I was exploring and I saw that JTH has a blog (looked at his profile). I changed the URL from portableapps.com/blog/2 to various other numbers, and I've discovered over 15 (as yet unused) blogs. EDIT: Make that over 1,500.
What's the story, and can I have one?
» http://www.portasoft.org
Heh, I just enabled that module on Saturday to try it out. Nice sleuthing...
It's part of the set of tools I'm releasing for developers. I detailed a lot of them in that dedicated server coming soon thread.
So, yeah, developer blogs are being introduced in the next week. As are a couple other features. I'll be making an announcement tomorrow or Wednesday.
Any thoughts from anybody on URLs? I was thinking portableapps.com/username ... but that could result in collisions with content going forward. Would portableapps.com/blogs/username be cool with people? It's going to be for developers only to start with, but I may open them up more eventually, so I didn't want to use the development hierarchy (portableapps.com/development/blogs/username).
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I think portableapps.com/blogs/username is the best.
Can I have one?
» PortaSoft -- Portable Application Development
» Personal Space -- Blog, Projects, Etc...
How much ya got?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Um.... $0.02?
» PortaSoft -- Portable Application Development
» Personal Space -- Blog, Projects, Etc...
But don't expect change 
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
» PortaSoft -- Portable Application Development
» Personal Space -- Blog, Projects, Etc...
I've figured something else out. The slash is followed by a number which is the same as your user number. For example, I'm user number 407, and portableapps.com/blogs/407 gets you a page with my blog on it.
So it looks like we've all got blogs. Now all we need to do is get admin access...
» PortaSoft -- Portable Application Development
» Personal Space -- Blog, Projects, Etc...
Yeah, I'm still figuring it out. Having the module installed gives everyone a blog whatever type of user they are... though I can control who is allowed to post to their blog by user type. So, I can set someone up to be able to do their own blog without giving them rights to, for instance, change the Portable Firefox page. I'm also investigating giving fine-grained access to the upcoming project pages (/development/projects/projectname) so devs can maintain their own project pages without relying on me. Otherwise, it'll have to submit to an approval queue so I can approve it.
I'm going to be testing out a few more things tonight, so don't be concerned if a couple things look out of whack here n there.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Drupal is astoundingly complex... Have fun!
» PortaSoft -- Portable Application Development
» Personal Space -- Blog, Projects, Etc...
Actually, it's not really that bad. The complexity comes from how many things you can accomplish with it. Getting things installed and configured can be a tad geeky with some of the modules. The learning curve is steep at first for non-techies. But once you climb it, so many possibilities open up. (Like all the modules you can use) That's why it's one of the most popular CMS systems for larger sites and why folks like SpreadFirefox.com and TheOnion.com use it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
True... I never got the hang of it though. I'm better with less-complex stuff.
Any idea how soon we should expect the blogs and the like to be up?
» PortaSoft -- Portable Application Development
» Personal Space -- Blog, Projects, Etc...
Like a lot of open source stuff... a bit of time invested can yield a big return... usually, but not always
I'm gonna start beta testing stuff this week.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
/gets in line...
» PortaSoft -- Portable Application Development
» Personal Space -- Blog, Projects, Etc...