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Now Ive gone and done it .. cannot update help needed please....

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Last seen: 17 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-21 03:10
Now Ive gone and done it .. cannot update help needed please....

I am running Thunderbird Portable v2.0.0.6
And just had a pop up box saying there’s an
Update available to v2.0.0.9, so I clicked
Download.. after the download had finished
A notice came on screen saying..

Update failed
The partial update could not be applied

Thunderbird will try to download a complete

When the complete update download
Was finished it says that it could not
Download the update and to go to
the main update web site.

Ive tried this also but still not been able to
Complete the download, but ive managed to download
Other applications from the internet Ok, so my internet
Connection looks to be working .

As I see it the problem may lie some where with
My USB thumb drive..?

So may be I have to now download a completely
New Thunderbird portable to a new USB thumb drive
My questions are ..

1. If I download a new Thunderbird to the new USB thumb drive
Is there any way I can transfer all my previous information
From the now not working ‘’old’’ Thunderbird to the new Thunderbird..?

2. If I was to now download Thunderbird to my computer instead
Of a USB thumb drive , would I also be able to transfer all my
Information from the ‘’old’’ not working USB Thunderbird to the non portable
version now Installed on my computer..?

Ive tried the ‘’old ‘’ Thunderbird after trying to do the update
But now some things are not working correctly, so now I cannot
Use the ‘’old ‘’ version ….

Any one with some ideas of what to do please..?


gibbylinks's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-10-22 13:37
Help Is At Hand

Did this the other day when I had to reformat my stick.

If you copy the "*:\PortableApps\ThunderbirdPortable\Data" folder onto your hard drive. Then delete/remove thunderbird. Re-install it and overwrite the new Data folder with your original.

N.B Replace the * above with the drive letter of your stick.

Hope that helps


Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15
You have to have

at least 40 mb free space on your drive to do a update...
Or you can wait till John suplies a new portable version probably with new features...

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