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Proxy error at work

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Last seen: 17 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-10-04 10:33
Proxy error at work

I cannot get Portable FF to connect at work. I get:

Proxy Error
The proxy encountered an error.
Please try again later.

I have checked IE proxy settings and set portable FF to the same settings, in automatic and manual mode. The proxy is an ins script which ends in "ie6sp2.ins" running on a LAN. Didn't work.

I tried renaming firefox to iexplore and also ie6sp2. Neither worked.

In all instances portable FF launches and gives me the above error.

Anyone know anything else to try?


BuddhaChu's picture
Last seen: 7 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-11-18 10:26
Try Tools -> Options ->

Try Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Network -> Settings then select "Automatic proxy configuration URL" and copy the URL from IE into that text box and hit the "Relaod" button. Click OK until you get back to the browser.

Or use wget to get a copy of that .ins file (use the URL) or get a copy some other way. Open it with a text editor and the proxy info is inside (it's a text that automatically sets up your browser.)

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