Could you make a compatible version of Free Download Manager for PortableApps??
Free Download Manager has been Open Source since version 2.5
New: Attribute Changer (Mar 6, 2025), Platform 29.5.3 (Jun 27, 2024)
1,100+ portable packages, 1.1 billion downloads
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There are already two portable download managers
Both are posted in this forum.
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report
John also was doing a pre-release of wackget.
It's the BEST download manager for all his options. He is browser independent so if you close the browser he will continue to download. He is compatible with many of the Internet Browsers. Finally he beat all them.
Free Download Manager, I love you !!!
I may try it again. But FDM on two tries installed itself into my local Firefox on launch when I told it not to, which is exceedingly bad behavior and a deal-breaker for portability.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I just checked out the features and it sounds pretty hard core. Just curious, have you tried WinWGet Portable, will it make it out of beta? I don't care when at this point, I'm just wondering if it will end up being released?
Signature...What Signature?
If not release it yourself. I been beta testing it at least a month. No one said it had to be here anyway. I love it.
"We exist in a multidimensional polymorphic hyerspacial internode of neurotranslinguistic manifestations subjugated by hyperbolic quantum entanglement."
you can set for it to do that in options, though
portable app
Have I to clarify, all is in the title.
I have tried both WinWGet and WackGet. They lacked a lot of features compared to Free Download Manager, and they aren't user-friendly for the novice computer user.
And I think those two portable download managers you mentioned are not fully Windows Vista compatible. It's a pain to use, since there are a lot of bugs you guys need to fix. Plus, the fact that it is still beta. I don't like beta softwares.
Wrong thread.
I agree, FDM is the best. There is also already a portable version create wizard inside FDM. FDM is in active development.
Other good downloadmanagers are not Open Source, the Open Source ones like wackget, wxdownload fast and so on are not that stable if you add many files and them lack features.
FDM is really the best Open Source downloadmanger out yet. You should definitive check it out, it would fit very well into all other high quality software inside the portable apps suite. FDM can compete on his purpose, it`s professional software just like firefox or pidgin.
...that I have about FDM - now that it's gone Open Source - is its footprint.
Y'see, this latest version that's now OS license has become BLOATED:
I have the older version 2.1, and it weighs in at a 5 Mb footprint.
The latest (OS) version has a footprint of about 15 Mb.
This weight gain is unacceptable.
Therefore, until/unless they decide to put future versions of FDM on a diet, I will hafta stick with the older version of FDM.
The moral of the story:
As with human body types, so also with software:
Svelte is schweet; bloat is bad...
"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine
FDM Lite ver. 2.5 (1,9MB, setup ,5.3MB on disk)
FDM Lite version requires less size and lacks some functions
(BitTorrent support, video conversion and upload manager)
that can be downloaded and installed as plugins later.
Just by UPX'ing fdm.exe you can save 1.7MB more on disk !!
I'll let U know later on in the week, when I get a chance to DL & test it.
Thx, in any event...
"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine
I have more reasons to prefer this downloadmanger over the others:
- it`s currently fully supported and fully maintained and in active developement (wackget isn`t, you are happy when you find a download mirror)
- if there are some complaints about portable behaviour or you need some changes with the program you can contact the developers, the support is amazing them already added a lot of suggested things...
- them fully support portable usage, them even added a make portable version button theirself. So if further modifications are needed just suggest it.
you guys should check out
i know it's not standalone but it's a great extension for firefox
LOL. When I fist saw the link I thought it said Download the Mall.
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
Okay! Sounds good to me!
Yea, everyone always thinks the apps is Down the Mall.
Haha! I thought it was Down the Mall too.
Lol, same here!
Sry, double post.
But they are craps if you look at FDM. Do a FDM portable plz.
Well, it's been nearly 4 months since I last posted a comment.
Any of you guys do any progress?
I hope you guys find a way to integrate FDM into PortableApps ASAP.
People aren't fond of crappy software like WackGet and the likes.
-- The occultdestroyer
There seems to be no progress for FDM portable and I'm sad of that !!!
there is a portability wizard in FDM (as mentioned above); just open the FDM installed in your system and then open File>Create portable version.. It seems fine in my USB, worths trying until officially included in the PortableApps suite.
Hope this hepls;)
Hello World!
As two people have already said you can use the wizard to make a great portable version.
If you direct the wizard toward your portable apps folder it will show up in the Portable Apps menu, but it shows every exe file in that folder. In order for just the Free Download Manager to show up in the Portable Apps Menu you have to copy the main exe file for the download manager called "fdm.exe", place all the program files into a subfolder inside the Free Download Manager folder and paste the fdm.exe into the main folder.
It would look like this:
J:\PortableApps\Free Download Manager, inside that folder would be two things, fdm.exe and another folder called "Free Download Manager" which contains all the other files that the program uses to run.
This makes only the Free Download Manager show up in your Portable Apps Menu, you may have to restart the Menu to see the download manager.
I use an old version of FDM, what I did was, as mentioned in PORTABLEFREEWARE.COM, I downloaded the Fdm installer and extracted it via universal extractor. Then placed the relevant folder in the usb. I use pstart as my launcher so i dont have the problem of every exe in the folder showing up in the launcher menu. Now i am using it for years, it works ok with me.
The only drawback i see is its not integrated with FFP, so i manually copy the links to the FDM. Because of that some links with php do not work.
Sorry to bump this but I figured it was better to bump then create a new thread (maybe I'm wrong).
I have been using Free Download Manager for about 2 weeks now and it works amazingly well. I prefer it over WinWGet. I would love to see a portable apps version if possible.
It amazes me that on the internet you can be anything you want, and yet so many people still choose to be idiots.
sadly, FDM isn't going to happen because it does bat things (TM) to the locally installed browsers when you run it.
i.e. if you run a portable version, it will mess up the local firefox and local copy of FDM, if any.
That is why the devs avoid it and have provided alternative download managers.
I know you can make a port app out of this but I would like it if you can make it in the format that portable apps use's.
It's really a good thing,I believe.To me,however,sometimes,I think the downloading is a nerve-wrecking matter for me,the speed of download is so......Maybe just because I'm from China which is far away from US or EURO serve???.....

I Love Open Source... ...
i like this app more than winwget for its features and interface
portable app
Isn't there a way to clean up the mess the portable version of FDM leaves behind? (i.e. delete the browser integration DLL's, the registry entries, etc.)
AFAIK, nearly every action that can be done on a computer can also be undone...
"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."
well, you could set it to delete the reg files. if you are using the portable version (file > create portable version) it already deletes the things it leaves behind.
portable app
Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.
i already have that version, I was thinking of one with a splash screen, and using relative drives. That version only allows running off a drive and removing all the trash registry left behind. I am llooking for an "actual portable app"
portable app
I Also have Support what coolone2 is saying.
Free Download Manager is the Most Feature Rich
Download Manager. But it leaves registry left behind
Please Someone make a actual portable app of
Free Download Manager which will Not leave registry left behind.
FDM features a Create Portable Edition option in the menu...
My Launchers Work by themselves but they do not launch from PA.c...
So Still working on it..
Going to down load new version, still working with 2.5!!!
**-- No comment --**!!
I know FDM is a great download manager, but I prefer orbit downloader. To download a video from sites like youtube with FDM, you have to add the URL in order to start the download and it doesn't download the file with the correct name. With orbit downloader, all you have to do is to hover the mouse over the streaming video to grab the video.
I wanted to like FDM and I tried it many times, but I went back to orbit downloader every time.
Does any one know is there a portable version of orbit downloader?