Yeah! Lets know who is on the forums!
EDIT: The pools are now closed. You will need to be very annoying to be in the pool if you haven't said anything before.
The following statistics are recommended:
Gender Age Nationality Native Language The quality that you think your English language is (in 20 values) Favourite Hobbies OS Which hand do you use for writing ...
The following statistics are to be avoided:
Name (too personal) Address (too personal) Anything that you think that is too personal (too personal ;) ) Religion (too much discussion on what is the best) -- Forbidden to be talked Polemic information (same as above) -- Forbidden to be talked ...
I will start whit my own statistics:
Male 14 years Portuguese Portuguese 15 (with a lot of help from Firefox's Spell Checker) Anything related to PCs Win 2000 Pro and Kubuntu 7.04 Feisty Left Handed
All the statistics provided by the users (you) will be shown on the following board. Forum User Statistics ====================================== Total amount of users in experiment: 14 users - Gender Male Users <====================> 100% Female Users < > 0% - Average Age 19.64... years - Nationality Canadian <=== > 14.286...% Portuguese <= > 07.143...% American <========= > 42.857...% German <= > 07.143...% Australian <= > 07.143...% Belgian <= > 07.143...% Mexican < > 03.571...% Unknown <= > 07.143...% Multiple (included above) <= > 07.143...% - Native Language English <=============== > 71.429...% Portuguese <= > 07.143...% Dutch <= > 07.143...% Spanish <= > 07.143...% Unknown <= > - English Quality <================= > 17.308.../20 - Hobies Electronics Related <================= > 85.714...% Family Related <== > 07.142...% Friends Related <== > 07.142...% Music Related <=== > 14.286...% Games Related <====== > 35.714...% Graphics Related <=== > 14.286...% Movies/TV Related <=== > 14.286...% Reading Related <=== > 14.286...% Sports Related <== > 07.142...% Science Related <== > 07.142...% Nature Related <== > 07.142...% Others <=== > 14.286...% - OS Windows PCs <====================> 100% Linux Pcs <========== > 50.% Macs < > 0% - Hand Used for Writing Right Handed People <=========== > 61.538...% Left Handed People <========= > 30.769...%
If you think of any more nice stat to include please say it on the comments.
Lets start "Statisting"!!!
Lets finish "Statisting"!!!
Computers, Drumming
Windows XP SP2, Xubuntu 7.04
First statistics already on board!!!
Plotting Micro$***'$ demise, Pokemon ROM Hacks, Linux and more
On my school lappy: Micro$*** Winblow$ XP Profe$$ional (I am forced against my will to use it)
My home computer (It is actually my Mom's): Dual-boot: Sabayon Linux 3.4e
(I use this one, planning to go back to Ubuntu when I find out Gutsy beta does not use the destructive flush_cache signal in its shutdown process, like Feisty and Edgy do)
Micro$*** Winblow$ XP Home (My Mom uses this one)
Right Handed
English Quality (here and in real life): 17
EQ (on forums that accept incorrect grammar and so on and also chatrooms): 13
Added to the board. This one was hard
EDIT: That of the "lappy" is hard, I think you're suffering.
Programming, Gaming
Windows Vista
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
Added... But now I need to add NeoRame.
And I changed the counter counting a bit.
Already I'm backing myself up on the daycare comment. Just ask nocr.
The Conspiracy is Unveiled
Please Make TiLP Portable
Wow, that is SO amazing. Nice.
That's a keeper.
How do you have a portable day care? Like a mobile home? "Hey kids, lets go down for some ice cream!" "Do you think we'll fit through the drive-in?"
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
That gave me another good laugh second time around.
Computers, Music, graphics, Womans lol
Windows XP
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
Done... And Women is default for men and Men is default for women
I was reluctant to answer seeing all those "teens", but now that you answered, I'll do it as well.
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: baby ain't mine." -- Adam Holguin
Hobbies: Biollante and watching Godzilla movies
A question: What is Biollante (excuse me if it sounds a dumb question)
And I am getting dizzy with the amount of calcs I have to do.
EDIT: Found it (googled for it, found wikipedia entry), I'll let it on Movies Related Hobbies.
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Nationality: American
Native Language: English
The quality that you think your English language is (in 20 values): Fricken' Awesome!
Favourite Hobbies: umm, stuff.
OS: Windows
Which hand do you use for writing: Right
Please Make TiLP Portable
Reading, basketball, Linux, and science
openSUSE 10.3, Xubuntu 7.04, Ubuntu 7.04, and Window$ XP Home Edition
Right handed
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
Male (AFAIK :D)
Hobbies: Programming, hanging out with friends, chillbanging
Windows XP, but Linux rarely
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Again, a maybe dumb question: what is chillbanging?
I already searched (almost nothing) on google.
It gives a bunch of strange websites.
Basically just hanging out
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I'll fix the board and let it on Friends Related.
EDIT: It was already on the board.
17 (18 in approx 1 month!)
Belgian (country: Belgium)
Computer, Games, TV, Books
Windows xp (I had a dual boot with Ubuntu but i somehow messed up Ubuntu forcing me to format my second HDD)
Left-handed (Yeah i'm one of those exceptions! :P)
Optimism is a moral duty - Karl R. Popper
They're all in the board. So... tired...
<speaking very low>There's so many calcs to do...</speaking very low>
<screaming>I'm driving nuts!!!</screaming>
EDIT: I'm just kidding, you don't need to stop
Gender Male
Age 14
Nationality American
Native Language English
The quality that you think your English language is (in 20 values) 19
Favourite Hobbies Computers, Ultimate Frisbee, Scouting
OS Windows & Linux
Which hand do you use for writing Left
You were added to the statistics.
Gender: Male
Age: 27 yrs 11 months
Nationality: Mexican/German blood -- by-national: Mexican / American
Native Language: Spanish
The quality that you think your English language is (in 20 values): 18
Favourite Hobbies: Computers, anything related to architecture, drawing (architecture), movies
OS: WinXP, Ubuntu 7.04
Which hand do you use for writing: Right
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: baby ain't mine." -- Adam Holguin
Done. I rounded your age to 28 (no need to say a so exact age).
you are ALL a bunch of kids
(isn't there anybody else on this board over the age of 30?)
I'm going to go eat chocolate now.

PS: a lady (well, a female) never reveals her age.
39 yrs old now...40 next May. (That should help skew the average age to the right a little
I've been programming off and on since 1982 (mostly "off" until I got a sys admin job in 1998 and have been doing VBScript ever since for various projects. I did buy the original Delphi when it came out but I've since let my Pascal skills die off.)
That's all the demographic info you get.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
I will half submit you. That way the average age may rise up. On the other info I will put Other/unknown.
EDIT= I changed my mind. I won't put you. It is too much calculations just to say Other/Unknown. And these pools are closed (unless someone is really wanting to be in the board).
United States
Computers, Art, Games
I use public computers, but their all Win XP
Right handed
self.path = path if self.path == None else self.path
Ok, I'll add you as you only appeared in here a little after I made this. But you're the only one, as while John doesn't add pools to the forum it is hard to update.