I get the following error when trying to do update backup (after sucessful full backup) using version 1.2.1.
7-Zip 4.42 Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Igor Pavlov 2006-05-14
Updating archive D:\my-backups\work-my-docs.7z
System error:
Not implemented
Any idea's? I had bascially same error using 1.1 also which I posted entry for on this discussion board.
isn't released yet, could you tell me which options you used when backing up?
sure- backup type is 'update', format 7-zip, compression normal. same as the full backup that worked, only difference being changed 'full' to update. I tried the pre-release 1.2.1 version as I got the same error with version 1.1...
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"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
wasn't that hard top work out though was it?
OK, I replied this time. Any guidance. Seem like a great little app if I can get update backups working.
... seems weird to have exactly the same error as in v 1.1- see my original post:
On that you said you had an idea what miht be causing the probem?
I think I've got this one tracked down, it should be fixed in the final (or a patch soon after, it depends when John releases it!).