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Joined: 2007-06-06 09:13 version [ Menu Fork] 0.9 is now out, please move discussion to the appropriate thread is a fork of the Menu, designed to include additional features not available in current release of PAM. It builds on the work of Mr. Haller and others, as well as the feedback of the PortableApps forum members. Thanks to all. version 0.8 is now out. I'm pretty sure this version is feature complete for 1.0 (although I'm open to suggestions) and is now pretty usable by a general audience. Advanced features are available for those who want them, but many of the small improvements may be of general interest.
At this point I will be working on any bugs that are reported and once things settle down will declare this a version 1.0 release.
For those that haven't looked at before, here are the main improvements over the PortableApps Menu:

  • Searchbar supports searching the internet and executing local files and folders
  • Category Support
  • Supports an encrypted TrueCrypt profile, as well as an unsecured profile
  • Theme switching
  • Custom location buttons
  • Autorun applications on startup
  • A resizable menu

For those of you who want a complete list of details, here you go.

  • complete list of added features

    • a search bar with portable history that will search google, google maps, google images, google products, and wikipedia, as well as lauch local programs, files and directories
    • allows you to control how many applications are displayed on the menu
    • you can personalize the label displayed on
    • you can add custom buttons to the right panel which will open files or directories
    • any batch files stored in the \PortableApps\PortableAppsBackup\Data\personalBackups folder will be displayed on the backup drop down menu
    • wallpaper information for different pcs is stored so that if the drive is not properly ejected, the next eject will fix it
    • multiple wallpaper files can be stored as jpgs in the \Documents\Pictures\wallpaper directory- will randomly choose one, and you can switch it periodically from the options menu
    • geek.menus tray icon can refresh itself to the left of other displayed menu items
    • You can create a list of applications to automatically run upon insertion. This is now supported through the settings dialog.
    • You can point to an eject script located on the PC to dismount the truecrypt volume and eject the USB drive (this is currently not very well documented, and I will be releasing a utility that will do the above).
    • support for categories is included. Only one level of category support is included for now, this may change in future versions.
    • an experimental ejection application that will exit running apps, dismount your truecrypt volume and eject your USB drive is included (must be copied to PC). Note that this is experimental and has not been widely tested- please back up regularly until you are reasonably certain this feature is working for you..
    • new in 0.8- Theme switching is now supported, as is Icon theme switching, and a few example themes are included
    • new in 0.8- If you define a large number for the minimum number of apps displayed, will adjust the number actually displayed based on the screen resolution.
  • security
    • it is possible for to mount a truecrypt volume and run apps and directories from that drive.
    • maintains a list of "authorized" pcs- if you run the menu you have some options as to what you want to do, including displaying contact info, not mounting the truecrpt volume, etc.
    • if you are using the authorized PC list, can run applications from the unencrypted drive on unauthorized PCs, so you can maintain a separate set of applications and settings for use on unknown pcs, thus bypassing issues with Truecrypt's requirement for administrative privileges.

The included themes are modified versions of NeoRame's "neo" theme (included with NeoRame's permission), and are currently the only themes which will work properly with (scaling support requires new themes).
This product includes TrueCrypt, freely available at It is distributed under section II of the TrueCrypt license.
This package contains icons or portions of icons copyrighted by the Tango Icons Project and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license. The icons for the Google buttons and wikipedia are covered by the Mozilla Public License. The icons for and any other icons distributed with this program may be freely modified and redistributed.
You can see a screenshot here and download the project here

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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sweet! and I'm the first one

sweet! and I'm the first one to get it

thanks, man

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Man, you're fast.

Got it a minute after it was posted.

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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I know


Still gives the out of bonds error

I don't like the rolling down thing with the app names, takes wwwwaaaayyy to long with my menu (who knows how many exe's)

I'll check the other stuff later.

To buggy, i'm going back to 7.1

the cats get mixed up the rollinag scroll is very annoying (sorry)

But still, I'm liking this over the PAM. Once everything is finalized (as far as themeing goes), I'll make a them of some sort to donate.
Thanks, this thing is great though.

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Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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Out of bounds, etc


I've sent an email to the address you provided before. If you can upload the support package I'll take a look at the out of bounds error.

Not sure what you're looking at with the "rolling scroll". Can you provide a more detailed description? Sounds like an unintentional artifact of one of my changes.

Theme support is pretty nailed down now, not planning on changing the look of the menu.


OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Rolling Scroll

What happens is that when you scroll down in the menu, it replaces each menu item with a diffreent one. Its cool, but is annoying on one of the computers I use ('cause it sucks for speed). Perhaps an ini switch?

I bundle it up and send it to you sometime tonight.

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OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Custom Folders

Also, the custom folders do not display icons (even in the proper directory). If I give a foler the apps icon, it shows a different icon. The other icons do not even show up.

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Ryan McCue
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Looks like you don't get extra points for folder as well as grammar. Blum

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

Lurking_Biohazard's picture
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Missed one.



Ryan McCue
Ryan McCue's picture
Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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That was your mistake Blum

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Now it's right! Now no one will know what the heck you where talking about.

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Ryan McCue
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Nah uh

Not within the actual post Blum

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

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Can you send me one of your icons that is failing to display to the same address as the support bundle?


OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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RE: Icons

I have one of the including icons (app.ico)set but it fails to show up properly, instead it shows as the portableapps folder icon.

I'll send the set.

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Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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General installation instructions:

Thought it would help to include these from the 0.7 thread.

Without TrueCrypt functionality
Back up your existing autorun.inf file from the root of your drive. Simply extract the included files to the root of your USB drive, the distributed files include an autorun.inf which will display the launcher upon insertion. The first time you run, a settings dialog will appear.

To get TrueCrypt functionality
extract the included files to the root of your USB drive, the distributed files include an autorun.inf which will display the launcher upon insertion. Use TrueCrypt to create and encrypted volume on the USB drive (see TrueCrypt's website for instructions.) Install whatever distribution you prefer to this location (the menu will not be run from this location unless you do so manually.
The settings dialog will (to a certain extent) correct entries in the TrueCrypt section, but here is a guide to the truecrypt options under

* TrueCrypt Volume- enter the path starting from the root of your drive without any preceeding drive letter, colon or backslash. For example "TrueCrypt\portable.vol", not "x:\TrueCrypt\portable.vol" or "\Truecrypt\portable.vol"
* TrueCrypt Executable- enter the path to the executable from the root of your drive with a proceeding backslash. For example (as distributed) "\TrueCrypt\TrueCrypt.exe", not "TrueCrypt\TrueCrypt.exe" or "x:\TrueCrypt\TrueCrypt.exe"
* TrueCrypt Keyfile- if you want to include a kefile location from the local pc, this will add security at the cost of portability. Enter the full path to the file here. There is absolutely no point to setting this if you point to a file on the local drive, so don't do it.
* Preferred TrueCrypt Drive Letter- Your Truecrypt volume will try to mount on this drive letter if it is available.
* Assume TC mounted if drive letter present- if you have set the menu to mount the volume as "X" and is run on a computer with an "X" drive, it will use that drive instead of mounting the volume. This is of some use for testing purposes, but you may not want to generally use this.
* Cache TrueCrypt Passwords in Driver- if this is checked, TrueCrypt will auto mount the volume each time the drive is inserted, even if the wrong password is typed the second to nth time around untill it is rebooted. See TrueCrypt's website for more info.

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How to get categories?

I tried all I could think of (using xrxca's prefixes - tls, etc) and couldn't get it to work. I read this thread and the .7.1 thread where it was first introduced. Read the readme and all the options of the geek.Menu. I'm sorry, but can you please tell me how to get these?? Thanks.

P.S. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, just can't get them!

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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Right click on any of the application icons and choose "Add new category". Then right click on an application icon and choose "Assign to category".

Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
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Thank you very much. Right under my nose. Blum

EDIT: Can you change the category icon? BTW, this is really cool!!

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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Category Icon

Yes, you can change the category icon, and these can even be themed with the icon themes. This isn't handled by the GUI at this time, so you have to do it manually.

Throw the icon you like into each of the "IconTheme" folders, and edit your geekmenu.ini file to include the correct icon name.

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Remembering TrueCrypt Options

When using .8 with TrueCrypt, I can't seem to get it to remember the option regarding if the drive letter already exists. Every time I check the box, click OK, and then exit GeekMenu that setting isn't selected when I launch GM again. The .ini file just shows ascii characters for that particular option.

I really like the easy to use categories! Awesome improvements! Only one more major feature to add prior to the 1.0 release as far as I'm concerned. Yes, this is one more plug for the "add your own apps to the menu" request that you hinted might make it into a 0.8.? release. Wink


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Sure enough

There's a goofy bug in the current version that keeps it from handling the TC settings properly. I'll release a patch for that within a day or so.

The ascii characters are because does a little bit of obfuscation on the TrueCrypt settings for security reasons. Won't stop anyone who's really committed to figuring out the info, but it makes it hard to see at a quick glance.

Sibbi's picture
Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
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Thanks for this nice menu

I like it very much. The ability to add Custom Buttons is great!

But I have a few findings:
- I can reproduce the 'out of Bounds' error. For that I need at least one hidden application, 'Show hidden Apps' disabled and some categories expanded (to be able to scroll). When I scroll (with the mousewheel) to the bottom the 'out of bounds' occur.

- When I create a new category, it's icon is set by default with the entry 'Folder=' in GeekMenu.ini. But I think it should be 'Icon='...

- if I add 7-zip Portable to a category, it will apear *above* the category.

Again, thanks for this nice piece of software

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That might explain it

If you click on the arrow button instead of using the mousewheel, do you get the same out of bounds error? I'm a laptop user, and I've never looked at the mousewheel code.

I'll look into the category issue & the 7zip issue, thanks for catching both!


OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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I've used it on things that don't have a mousewheel and it doesn't give the out or bounds error.

Sometimes the catagories get mixed up. Sometimes, a app from the catagory will appear (tabbed in) and the catagory will be missing.

The custom folders don't work correctly. I also get a wrong icon(when using a provided example) or no icon at all(when using one of mine).

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Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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Folder Icons


I took a look at your icons- Folder icons need to be 24x24 (a requirement which I've not documented previously, so you would have had no way of knowing). I'll look to see if I can get Delphi to handle scaling or even selecting the 24x24 icon out of a multi-size Icon, but that is the problem there. For right now, edit the icon to only include the 24x24 icon.

Are you still using version prior to .7.1? If that's the case, then I can't really chase down things based on your feedback on how categories are behaving, as that was a pretty major re-write with 8.0. If you're up to 8.0, please let me know and I will take a closer look.

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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No, I'm on 8.0. I take a

No, I'm on 8.0. I'll take a try at scaling them down.

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I know that PAM Mod will

I know that PAM Mod will allow the folder icons to be sized to 32x32 but that's as big as they will go. It also doesn't pick the 24x24 out of a multi-size icon.

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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I just found out

if you've already gotten the out of bounds error with a mousewheel, it'll do the same when clicking the down arrow.

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Version 0.8.1 bugfixes

Okay, I still haven't been able to duplicate the scrolling bugs, and that's going to be a bit time consuming, so in the meantime here's a small patch fixing the following bugs:

1) correctly handles options for what to do if TC drive letter already exists (thanks MTP for finding that)
2) correctly sorts applications starting with numbers below the category (thanks for the catch Sibbi)
3) should create the correct entries in geekmenu.ini for new categories (Icon rather than folder, thanks for the catch and fix, Sibbi). Those of you upgrading from previous version can manually correct this in your geekmenu.ini.

Outstanding issues are
1) Custom button icons must be 24x24 only (this may not change in final release)
2) Out of bounds error on scrolling- I remain unable to reproduce this. It is unlikely, but possible that the sorting fix corrected this as well- Oliver and Sibbi, if you can respond to that, this would be helpful.

Also, If anyone can provide easily reproducible steps that will recreate the out of bounds error on a clean install of over the standard install of Portable Apps suite, this will result in a quicker fix.

OliverK's picture
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I'll grab a clean flash and start it fresh and I'll see about getting a movie if it does the same things again.

I have recorded this one and shipped it off, with a support packet for you (it'll be 0.8 release, not 0.8.1)

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Sibbi's picture
Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
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Unfortunately not.

The sorting fix did not fix the 'Out of Bounds' Sad
But I may explain an easy way how to reproduce (without mousewheel)
1. ensure, that You have a lot of Applications visible (the scrollers must be visible)
2. Disable 'Show Hidden Apps'
3. Hide the first Application from the Top.
4. Click 'Scroll down' button
=> The Applications will *not* scroll, but the 'Scroll Up' Button will be enabled !
5. Click 'Scroll up' button
=> 'Out of Bounds!'

I think, the reason is that the 'Scroll Up' will be enabled in step 4, due to a problem in calculating the list index (because of the hidden app?)

The problem does not occur, if you don't have any hidden apps, so I can live with it Smile

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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Quite useful

There were bugs with Hidden applications and categories at the topmost or bottommost position in the menu. 0.8.2 is now up, which addresses these issues.

Last seen: 17 years 3 months ago
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Awesome support!

Hey, Maggot. I just want to say that I am VERY impressed with your responses and speed of responses to issues raised with this program. If only commercial apps were this responsive....

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If I had to worry about a commercial reputation I probably would have gotten the scrolling right in the first place

But thanks for the praise, I'm glad some other people like this as much as I do.

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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The link is dead

And I can't get it Sad

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Back online now

My server got hammered. I'm quite curious to know if it solves your issues, Oliver.

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Me to!

Me to!

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OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Issues Remain

I still get the out of bounds error, though its a little happier (I think) about life. The icon still shows up incorrectly.

Say you've started it. If you mousewheel down quickly, it messes up, but if you mousewheel down slowly, it is fairly happy. After this occurs, all sorts of apps will be out of wack in spacing and hidden apps will appear.

I try to get a new vid later. Did you get the first one I sent you (last night?). I got it to do that. I was using the mousewheel completely.

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Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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Wheel mouse scroll issues

Finally tracked down a wheel mouse to throw on my laptop, and I can easily reproduce the problem and all it's wackiness. Probably won't get to work on a fix till tomorrow night.

When you say "the icon still shows up incorrecctly", which icon- the custom button or a category icon? If the latter, have you edited the geekmenu.ini to change the Folder= to Icon=?

OliverK's picture
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. . .

I didn't edit the ini, I thought about it last night before I went to sleep. I'm gonna mess with it later today, and I'll let you know.
I was talking about the catagory icon, but the custom folder still shows up incorrectly. I have it set to the geek menu folder icon, but it shows as the portableapps folder icon.

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OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Works Great!

No scroll errors, and the icons are working properly. Editing the geekmenu.ini solved the folder error.

Note: I kinda like the version note in the bottom. Nice to know what I'm running Smile

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Espreon's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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This menu is great...

I would like to bundle this with my suites.

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Please feel free

Nothing is trademarked or limited by anything other than the terms of the GPL.

Espreon's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Sounds good, v2 of my suites will be released soon.

But is it ok to distribute TC with my suites, since TC's license is confusing.

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Truecrypt distribution


You can see my take on TC licensing here. Basically, you just need to include the statement "This product includes TrueCrypt, freely available at" somewhere in your documentation. As long as you're not modifying it, you're good.

Also, another recommendation for your suites is this version of putty. John won't include it in PA Suite because it is a fork, but it is natively portable, so it can run multiple sessions (without multi-session support the official PuTTY Portable is completely useless to me). As a bonus, handles the shortcut for it with a right click menu that exposes saved sessions. If you want to include it, let me know and I can send you info on properly setting up the Data directory.


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0.8.3 - Sroll-a-licious

I really think I actually have scrolling fixed this time. Scrolling from the mouse is a little slower now, but much more reliable. Oliver, let me know what you think.

I'm going to let this version sit for a few days (fix any reported bugs, but not add new features), and ponder any features that I should be including before I put this into a release cycle for 1.0.

The only thoughts I have at this point are 1) arbitrary application links (the ability to create a link on the menu to a local or non-encryted app, which would only display if the app is present) and 2) The ability to load the applications and categories from a cached file instead of reading the filesystem every time. This would accelerate the menu on slower or highly encrypted drives.

If anyone else has ideas to make better, please share.

Sibbi's picture
Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
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The 'Out of Bounds' seems to be solved. Thanks Smile

You asked for it, so here is an enhancement request Wink :
I would like to use the localized versions in the searchbar (, Would it be possible to make the googleURLs customizable? It's not neccessary to change them with the GUI, an ini file entry would be sufficient for me.


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localization for searching


That's actually a really good idea, but for the immediate future I'm tabling it. When localization gets a little more fixed in PAM, I'll look to implement this.

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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On thought number 2)

I like thought number 2 alot. I just cleaned off my flash becuase it took so long to load in any menu (and promptly got ticked off- it seems burning the cd corrupted all of my exe files. I wonder why . . .?)

I'll check the new scroll.

Enhancment request:
I know the changable size is a feature, but is there anyway so that if someone wanted to, they could just set the bmp(the menu_top.bmp) so that it would cover the entire menu? I have quite a few PAM themes and it would be nice to use them in this manner. (Some of them have no way of translating to this other then a "cover slide".) Thanks.

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I'm not entirely sure what you're asking for.

Are you asking for a single bmp to be the whole theme? That wouldn't work well with a scalable menu, as everything would stretch, so the exit button could conceivably be where the custom buttons begin (which is why I moved away from the single image in the first place).

It might be possible to build a gimp script-fu that would take an existing PAM theme and chop it up into the appropriate bits for, perhaps someone will read this post and take that on.


OliverK's picture
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Yup, a single bmp

I wondered if it were possible. I have a about 6 themes that I made, and would like to use. I'll have to see if it works my self, it there's a setting I can use.

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Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
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Out of Bounds

I just downloaded and installed the software. When I insert my thumb drive and autorun I get a List Index Out of Bounds (0) error. I don't get the settings page or I'm running xp-sp2 on an admin account. I've downloaded from the link up above today which I assume is 0.8.3.

Any ideas on what to do?

powerjuce's picture
Last seen: 13 years 12 months ago
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same error as above


Please search before posting. ~Thanks

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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Out of bounds on start

This was occurring if there were no other apps installed on the drive- bug fixed as

Please give it a shot and let me know if it corrects your issues.

powerjuce's picture
Last seen: 13 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-20 21:34
it works now


Please search before posting. ~Thanks

Espreon's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Could you send me 0.8.2

since 0.8.3 is not working for me, like that it is not working for other peeps.

Or if you can fix the error quickly (like within a day) then don't bother.

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Usage question

How do you set up the autorun applications function?


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Last seen: 17 years 2 months ago
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For mine, I just put

For mine, I just put PortableApps\FirefoxPortable\FireFoxportable.exe in the command box and it works perfectly fine. (Click add new after you've put that in, of course :P)


OliverK's picture
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That got it.

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Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
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That seemed to do the trick. It boots up as expected now. Although on initial opening, it did not start a settings screen as discussed in your installation instructions.

Also, the help|about shows a 0.9 Beta 1 version in the pictorial.

powerjuce's picture
Last seen: 13 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-20 21:34
great program

while i am not going to personally use this all the time I can see it is going to be the next great program.
I have a question however you say
an experimental ejection application that will exit running apps, dismount your truecrypt volume and eject your USB drive is included (must be copied to PC). Note that this is experimental and has not been widely tested- please back up regularly until you are reasonably certain this feature is working for you..
will this be fixed by 1.0 or still be in experimental phases?

Please search before posting. ~Thanks

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There's not much to fix with geek ejector, and it is most likely to work perfectly fine on your PC. However, it is always going to have a pretty strong disclaimer (as should any ejection application). Worst case scenario, running this is going to be no worse than ripping a usb drive out without properly dismounting it first.

If you're thinking about running it, my advise would be to try it for the first few times right after running a backup. Once you feel comfortable with it, start using it regularly. I use it each and every time I pull my drive out, and it works fine for me, but I've gotten absolutely no feedback on it yet. Either it works okay for other people, or I've scared them off with the disclaimer.


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Please search before posting. ~Thanks

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Thanks for letting me know it's working again.

powerjuce's picture
Last seen: 13 years 12 months ago
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i am however not sure how it

Will using it on a limited account cause any problems?
Also: Can I use just the ejector without using the menu or will that cause probs?
sorry for bugging you and really thanks for all the help

Please search before posting. ~Thanks

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-06 09:13 Hits the bricks

This is almost wrapped up at this point, I'll name it 0.9 as soon as I get an installer together.

This update offers:

  • Creating arbitrary shortcuts including parsing of parameters for the hostdrive and the encrypted drive
  • Cached application list loading to speed startup times (by not that much, as it turns out).
  • Threading for significantly accelerated menu load if certain features (desktop image replacement, autorun apps, and path append [see next bullet]) are used
  • Although there is not settings dialog support for it yet (and may never be), can add directories to the path when the drive is inserted. To do this for now, add a line to the [MenuOptions] section called appendToPath. For example:appendToPath=$TRUECRYPTDRIVE$:\PortableApps\portablePutty;$TRUECRYPTDRIVE$:\Utilities;

Have to!

Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
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I've been using the R30 mod

I've been using the R30 mod for some time and decided to try the latest version of GeekMenu (reports and noticed a few issues. It isn't that R30 is 'right' and 'Geek' is wrong, I simply have a reference point to use.
- The hide application doesn't appear to work. I have a Free42Windows directory with the two versions (Free42Decimal and Free42Binary). I tried to hide the Free42Binary one, as I have in R30, but both continue to show.
- You store the .pafdata file under the Data subdirectory while R30 stores it with the executable. I would suggest that to handle apps not in PAF directory format, the storage in the executable directory is easier since you cannot rely on the Data subdirectory to exist. If you have a non-PAF application, the Data directory may have a whole different purpose. If fact, the presence of such a directory may trigger unintended consequences with the app (if the directory exists, expecting a config or ini file, for example).
- A much smaller problem is that in displaying the list of categories, you use the category name while in the menu, you use the category caption. R30 uses the caption in both places. As you allow the caption to be changed from the original, the caption and the name may be quite different, making the consistent use more desirable.

A question regarding the TrueCrypt location in the Directory Structure; since TrueCrypt can be used in any directory in 'traveler mode' per the documentation, is there any particular reason for your use of a root subdirectory? Can this be changed in the GeekMenu.ini file to report to another arbitrary directory, like one under PortableApps?

I will continue to investigate your menu product and will report on any other items I encounter. I consider this to be fine work!

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Hide application should work, although looking at Free42Windows revealed an issue with 2 apps having the same display name. I'll have a patch for that shortly. In fact, the issue should cause both Free42 apps to be hidden. Do you by any chance have one in a category and the other hidden? That may explain the behavior you are seeing.
I'm storing the .pafdata file in the Data subdirectory so that PortableApps backup saves that when the settings are saved without applications. If this triggers bad behavior in a particular application, let me know and I'll have a look, but I think I'll leave it the way it is for now.
All use of categories should be by categoryName, and the caption/label doesn't even need to be there- the category support exists based on looking at a .ini file and .pafData file generated by the R30 Mod. I'll remove the label from the next update.

The Truecrypt directory can indeed be anywhere, there are some funny caveats to how the paths have to be stored in the .INI file, but I'm pretty sure the advanced settings dialog handles these caveats pretty well. I install it to the root to keep it out of the menu. I suppose at this point I could just as well distribute it has hidden with a .pafData file, but I don't see a compelling reason to change that.

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Thank you for your rapid

Thank you for your rapid response. There was no particular reason I chose Free42Windows, but I'm glad it helped. I don't know of any apps exhibiting bad behavior with a Data subdirectory currently. I've actually modified my R30 .ini file to make my category names match my captions. I don't suppose you have a simple way to mass update my apps so that I have copied ../Data/xxxxxxxx.pafdata? Since I want my R30 and GeekMenus to be identical, I guess I can brute-force them to match.

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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Nice Programm!
A tool to remove a drive including feature that it copies itself to the host and deletes itself afterwards is here (RemoveDrive):

What is the parameter for the removeable drive to put in the "Ejection" Tab?

When i enter anything in "Custom Buttons" Tab, i get:
"Acces Violation at adress 00495246 in mudule 'GeekMenu.exe'. Read of adress fffffffc"

Can it be that the "Refresh App Icons" doesn't find new manually installed Programs?

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RemoveDrive has two shortcomings for the needs of a user. 1) It doesn't seem to shut down running applications before attempting ejection. 2) It only ejects one drive (not the True Crypt drive and the USB host). It might be possible to write a batch file that would overcome these issues.

The parameter field is where you would type in any parameters required by an ejections script - $TRUECRYPTDRIVE$ and $HOSTDRIVE$ are interpreted as variables and replaced with the appropriate drive letter. I'll update the code to do the same for the ejection command.

To avoid the AV for Custom Buttons, click create new first, then type something in. My next update will disable those fields until create new is clicked.

"Refresh App Icons" should find any .exe files in folders under the \PortableApps folder- if you are mounting a TrueCrypt drive, the PortableApps folder read is on the TC volume.

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Fixes the following issues

  • Password dialog positioning corrected in multi-monitor setups
  • Properly categorizes 2 applications with the same display name
  • Added handling of drive variables for ejection command
  • Fixed AV on typing custom button info before hitting "Create New"

Important not if upgrading from If you chose to "Accelerate by loading apps from file", things are going to look goofy when you start up. Don't Panic. Hit "Refresh App Icons" and everything will go back to normal.

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-02-05 14:52
No Icons?

I'm trying the new Version and (My Drive is y:):

-There are no icons! Even after "Refresh App icons", all just a black border around white where the icons should be.

-I tried with and without Accellerate

-"Custom Buttons" always save "New Button" as label, even if i enter the label, fill everything in and press create. (Manually editing in ini works. I'd loke to assign the icon from an Application or dll, how can i do this?

-Entry in File ApplicationCategory look like this (I created following Categories: Internet, Media, Tools):
in applicationList:
Seems to replace the Driveletter with variables, wherever the letter is in the path.

When i edit the Files manually and correct to $HOSTDRIVE$:\PortableApps\PuTTyPortable\PuTT$HOSTDRIVE$Portable.exe it works, but refresh destroys it again.

+Eject with RemoveDrive now works!

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Can't reproduce the no icons. Can you do a help.. create support bundle and email it to g33k.m3nu Angel gmail dot com (would be best if you get new version first)?

-Custom buttons "New Button" problem fixed in new version posted tonight.

-Can't reproduce your cached items issue, but I'm hoping the support bundle will fix that up.

-Cool that RemoveDrive is working.


Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-02-05 14:52
Problem is Replacing letter

The Problem is that my Driveletter is replaced in all the Strings, not just in the places it should!
PuttyPortable -> PuTT$HOSTDRIVE$Portable
But it should ONLY replace if the Driveletter is followed by a ":" -> y:

This is still on solved in the new release.

-Entry in File ApplicationCategory look like this (I created following Categories: Internet, Media, Tools):
in applicationList:
Seems to replace the Driveletter with variables, wherever the letter is in the path.

When i edit the Files manually and correct to $HOSTDRIVE$:\PortableApps\PuTTyPortable\PuTT$HOSTDRIVE$Portable.exe it works, but refresh destroys it again.

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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Replacing Y drive

Thanks for sending the support bundle- I can reproduce this now, which is obviously the first step towards fixing it.

I'll try to have a fix up this evening.

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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Okay, I think this is fixed

Download the latest release and let me know.

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-02-05 14:52
Driveletter Fixed

GREAT! Thank you! This issue is fixed, the driveletter is now replaced correctly Smile
OK, now is opening explorer window. How can i turn this off?

How is the handling of $HOSTDRIVE$ and $TRUECRYPTDRIVE$ if i don't use truecrypt? $TRUECRYPTDRIVE$ for the unencrypted drive as in the applicationList is a bit confusing for me.

Feature Requests:
Sort Items in the Menu.
Define Menu Position (I prefer it at the top, as my Taskbars are also at the top.)

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Q's and hopeflly I'll get so answers

1. I kind of liked selecting the individual app for open office. Is there anyway you can set it (perhaps with a ini switch or such) so that it shows all of the OoP exe's?
2. Can you set it to request permission before launching the programs in the Autorun list? e nice if somebody had a slow machine and was playing with the function.

Just curious.


Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world

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1. Actually odd that you would ask that, I was just using Calc and thinking that with group support, I should probably get rid of special handling for OOp. Anyone else want to weigh in on this?

2. I've been thinking about the idea of having the autorun look to see if the shift key is down, which would fit in nicely with the way windows handles similar things and be far less annoying than having a prompt pop up every time you run the menu.

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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1. Great! I'd like to see

1. Great! I'd like to see that. Just prefer launching the individual things.

2. I was talking about the list of programs that when the geek menu loads, it activates. (i.e, setting winpenguins to load every time you start the geek menu).

Also, its becoming very polished. Great job.

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world

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That's what I was talking about too.

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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okay, i didn't think so.

okay, i didn't think so. Language barrier (on my side?)

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world

Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
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Since you already have it

Since you already have it storing wallpaper info for different computers, could you not store autorun info for different computers as well? That way if you wanted certain apps to autorun on your work computer and different ones on your school computer you could. Inserting into an unknown computer would not autorun anything , maybe it could pop up a message box asking if you would like to set autoruns for this computer...

EDIT: Or maybe you could have it set to autorun specific apps on unknown computers as well.

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As of -.8.5.2

This is supported, but not through the GUI (I do not think it will be added to the GUI) See the version release post for details.

Espreon's picture
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A little problem

The OpenOffice Stub launchers don't show up!
Why don't they show up?
I use these all the time... since it saves me time, rather than using the regular launcher .exe

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By design, but not for long

This was by design, but it will change in the next update- see the thread discussing this above.

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-06 09:13 - "Lunch Hour" now out

following changes:

  • hideous drive substitution bug introduced in corrected.
  • holding down shift after starting the menu prevents autorun files from autorunning
  • handling removed- you can now categorize & hide as desired
  • wikipedia search bug fixed (using _ for spaces instead of google style Smile
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Change history in post?

Hey maggotb0y, thanks for the wonderful menu modifications, but can you add a list of the changes for each version in the original post? Eg. like this. Thanks!

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I had started that, but trying to follow guidlines

John's guidelines are to keep the post short (like 1 paragraph), and it quickly started growing a little out of control when I was doing that. Considering he's giving me slack just by letting a post about a fork stand, I'll not push it. Once it gets up to a 0.9 release, the readme will probably include a changelog.

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Thanks for the clarification. - It's amazing how fast you're releasing new versions!


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