at home (where i have gtk installed already) it works fine. at school, where there is no gtk, it's telling me it's missing a dll and it won't even open.
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If so, that means that at some point on that PC, there was a corrupted GTK install or a not fully uninstalled GTK instance. We ran into this issue with Portable Gaim before. You may be able to work around this by copying the contents of the gtk directory to the gimp directory. Please let me know if that fixes the issue.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
i'll try next week
Please drop a note back to let us know if it works.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I am having the same issue. Once computer loaded fine, the other didn't.
I did as you suggested -- moved the gtk directory to the gimp directory, but then got the message on a bunch of different files.
It's more than annoying. Examples: zealouscrop.exe - Unable to locate component.
Failed to started because intl.dll was not found. etc.
Gimp eventually load though.
Be sure to copy it from one directory to the other. Not move.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Yep, Me too, same problem as the previous two folks. I wonder if uninstalling GTK and then using a registry cleaner would fix this problem?
I'm having the same problems...
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects]
Some had this issue with the version of Gaim I experimented with that had a seperate GTK+ directory, right? I'd like to try and nail this issue.
1. Copy (don't move) the entire contents of the PortableGIMP/gtk directory to PortableGIMP/gimp. Make a note if the error is different this time or if it works.
2. If after doing 1 you still have issues, additionally, copy the contents of PortableGIMP\gtk\bin to PortableGIMP\gimp\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins. Make a note if the error is different now or if it works.
Please post any results back here. I haven't been able to reproduce this error on any of my machines or virtual machines (Win98/Me/2k/XP) so I haven't been able to work on a possible fix. Getting feedback on the above two possibilities will help me along that route.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I was seeing the same thing but copied intl.dll from gtk/bin to gimp/bin and now I can launch. (To avoid seeing another launch error message I had to do the same with libgtkhtml-2-0.dll.) Now all is well and the app launches without any complaints.
Looks like I spoke too soon. I can run PortableGIMP\gimp\bin\gimp-2.2.exe without a problem but still get error if I try to run PortableGIMP\PortableGIMP.exe. I'll do some more experimentation when I can...
Do you have an INI file telling portablegimp to look in a certain directory?
~nm35 {blog} {personal space}
I have the stock PortableGIMP.ini file, but with the gin->bin fix.
Can you post your file structure and PortableGIMP.ini file? (Remember to put it all in <pre> tags...
~nm35 {blog} {personal space}
1. Copy (don't move) the entire contents of the PortableGIMP/gtk directory to PortableGIMP/gimp. Make a note if the error is different this time or if it works.
did the trick. Thanks
I copied (both times), not moved the PortableGimp/gtk directory to the Portable Gimp/gimp.
I have bunches of computers it works right on (I teach computer science and have access to a lot of computers), however, I have one computer that it does. Since I have a popup message on almost every single gimp file that loads, (over 50), I'm not anxious to try it on that computer very often.
ok, i tried on my girlfriend's computer, and it has the same problem. intl.dll is missing. portable gaim works perfectly tho (i am using it right now). on my computer portable gimp works, but i have gtk installed on that computer.
does this info help?
I tried to "install" PortableGIMP on a machine with no prior GTK or GIMP installation. Got the "missing intl.dll" message. I tried to copy the contents of "PortableGIMP\gtk" to "PortableGIMP\gimp". No the GIMP boot screen appears an GIMP tries to start. However when it's "Querying new Plug-ins", for every *.exe that is detected, the intl.dll-error-window appears. If I press on "OK" for every *.exe, GIMP finally starts... Does someone know how to fix this?
Best, Fabian
Best, Fabian
You can try copying the files (not moving) in:
The only thing that causes this issue seems to be a busted GTK at some point. Many applications besides GIMP install or uses bits of GTK and many don't tell you. So, if you installed one at some point and uninstalled later, that can cause it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I tried Portable_GIMP_2.2.11_Beta_English_EXPERIMENTAL and am getting slightly different error messages now.
The application has failed to start because libgimpul-2.0-0.dll was not found.
and also
The application has failed to start because libgimpui-2.0-0.dll was not found.
Still only one machine is giving the problem.
At Work im getting (durring the Plugin Querry) these Erros. I'm Using The Experimental Build. I will test this when i get home tonight as well.
I also Uninstalled my local GTK and restarted the PC.
I never got the intl.dll problem mentioned earlier, even before i uninstalled local GTK. Not with the standard PortableGimp Either.
but i had this problem problem with both versions.
When I Run PortableGimp.exe no problems;
when TheGimp starts to load...
On Each Plugin I get the one or both of the following erros with an OK box:
'plugin.exe' failed to start because libgimp-2.0-0.dll was not found.
'plugin.exe' failed to start because libgimpui-2.0-0.dll was not found.
One Plugin Seems to have a major problem. gspawn-win32-helper.exe. I Get
**ERROR**: File gspawn-win32-helper.c: line 103 (winmain): Assertion failed (__argc >= ARG_COUNT) aborting...
Which is emideately followed by a runtime termination error. Hit ok about 30 moretimes through all the rest of the plugins and GIMP and the UI comes up but I can only open, work with. and save xcf files. (prolly because none of the plug-ins loaded).
The weird part is i can see the two .dlls mentioned above in under \PortableGimp\gimp\bin.
Any Thoughts?