Ok, I'm trying to choose between VLC and M Player Portable. Here's what I want to do: have a "do-all" player for the internet, Play common video files and mabie a DVD if I feel adventurous, and won't have to struggle to put in plugins for Firefox portable. It does not have to do all three but it must be close. Wadda u think!
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Picking a Media Player
November 4, 2007 - 6:28pm
Picking a Media Player
VLC is better. MPlayer has trouble with DVDs. Currently neither can be used in Firefox portable.
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
does more formnats.
But I use Mplayer more often cause it starts faster and I didnt come across something he couldnt play...
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Erhmmm Actually your wrong VLC Will not Open .rmvb file but Mplayer will (as long as you have the proper codec)and not only that vlc uses a little of mplayers code
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
'More Formats', not 'All Formats'.
VLC can play almost anything, I mean, flash videos (.FLV), mobile videos (.3GP), DVD-s... it's a bit slow, but worth it.
As an alternative, I'm using Media Player Classic too, for common formats.
VLC can play almost anything, I mean, flash videos (.FLV), mobile videos (.3GP), DVD-s... it's a bit slow, but worth it.
Mplayer can play all that, the only thing that mplayer will not play is dvd menus
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
is the choice, and it have a firefox plugin... ask google for it...
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report
if you are willing to go a little out of the box, real player plays literaly everything from all windows media files to AAC and if you have an internet connection, real player will download a decoder for you. it also has great orginization. just think of all of the mediaplayers for windows and mac all in one package.
the only thing is it isnt portable so it wont work for the PAM
(couldent tell if you just wanted a media player or one for the PAM)
and it isnt open source. (
which means after a mod gets at this thread the link may dissapear - - if that happens, ask for my email and ill give it to you that way.)
Does it still act like malware, hijacking file associations and running itself at startup whether you want it to or not?
How about portability? Does it install bits of itself or its data all over the place?
I stopped using it as my primary player when it started doing what it wanted instead of what I wanted it to do. If it is better behaved now, I might look again.
You can always make it behave. In setup, you can tell it what files you want associated with it. It does make a startup entry, but that is easily removed with Portable CCleaner [do a Google search on that one, don't know what license it has].
As for portability, I have no idea. I never have looked into that.
you can set it to associate different file types with realplayer when you are installing and it stays mostly in the same place. i use V10 by Helix and i have never been happier!! i have win2k so WMP doesent exactly support a library.
my suggestion is that you get V10, you can set everything that you want, it also has the option NOT to install any of the bullcrap that you dont want.
..."and" you had best carefully monitor RealPlayer's install routine, else it will by default:
a) install a whole bunch of crap you don't want;
b) and cfgr itself to do a whole bunch of functions you don't want or need (such as "phoning home");
c) and cfgr itself to perform a whole bunch of behaviors you don't want/need;
d) and make the file associations IT wants, not what you want.
Net score:
If I want a babysitter, I'll hire one (first I'd hafta get myself a KID, though...).
As for this media player, I'll take something that will do what I want, instead of what IT wants.
No thanx; it's VLC for me...
(PLUS, VLC is portable....
"I don't hate cats...as long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine