contain either a space, or a "-"
For example I have:

Drop also
Drop also 2

I have tried quoting the path names, using the full path, both quoted & unquoted. In all cases, the folders are NOT excluded. Only the "data_mirror" subfolder is excluded.

Second question: I saw that regex support is being added. Is it already part of 1.2 ?

Steve Lamerton
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I think the exclusion problem is now fixed, as for Regex 2.0. (I think I'll put up a proposed feature list in the next few days, along with some screen shots.


Author of Toucan

'...and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...' JFK

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limited user

Toucan would always sotp working about halfway through the backup, i was using this on a limited account is tat the problem?

Please search before posting. ~Thanks

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Install package error? - Missing .png pictures?


dialog "Toucan Error" appears when running Toucan first time after installation with such messages:

Couldn't add an image to the image list.

Can't load image from file 'C:\...\view-refresh-16.png': file doesn't exist.
... package-x-generic-16.png

The files REALLY don't exist in the \App\Toucan\bitmap\.

Windows 2000.


John T. Haller
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1.2 Pre-Release 5 Posted

I've just posted what should be the final pre-release for Steve. It fixes the path bug and removes the command window that flashed. The help files have been updated to the new theming and donation page.

This release also includes the first multilingual Installer. You can selecte English, French or German and it will walk you through the process in that language and then set Toucan to use that language for you.

Please post any feedback.

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Patrick Patience
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I like that the Command Window's hidden now. I tried out all the languages, and although I barely understand the German, they all work. Smile

I checked the help and that all seems correct in terms of links, too.

So is it alright that we use the new help files for test releases as well as pre-releases?

Ryan McCue
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Steve: Thanks for fixing the extension bug (folders excluded did not exclude files with no file extension)!
One thing to note: it overwrote my settings, which may have been that you left it in the package or it may be that they are incompatible.
John: Love the installer. I'm guessing it uses LangDLL (I haven't bother to look at the source yet).
Also, do we compile the installers ourselves still or not?

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

John T. Haller
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My Fault

That's my fault, it's fixed in PR6.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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1.2 PR5 - Images

I've just intalled PR5 version and - a brief note to images:

It seems there are two types of .png pictures (...).png and (...)-16.png in the installation. Both of them have 48 x 48 px size (top icons of Toucan's window).

The latter has more smoothed lines but the former seems to be used in Toucan. Compare e.g. drive-removable-media-48.png vs. drive-removable-media-48-16.png.

I think the former was intended to be used in Toucan's image list(s).


Steve Lamerton
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be because you are using a 16bit display. It detects the bit depth and chooses the appropriate images.

Ryan McCue
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Thank me for that one. I personally have text only, as it looks better.

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

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I changed display resolution from 24 b to TrueColor (32 b) and smoothed images are selected.



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shows a somewhat small window in 1280x1028 resolution and the German text on the "variables" and "help" register doesn´t show up correct. Reducing the resolution shows normal display.

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"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

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1.2 PR6 Help & ToolTips


maybe I found a typing error in the Toucans's help (but - english is not my mother tongue):

Toucan help - Sync
Sync functions
Update - Update, if there [missing "is"] file with the same...
Mirror copy ... folder removing ["and" should be deleted] and files and folders...

Another thing is that no tooltip appears on any button (Win2000), although the checkbox in Toucan's "Help + settings" is checked. If tooltip texts are not assigned, I think e.g. the text from help (...toucan/help/sync.html) should appear over an action button (Mirror/Update/Equalize etc.).


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