Alright i'm standing at a cross roads my old USB died the other day and its time for an upgrade. My problem is this U3 Vs PAM which is better. Can i use U3 apps on Pam or vice versa is there a way to convert them? And i tend to get random applications and put them on my usb drive can i make it so that i can easily access those from the menu interface?? Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated
Personally, the PAM will be much more feature rich than U3. Apparently U3 will be end-of-lifed next year. You can run the PAM Apps on a U3 drive, and even in the U3 menu with SmithTech's shortcut creator for U3. I personally say you get a Corsair flash drive, 10 year warranties and great customer service.
thanks for the info so i can use Pams apps on U3 but not vice versa i'll look into it some more untill i figure it out
Q1. U3 Vs PAM which is better?
Depends on what you're looking for?
If you need/like the drive locking feature, U3.
[n.b. there is a debate on how secure it actually makes your drive if the CIA/FBI/DHS or an ubergeek wants your data, for most people it's great IMHO]. /*flame shields ON*/
Q2.Can i use U3 apps on Pam
No, U3 apps require U3 to run.
In some cases it is possible to "extract" a U3 program from its package and find an underlining program which can run without the U3 launchpad. In that case it could be run from the PAM/PAP. If the program was created to be U3 dependent than it would probably not work.
If you have numerous programs that are U3 only, stick with U3. If they have non-U3 versions, I would say switch to the non-U3 version.
Q3. ...or vice versa
A U3 drive will run the PAM/PAP and therefore the PAs programs perfectly well. I run them separately but as has been pointed out a shortcut to the PAM/PAP or the underling apps can be placed in the U3 Launchpad.
Q4. i tend to get random applications and put them on my usb drive can i make it so that i can easily access those from the menu interface??
Yes, for the PAM/PAP follow the instuctions found else where on this site. For the U3 Launchpad use the aforementioned short cut creator.
Side Note:
The U3 EOL is a misnomer. If U3 works for you now, it will work for you tomorrow, next month, and next year. Infact it will continue to work as it does now until a change is made in Vista SP1+ or XP SP3+ which renders it inoperable. What works today, will work tomorrow. It is just that the number of new apps and updates will decrease.
Disclaimer: I only use U3 for drive security and U3 only apps. All other non U3only apps are PAs. I rarely use the PAM/PAP as I am not really into menus anyway. I will wait for PAM/PAP 1.5.785.921.24 RC451c before I dive in again
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they? that quick enuff for you?...
"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine
...for years now - no harm, no foul, no data loss, no runs, no drips, no errors.
I'll see if I can dig up a link to ... }:-)
Oh Never Mind
[EDIT: before someone replies and I'm locked out of editing, you need to read post to get the humor]
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?