i was using Portable-Firefox and -Thunderbird for ages now on my mobile disk. But now with the upcoming U3 standard I decided to convert to one of these nice little and oh so portable usb-sticks.
After looking around for a while, I was almost disappointed about the fact that I didn't find the software I really needed most (Thunderbird, Firefox and maybe Skype) in a version acceptable to use. So the thing I did - I copied all the portable versions from my mobile disk to the stick and thought "well then - that was it to U3". But then I discovered that on this site there was a U3 Firefox version I acutally could use.
So what I wanted to say: You do a really an aweful good job in converting those valuable tools into something even more valuable - thanks a lot.
So - after having said what was long due to say for me, I just wanted to ask if it wasn't too much to ask for a conversion of Thunderbird 1.5 to U3 as well.
Thanks for all your work and keep on going
to a U3 USB near you. But seriously, John is currently working on it.
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I'm hoping that "aweful" was a typo.
Also, one minor clarification regarding U3... it isn't an "open" standard. It is a company that is creating a commercial product. A few people miss this distinction, but it is an important one.
That said, U3 contracted me to port a few of my apps (Portable OpenOffice.org, Portable Firefox and Portable Thunderbird) to their platform. Thunderbird for U3 is in QA testing now and should be released soon. It works just like Portable Thunderbird does.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Before you ask, search. I believe that this was asked before.
R McCue
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
are right (and it indeed was asked before). If it would have been for the question relating to Thunderbird going U3 alone.
But there was one very important thing I had to say as well - and this couldn't have been done by searching
this "aweful" was really a typo :-(. What I wanted to write was "awfully" and what I meant was "exceptional".