Mini-Xenon is just an open file dialog posing as a file manager. (For a full FM see Xenon.) Some people liked it before so I've updated and pafed it.
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Mini-Xenon is just an open file dialog posing as a file manager. (For a full FM see Xenon.) Some people liked it before so I've updated and pafed it.
I think Ryan's gonna like you.
Well... What can I say? Maybe a smiley would be better:
One little thing: still can't select multiple files. Still good though
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Well Mediafire's down right now, but here's my version of this thing that handles selecting multiple files. I'm not trying to steal thunder here, or course, I'm just learning AutoIt and this seemed like a good first try. So feel free to adopt parts of it to handle multi files in yours
If you want me to post/host a compiled version, just lemme know. The 'folder.ico' is shell32.dll icon #46 if I remember correctly.
Not bad for a first script. You don't need SetError(0). That is done automatically when you call a function. Instead of
If $ofile = "" Then Exit
useIf @error Then Exit
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
Regarding SetError(0), is @error reset each time I call FileOpenDialog() or StringSplit() then? I guess I got confused thinking that meant if I called a user function or something. Thanks for the tips.
@error is reset for any function at all.
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
I was looking at your script (Mediafire is back up). Is there a reason that this line -
ShellExecute($exe, """" & StringReplace($file, """", """""") & """", $drive & $dir);
couldn't be this -
ShellExecute($exe, '"' & $file & '"', $drive & $dir);
That gives the same result, right? Because $file will never contain quotes to replace.
EDIT - Boy I feel like an jerk tonight after your help earlier, but I think your function could be -
Without the _PathSplit here, your INI associations don't work.
I just like being cautious. I do that when passing any arguements.
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'